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Growing Resilient Communities Blog Posts

Helpful Tips for Using ACEs Connection

Attached find a downloadable "Helpful Tips" sheet for information about how to do some common tasks on ACEs Connection. You can download and print this document for reference and share with friends and colleagues! You can also find our complete list of "How Tos" as well HERE. If you think anything else you need assistance with on ACEs Connection, feel free to add a comment below. Thank you, Gail

The PACEs Connection Presentations Tracker

PACEs Connection Presentations Tracker is an extremely useful tool for local PACEs initiatives to measure their progress as they educate their community about PACEs science. It maps PACEs Science presentations that your PACEs initiative has made. It tracks: who did the presentation, to what organization, when the presentation took place, how many people attended identifies the sector and subsector of those attending. Your initiative can make sure it's tailoring its outreach efforts across...

PACEs Connection Milestones Tracker

The PACEs Connection Milestones Tracker is a good starting point to assess your organization and particularly your community’s progress in integrating policies and practices based on PACEs science. Less an assessment tool and more of a checklist or roadmap, it identifies the general steps that any organization can use to determine if it’s on the right track, whether a school, police department, business, healthcare facility, or social services agency. We chose the 14 milestones based on an...

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