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How-To: Send a private message to ACEs Connection members and staff

The easiest way to send a private message is to mouse over the person's name (if you're looking at a blog post or discussion or something else they posted), and in the pane that opens, click Personal Message (a blue bar toward the bottom).  

If you need to search for someone first, then do this:

  1. Click Post (green button top right of the page).

  2. Click Private Message.

  1. Go to Private Message Participants (on left).
  2. Type the ACEs Connection member name/s you wish to message in the Search by Display Name text box.
  3. Type title of private message in the Subject text box.
  4. Type the message in the Post Body text box.
  5. (If applicable) scroll down to Attachments, click on Add Attachments, Browse..., choose file from your devise, and click Continue.
  6. Scroll down and click Send Private Message Now.


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No problem Deanna!


"Post content" is a button on the right hand side of the screen above the "About this site" box. I also added this detail to the original instructions, in hopes that it helps other members too. Thanks for pointing it out!


Please let me know if you need any further instruction and you can always feel free to contact me directly at:

Last edited by Alicia St. Andrews
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