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Free Webinar: A Forward-Facing Approach to Optimal Performance

A Forward-Facing Approach to Optimal Performance When I was 11 years old, I tried out for junior league baseball. I did not make the team. It was devastating for me because I had played first string catcher and batted third in the lineup since I was eight. However, the tryouts were held the year after my parents had finalized an acrimonious divorce and I was bounced between my two parents multiple times during that year. During the tryouts, I was in the outfield and one of the coaches hit a...

Perspective | Principals and the support they provide []

By Mary Ann Wolf, Photo: Liz Bell/Education NC, EdNC, May 16, 2022 I have had the opportunity to work with hundreds and hundreds of principals over the years, and I am often reminded about the very unique — and often lonely position — that principals have as school leaders. They are the only one in their building with their role, and they are the one who students, teachers, parents, and community members turn to when they’re concerned about what’s going on within a school. Principals are...

One Reason to Choose Forgiveness Over Revenge []

By Elizabeth Hopper, Greater Good Magazine, May 16, 2022 Imagine that you’re at the grocery store, and someone else pushes past you, bumping into you. Or imagine that you’re out with friends, and a friend makes a teasing comment on a topic you’re sensitive about. You might feel a variety of emotions—surprised, shocked, or upset. Experiences such as this—ones where we are insulted, belittled, or made to feel invisible—can even leave us feeling less than fully human . This, in turn, can cause...

How early traumas can affect your relationship with money []

By Jeanne Sahadi, Photo: Natee Meepian/Adobe Stock, CNN Business, May 16, 2022 Divorce. Job loss. Business failure. Eviction. Bankruptcy. Poverty. Few people get through life without experiencing a financially traumatic situation of some kind -- whether as a child watching your parents go through it or experiencing it yourself as an adult. Look no further than the pandemic to see countless recent cases of it. Such events can lead to undermining money habits that can hurt your finances, your...

It appears CNN and the New York Times forgot a lesson of the Trump years []

By Perry Bacon Jr., Illustration: Washington Post Illustration/The Washington Post, The Washington Post, April 20, 2022 Two of America’s most important news outlets, CNN and the New York Times, are signaling that they will continue and even increase some of the both sides-ism, false equivalence and centrist bias that has long impaired coverage of U.S. politics and therefore our democracy itself. I hope they reconsider. In recent interviews , outgoing New York Times executive editor Dean...

Student Loan Borrowers Don’t Deserve ‘Forgiveness.’ They Deserve an Apology. []

By Rob Lieber, Illustration: Robert Neubecker, The New York Times, May 13, 2022 Let’s stop the conversation about student loan forgiveness and start one about the necessity of saying we’re sorry. After all, it’s not the borrowers who did anything wrong — it’s the country. We’re the ones who should be asking their forgiveness. Teenagers go to college because we tell them to. Many people in their 20s pursue graduate education because an advanced degree is what they need to prosecute criminals,...

'Handle With Care' helps schools address growing student trauma []

By Anna Merod, Photo: Jon Cherry/Getty Images, K-12 Dive, May 5, 2022 In San Antonio, Texas, traumatic experiences involving domestic violence and drive-by shootings are increasingly shaping the lives of students. As a result, the San Antonio Independent School District has turned to a support model, known as Handle With Care, to support children and teens exposed to traumatic events. Since the 2019-20 school year, Handle With Care has helped San Antonio schools quickly connect students to...

Irish Teacher: 'The reason behind a child's bad behaviour won’t make you angry, it will break your heart' []

By Jennifer Horgan, Photo: Larry Cummins, Irish Examiner, May 13, 2022 I sometimes imagine my classroom as something else — as a neighbourhood square or a small green in the centre of a quadrangle. The classroom walls are terraced houses — each house has a different coloured door. The image jolts me into remembering my students have their own individual stories and histories. It’s obvious, but sometimes the most obvious is the easiest to forget. So, I visualise different houses, different...

Do we need a worldwide minimum wage? We ask an expert []

By Coco Khan, Illustration: Lalalimola/The Guardian, The Guardian, May 13, 2022 W hen P&O sacked 800 of its workers with the intention of replacing them with agency staff, including foreign workers allegedly paid less than minimum wage, it sparked an outcry. As businesses become more global, shouldn’t workers’ rights, too? I asked Jason Hickel, economic anthropologist and visiting senior fellow at LSE, if it’s time for a global minimum wage. Am I right in thinking that when people...

Energy Price Stability: The Peril of Fossil Fuels and the Promise of Renewables []

By Lauren Melodia and Kristina Karlsson, Photo: Unsplash, Roosevelt Institute, May 11, 2022 Americans currently face soaring gasoline and energy prices that have contributed to the highest inflation in 40 years. While the Federal Reserve and the Biden administration have spent the past year attempting to use their existing powers to address rising prices, the extreme price increases of energy commodities and services—more than any other set of items in the Consumer Price Index...

The Incredible Healing Power of Music - Healing Childhood Trauma in Adulthood

Hi Folks, I have found music to be a soothing balm for the wounded soul. Trauma disconnects us from ourselves - Music and the Creative Arts are Healing - they can help us reconnect us to ourselves - so please follow your passion & your muse. You deserve it!! “Music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart.” – Pablo Casals The Incredible Healing Power of Music - Healing Childhood Trauma in Adulthood - YouTube 9:21 minutes -...

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