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December 2019

Understanding and Initiating Trauma-Informed Change - Workshop Offering

Cultivate Change Leadership Skills for a “Trauma-Informed” Approach January 16-17th, 2020 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM EDT Please join us for this two-day deep-dive workshop. Most people working in schools and social services are saying things just got harder. Mental health issues, disruptive behaviors, and addiction are adding stressful new challenges for families and institutions already feeling overwhelmed. We try to address these issues one-by-one - by “referring out” - hoping a doctor or mental...

What Is Comorbidity?

Addiction and substance abuse is a widespread issue that generally has many underlying causes. This problem can come from a number of reasons including environmental factors, emotional behavior, genetics, family history, and mental health. While mental health has become more and more talked about in recent years, many people still don’t realize the full impact that your mental health can have on your body and your behavior. Unfortunately, oftentimes with people who have certain mental health...

Association of Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children with Preterm Birth and Infant Mortality []

By Samir Soneji and Hiram Beltran-Sanchez, JAMA Network, December 4, 2019 Key Points Question: Is receipt of Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children benefits during pregnancy associated with preterm birth and infant mortality among low-income expectant mothers in the United States? Findings: In this cohort study of 11 148 261 pregnant women with Medicaid coverage between 2011 and 2017, the proportion who also received Women, Infants, and Children benefits...

We Don't Look Like Our Trauma []

By Steffan Chirazi, Metallica, December 3, 2019 From the moment Cat Cvengros bounds out to meet us in the lobby of the Second Harvest Food Bank in San Jose, there is an enthusiasm about her which is both unique and enormous. She has a dazzling smile, excitable voice, and is instantly both engaging and impossible to dislike. Cat Cvengros is someone whose passion for giant boxes of oranges or huge palettes of potatoes is bordering on incredible. Either she is one of the greatest marketing...

Healing in the Classroom: Juneau School Tries New Tack to Help Students []

By Michael S. Lockett, Juneau Empire, December 4, 2019 Just as a house built on a shattered foundation won’t stand straight, mounting research points toward a child’s earliest years as setting a pattern that will last their whole life. “What happens early in your life has really big and dramatic impact on the later parts of your life,” said Alex Newton, the counselor at Glacier Valley Elementary School – Sít’ Eetí Shaanáx. “All development for kids starts with their early caregiver...

The Forest and the Trees []

By Brendan O'Shaughnessy, Office of Public Affairs and Communications, University of Notre Dame, December 4, 2019 Steven King, 7, builds a tower with Lego blocks at Notre Dame’s William J. Shaw Center for Children and Families while he tells family coach Rosemary Salinas about his scary dream. Steven had awakened in the night and didn’t want to get back into bed because he thought a snake might be under the covers. It sounds like a common nightmare until his mother, Kathryn Kandzierski,...

Prepping for Parole []

By Jennifer Gonnerman, The New Yorker, November 25, 2019 Earlier this year, the Parole Preparation Project put out a call for volunteers, and more than a hundred people applied. Many were law students and lawyers, but there was also a Planet Fitness employee, a pediatric I.C.U. nurse, a professor of philosophy, a software engineer, a waiter, and a translator. Parole Prep invited them to an orientation, and, one Wednesday evening last April, some eighty people assembled in a lecture hall at...

Community Resiliency to be discussed on "Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams" this Sunday Evening

This Sunday evening's "Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams" Radio Show LIVE at 8:00 pm CST will be discussing the importance of Community Resiliency and how the Community Resiliency Model is helping people who have suffered from the traumatic experiences in their lives. The special guests on the show this Sunday night will be Elaine Miller-Karas and Kelly Doty. Elaine is the Executive Director and co-founder of the Trauma Resource Institute and author of the book, Building...

Request for Proposals - Addressing Health Impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences through a Collaborative Precision Medicine Approach []

California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, December 4, 2019 We are pleased to announce the 2019 Request For Proposals (RFP). This RFP will serve as a means to identify collaborative proof-of-principle Demonstration Projects with the aim to improve care for Californians who have been impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). This RFP incorporates demonstration project selection criteria codified by AB 1602, Chapter 24, Statutes of 2016, which establishes the California...

Skills Training at the Summer Peacebuilding Institute - Apply now

At the Summer Peacebuilding Institute (SPI) , we understand that justice, peace, and social change are only achievable when dedicated individuals and groups have the skills needed to accomplish their goals. We offer a wide variety of trainings to enhance your knowledge and practical skills and help you achieve your personal, community, and professional goals. All SPI courses are available for training or academic credit. Click the titles below for more information about the courses we are...

Schools Fail to Identify Thousands of Homeless Children, State Audit Finds []

By Carolyn Jones, EdSource, November 27, 2019 California schools undercounted their homeless students by at least 37 percent in 2017-18, according to a recent state audit. The state failed to provide those students with transportation, counseling, connections to social services and other benefits they’re entitled to under state and federal law. The audit, conducted by the office of State Auditor Elaine Howle, found that schools and districts reported only 270,000 homeless children, although...

Some Trauma Really is Unspeakable. So These Women are Sewing Their Stories, Instead []

By Rachel A. Cohen, The Washington Post, November 27, 2019 A 16-year-old girl was abducted, raped, beaten and held captive for months in Congo. She became pregnant and gave birth. In an effort to avoid the stigma and shame that this would bring upon her family and because she would not be eligible for any other marriage, her parents joined the perpetrators’ family in trying to force her to marry her abductor. Although she was expected to obey, she refused. The perpetrator’s family took her...

Plastic Bottles Pave the Path to Affordable College Tuition in Oregon []

By Monica Humphries, NationSwell, November 25, 2019 Instead of taking their recyclables to the curb, Oregonians can now turn their cans and bottles into money for higher education. Thanks to a new partnership between BottleDrop, Oregon’s redemption center for recyclable goods, and the Oregon College Savings Plan, the state’s 529 college savings plan, residents can directly add funds from redeemed cans and bottles to an existing college savings accounts. Previously recyclers had three options...

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