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The "New Normal" in Washington State []



I could show you what it looked like before the fire." Shane Horton pulls out his tablet in the smoke-filled parking lot of Hank's supermarket, where two Humvees full of tired-looking National Guardsmen are keeping watch for looters. It's a national emergency here in rural Twisp; nearby, the largest wildfire in Washington State history has been burning for 14 days. On the other side of the Okanogan Complex—which is actually six fires—another fire on the Colville Reservation is burning, too. Some worry the two will merge.

Three firefighters died here the previous week. The land looks like a blackened moonscape. Stress and a thick blanket of smoke blur the days together. Everyone is praying for rain.

Horton is a big, smiley guy with a graying ponytail and forearm muscles the size of my whole face. I guess that's what happens to a person's arms after 20 years carving ancient mammal bones called fossil ivory, which is what Horton used to do before all his art tools—acquired over decades, something to the tune of $50,000—were destroyed, along with his entire home. Horton had less than half an hour to get away from the 35-mile-per-hour firestorm that ripped through the valley where he lives, one that made a sound like "a huge train or Learjet... just reverberating through my whole body," he remembers.


[For more of this story, written by Sydney Brownstone, go to]


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Sorry to disagree.  Ecoshock is not fringe.   We have a lot of very bad things coming.  And I know about Guy McPherson.  He sounds radical and I hope he is wrong but I am not at all sure. 


Here is a very well respected researcher who has been on EcoShock.  I have lots more videos maybe I'll share a few.



Published on Dec 19, 2014

Climate is changing as humans put more and more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. With CO2 levels today around 400ppm, we are clearly committed to far more climate change, both in the near term, and well beyond our children’s future. A key question is how that change will occur. Abrupt climate changes are those that exceed our expectations, preparedness, and ability to adapt. Such changes challenge us economically, physically, and socially. This talk will draw upon results from ice core research over the past twenty years, as well as a new NRC report on abrupt climate change in order to address abrupt change, as seen in the past in ice cores, as seen today in key environmental systems upon which humans depend, and what may be coming in the future.
~ James White, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research



Here is a great video explaining the mechanisms of extreme weather events.;


“Humanity at risk “: climate scientist Schellnhuber speaks at the Vatican


(Schellnhuber is the lead author of the World Bank Study: Turn Down The Heat, Why a 4 degree Celsius Warming Must Be Avoided)



I also don't mean to be obstinate but here is an article of the current Wiki Troubles.   I don't know if I trust Wiki at a "Rational" choice for informed information.


There are also lots of good videos on UCTV Perspectives in Ocean Science.  


The scientists say we have left the Holocene and are now in the Anthropocene (Human Cline)  and Jim Hansen warns of us entering the Hyperanthropocene.   It is serious!!!!  I care about ACEs prevention but I worry, what good is preventing ACEs if there is no world for children to live in?  


Watch the documentary Chasing Ice by James Balog.  It is beautiful and frightening at the same time.  and he has quite a few things on the internet.   Here is the AGU Weather and Climate Lecture by James Balog


There are tons and tons more excellent SCIENCE out there available for anyone.  


You are in California.   Here is a lecture on water including the crisis in California and it references (pre-twitter photo of the little drowned Syrian Boy) conflicts over water scarcity focusing particularly on Syria.


Check it out.  Become informed.  

Last edited by Former Member
Climate change has been scaring me for sometime. It will be poor children who suffer first as we enter a Mad Max world!!! Good resources are ecoshock radio and I love Scripts Perspectives in Ocean Science. But be warned EcoShock radio isn't fringe but it is also not for the faint of heart...
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