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Resentment: A Trigger for CPTSD and Dysregulation


What’s the difference between anger and resentment in Childhood PTSD? Is it really so wrong to be resentful? Isn’t there a risk of becoming a forgiving “doormat” if you lose the resentment you carry against those who wronged you?

In this video I explain the everyday toxicity of resentful thoughts, and how to use my Daily Practice to release resentment and fear, and gain more clarity, and more power to make choices in life.

You can learn my techniques for releasing fear and resentment, and healing dysregulation here.

And if you like it, you may want to take the full course “Healing Childhood PTSD” which you can learn about here.

 I've JUST released my new online course, Dating and Relationships for People with Childhood PTSD. You can learn more, register, and get instant access here. 

Follow my YouTube Channel! It’s full of videos and a huge and lively bunch of commenters who love to talk about this stuff. You can also follow my blog, Crappy Childhood Fairywhere you'll find lots and lots of stories, articles, and resources, all about Childhood PTSD.



Anna Runkle is a mother, video producer, writer and speaker in Berkeley, California. 

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Insightful and well said. Of course what you described in your video is a small part of a healing process. More or less useful for each individual and maybe even triggering for some who may be resentful of an issue around what works or not.

Being a survivor of catholic school I am resistant to daily journaling, yet every once in a while I will go on a writing binge and get some of my stuff out. At other times I will tap (EFT) on them or do "the Work" of Byron Katie on the issue and some body centered mindfulness around how the issues feel in my body.

This is essentially Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

If CBT works for you, great. But it's been my experience that it does not work for folks with CPTSD. 

I am far too triggered by seeing yet another recovery idea that doesn't work for me and for the majority of people with CPTSD that I talk to being promoted by a respected resource for help for us to say any more about it. It's obvious to me that you still don't get it and the despair is overwhelming.

And now I need to go away. 

That is all. 

Last edited by Jane Stevens
Gail Kennedy (ACEs Connection Staff) posted:

Thanks for sharing, Anna. I have begun to recognize when i am in resentment its a sure sign there are underlying issues (like fear, anxiety) at play.  Really appreciate thinking about re-regulation to help me get back once i am off and running in resentment and will bring this into my meditation practice!  I also shared this post on the Practicing Resilience for Self Care and Healing community.    

I appreciate what you're saying, Gail, and thanks for the Resilience re-post. I didn't know you meditated. Very cool.


Thanks for sharing, Anna. I have begun to recognize when i am in resentment its a sure sign there are underlying issues (like fear, anxiety) at play.  Really appreciate thinking about re-regulation to help me get back once i am off and running in resentment and will bring this into my meditation practice!  I also shared this post on the Practicing Resilience for Self Care and Healing community.    

Last edited by Gail Kennedy
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