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Kids Who Suffer Hunger In First Years Lag Behind Their Peers In School (

It's been a long time since I was in school but I still remember the free breakfast, lunch, snack and milk I got for many years. It made school a place I loved going. Kids can't focus or succeed as well when hungry, which I think most of us know even without a study. But, here's an excerpt from a recent study on how early hunger impacts early education. 

The new study, published in the latest issue of the journal Child Development, suggests that such early experience of hunger in the family is likely to make those children less ready for kindergarten than their classmates who came from homes with enough to eat. It shows that kids who experienced food insecurity in their first five years of life are more likely to be lagging behind in social, emotional and to some degree, cognitive skills when they begin kindergarten.

And many previous studies have shown "that kids who enter the kindergarten door behind, tend to stay behind. They do not catch up," says Anna Johnson, a psychologist and an author of the new study.

Johnson and her colleague used data from an older study by the U.S. Department of Education conducted between 2000 and 2006, which followed about 10,700 children born in low-income households in 2000. It surveyed the parents of these children on various aspects of their lives, including the quantity and quality of food in their households. 

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Beth-Ann Arechiga, RN,BSN, Lead PHN
Foster Care Public Health Nurse, PHN II
Alpha assignment: I, T, V, X, and Y
The Health Care Program for Children in Foster Care
Serving to Improve Health Outcomes for Foster Children
Nurse Practice Act Code Section 2700 et seq, and W & I Code Section 16501.3.
Civil Code Section 56.103 & W&I Code Section 5328.04

373 W. Julian Street, San Jose, CA 95110
Ph: 1 408 501-6660 Fax: 1 408 792-1411
Nothing you do for children is ever wasted - Garrison Keillor, Leaving Home.


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