"Keynote speaker Dr. Robert Block, Immediate past president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, echoed White’s statements and stressed the need for changing the designation “mental illness” to “brain illness” to help eradicate the unwarranted but nevertheless prevalent social stigma about the disease.
“It’s like heart disease, or any other kind of disease,” he said, asking the audience to imagine going in for a heart attack and being told it’s all your fault — and then not receiving services....
"Mental illness, Block pointed out, has its basis in biology like other diseases....
"Block had a question for business and medical officials who want to save money by cutting a lot of the programs mentioned here.
“Who the hell do they think is going to pay for these services when they show up in the emergency room with no money and no insurance? It’s a whole lot cheaper,” he said, to take preventive steps before having to fix the problem after the fact...."
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