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Study uncovers cost of resiliency in kids

[Reposting. Such important study results to know about] "Children living in poverty who appear to succeed socially may be failing biologically. Students able to overcome the stress of growing up poor are labeled "resilient" because of their ability to overcome adversity, but University of Georgia researchers found this resiliency has health costs that last well into adulthood.... "The results, which were published May 30 in the journal Psychological Science, found kids 11 to 13 who...

How Many Billions a Year Will the DSM-5 Cost? - Dr. Allen Frances

[Important article from Dec. 2012]   "The new DSM-5 diagnoses can be as dangerous as new drugs, but have not received the same kind of thorough risk-benefit review the U.S. Food and Drug Administration provides before approving a new medicine. And they have received no cost-benefit review. "Having been extremely profligate in its own expenditures -- the DSM-5 has already cost $25 million, five times as much as the DSM-IV in 1994 -- the association has taken no account of the potential...

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