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2-Day Faith Based ACE Overcomer Seminar March 14th & 15th in Merced, CA

Click this link attend the ACE Overcomer Seminar coming March 14th & 15th in Merced, CA: https://events.r20.constantcon...oseq=&c=&ch= Come learn how solid science and sound biblical principles blend to create a curriculum that can retrain your brain and reset your nervous system. This seminar will be video taped and DVD's of the 12 lessons are available for pre-order for $150. After the seminar, the DVD's will be available but at a much higher price.

Happy to Be Here! This is a website-in-progress but it's where you'll find much information about me and the project I'm working on that has happily led me to find ACEs.  I know I will be making some perfectly wonderful...

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