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October 2021

Dallas PD Expands Controversial, Though Successful, Mental Health Response Program []

By Hayley Zhao, Next City, October 6, 2021 D allas, Texas is the biggest winner of this year’s Police Reform and Racial Justice Grant Program, created by the U.S. Conference of Mayors in partnership with Target, taking home $175,000 in grant money for the city’s effort in police reform. The amount will be used to expand the existing Rapid Integrated Group Healthcare Team(RIGHT) Care program that dispatches clinicians and social workers along with police officers when responding to 911 calls...

When Child Care Costs Twice as Much as the Mortgage []

By Jason DeParle, The New York Times, October 9, 2021 To understand the problems Democrats hope to solve with their supersized plan to make child care better and more affordable, consider this small Southern city where many parents spend more for care than they do for mortgages, yet teachers get paid like fast food workers and centers cannot hire enough staff. With its white pillars and soaring steeple, the Friendly Avenue Baptist Church evokes an illusory past when fathers left for work,...

5 women and two-spirit people on what Indigenous People's Day means to them []

By Hannah Good, The Lily, October 9, 2021 When she was growing up on Long Island, Autumn Rose Williams saw Columbus Day as a day off from school — and maybe an excuse for her mom to make her clean the house. She grew up on the Shinnecock Reservation, but she attended school in East Hampton, about 15 miles away. As the only Shinnecock student in her grade, she felt left out of the Christopher Columbus “discovery” narratives she learned about in school. But Williams’s mom and step-grandmother,...

Black Children Were Jailed for a Crime That Doesn't Exist. Almost Nothing Happened to the Adults in Charge []

By Meribah Knight and Ken Armstrong, ProPublica, October 8, 2021 Chapter 1: “What in the World?” Friday, April 15, 2016: Hobgood Elementary School, Murfreesboro, Tennessee Three police officers were crowded into the assistant principal’s office at Hobgood Elementary School, and Tammy Garrett, the school’s principal, had no idea what to do. One officer, wearing a tactical vest, was telling her: Go get the kids. A second officer was telling her: Don’t go get the kids. The third officer wasn’t...

The Shadow Penal System For Struggling Kids []

By Rachel Aviv, The New Yorker, October 11, 2021 I n the spring of her freshman year of high school, in 2011, Emma Burris was woken at three in the morning. Someone had turned on the lights in her room. She was facing the wall and saw a man’s shadow. She reached for her cell phone, which she kept under her pillow at night, but it wasn’t there. The man, Shane Thompson, who is six and a half feet tall, wore a shirt with “Juvenile Transport Agent” printed on the back. He and a colleague...

The Mental Health Disorders Most Associated with Self-Harm

***Trigger Warning: This article will contain self-harm information and may not be suitable for all audiences.*** This series has focused on different types of self-harm, its causes, and a description of those who practice it. In this piece, we continue our open and honest look at self-harm by highlighting some of the mental health conditions most associated with it. First, a Short Recap of What Self-Harm Is Before we examine the various mental health disorders most associated with...

Foster Care: Infants Form Selective Attachment Bonds

Extended Respite vs Child-Centered models of care Stability of Placements, especially of these young children, should be valued and maintained. Placements should be disrupted only if there are strong reasons to believe that continuing the placement is likely to be harmful and that the new placement is likely to better meet the child’s emotional needs.

The Intolerable Cure

As a survivor of interpersonal trauma, commitment and intimacy have never been easy, which is why I never did remarry after my first marriage fell apart. That is until last October, when my boyfriend who had been living at a comfortable distance (measured in thousands of miles) suggested I pack up my apartment and ride out the pandemic with him in Hawaii. Thus began an adventure that had me breathing into paper bags and him warranting a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. I get bent out of...

Three New Communities Join PACEs Connection / October 2021

Please welcome these three new communities to the network! Growing Resilience Movement in Wake County (NC) LSU Health Shreveport Institute for Childhood Resilience (LA) Mind Your Mind - Cobb County (GA) Details about each of them are below as is information about starting and growing your community initiatives and joining the Cooperative of Communities . Growing Resilience Movement in Wake County (NC) : The Growing Resilience Movement in Wake County, NC seeks to unify our...

Education experts show how federal funding falls short of school health goals

After educators’ experience with the COVID-19 pandemic, a 2014 approach to school health has gained even greater urgency. Under this model, a student's physical health is considered to be inseparable from their mental and social health. Moreover, it assumes that school climate, family engagement, community involvement, and, importantly, the health of school staff are all integral to the health of students. Researchers with ChildTrends recently released a report using metrics based on this...

Families and Workers Fund Launches Mission to Build a More Equitable Economy with Sustainable Jobs and 21st Century Benefits That Support Families During Crises []

By Alexis Roberts, The Families and Workers Fund, October 5, 2021 Families and Workers Fund (FWF) today announced the launch of a five-year collaborative philanthropy dedicated to building a more equitable economy that uplifts all. Recognizing that the COVID-19 pandemic has created a once-in-a-generation opening to improve the lives of workers and their families, FWF will work to deploy funding and build partnerships to help repair and reimagine the systems that fuel economic security,...

Conspiracy Theories Are a Danger to Your Health—and That's the Truth. Here's Why. []

By Ginny Graves, Prevention, October 12, 2021 Last year, Emma Alda, 38, of Fort Lauderdale, FL, saw a Facebook photo of her brother, Christopher, and some friends huddled, maskless, around a campfire. When Emma commented “Where is your mask?” Christopher unfriended her. “There was no discussing anything with him if your views differed from his,” she says, and his beliefs aligned with a widespread conspiracy theory: that the media and the medical community were exaggerating the danger of...

This Land []

By Rebecca Nagle, Crooked, October 2021 About this Podcast The award-winning documentary podcast This Land is back for season 2. Host Rebecca Nagle reports on how the far right is using Native children to attack American Indian tribes and advance a conservative agenda. ALM – as referred to in court documents – is a Navajo and Cherokee toddler. When he was a baby, a white couple from the suburbs of Dallas wanted to adopt him, but a federal law said they couldn’t. The Brackeens’ case would...

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