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Where American Kids Are In Crisis []


After last week’s school shooting in Parkland, Florida,the young survivors underwent a routine that has become all too familiar: Teams of crisis counselors were dispatched, vigils and funerals were held, and local officials debated what to do about the physical aftermath of the massacre: inspecting the school’s buildings and deciding when (and if) the campus would re-open for classes. The psychological damage may be harder to assess. Among kids exposed to traumatic violence, short-term symptoms immediately after such incidents include trouble focusing, managing emotions, and negotiating relationships. The effects of childhood trauma also show up later in life: As adults, children who witnessed violence will be more likely to suffer from depression, deal with substance abuse, and struggle with obesity.

American school shootings are a comparatively rare form of childhood trauma—albeit less so than they used to be. But many other experiences that can cause lasting psychological damage, such as parental incarceration and economic hardship, are relatively common. Indeed, a new report from Child Trends, a Bethesda, Maryland, nonprofit that conducts research on improving children’s lives, says that almost half of all American children have experienced at least one potentially traumatic “adverse childhood experience,” or ACE.

In “The Prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Nationally, by State, and by Race or Ethnicity,” authors Vanessa Sacks and David Murphey used data from the 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health to determine which children 17 and under are more likely to experience trauma, and where these children live.

[For more on this story by MIMI KIRK, go to]

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     In 2000, I heard an Epidemiologist present at [then Dartmouth, now] Geisel Medical School "Grand Rounds" continuing education, that: "52% of Detroit Metropolitan Area SCHOOLCHILDREN met the [then] DSM-IV criteria for PTSD." Similar numbers have more recently been reported in Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Atlanta.

     Perhaps the APA will reconsider Bessel van der Kolk, et al's 2005 proposed diagnostic construct of 'C/PTSD', in view of his inclusion of advances in neuro-science, epidemiology, etc. It may also be helpful to examine the rationale the World Health Organization (WHO) used for adding additional categories of ACE's to their 'WHO ACE International Questionnaire', beyond what the US CDC/ Kaiser-Permanente used in their ACE screening tool[s]. 

     My ACE score might have been 'higher' if the wording of the ACE questions had addressed the possibility that I was a 'household', of my own, while an 'Emancipated Minor' ["before the age of 18"] in my own apartment, during the latter part of my senior year in High School-and working part-time. I recently had occasion to meet a woman, who at the age of 15 became a 'home-owner' [a "household" of her own], when she 'moved' from her 'family-of-origin'. I wonder how many other "similarly situated" young people, might have experienced the 'toxic stress' [and/or 'anxiety/panic'] of 'developing credit' with utility companies, landlords, mortgage providers, etc. This 'developing credit' challenge as a minor may not yet be considered an ACE... but lest we [the policy makers, professionals, and diagnosticians, etc.] forget Jonathan Shay's term "Pissing Contests"-noted in his book: "Achilles in Viet Nam: ...", and what may be 'traumatic' or 'toxic stress' for some-may not yet be in the 'world-view' of all others. 

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