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The Gift of Working at PACEs Connection


Working at PACEs Connection has supported my personal growth in ways I'm perpetually grateful for. Let me enumerate them.

1. PACEs Connection staff have the best book recommendations

Over the past 2 years working at PACEs Connection, it has continually felt safe to say, "I'm not okay," to my higher-ups and coworkers. As a voracious reader and lifelong learner, I'm grateful that these types of conversations ultimately lead to the most healing book recommendations.

@Gail Kennedy has recommended the life-changing books to me:

These two books catalyzed some big personal growth for me last summer and fall! I had been neglecting the part of me that was hurting from my self criticism and that was hurting from being raised in a critical family. These books allowed me to nurture and heal these parts.

@Jane Stevens told me, after one particularly intense bout of anxiety, that I absolutely had to try the app:

Using this app had an immediate physiological impact: my lower back pain dissolved within 2 days. "This app was so good I went through it twice!" she told me. I have a feeling I'm going to do the same. Brewer's voice is both soothing and authoritative.

@Carey Sipp would not let all of us off the hook to read:

I'm glad she didn't let it go because this book is powerful! I thought, "I've already read so many trauma books...I'm not sure I can read another one"...but Oprah's powerful vulnerability is next level!

2. PACEs Connection staff HOLD. SPACE.

Literally, it's like working with 17 therapists (some staff like @Porter Jennings-McGarity are actual therapists!). If I'm having a tough moment or day, I can reach out to any staff member and just say, "hey are you available for a quick chat" and as soon as they jump on the phone they are in the zone ready to hold space for what difficult emotions are coming up for me. I've never experienced anything quite like it anywhere else. They're not waiting to talk about themselves, they're not too busy for me—nurturing and caring relationships come first and are the foundation of our work here. What a difference that makes!

3. PACEs Connection staff always look deeper at root causes

@Ingrid Cockhren (PACEs Connection Staff) helps me root my public health work in Critical Race Theory. @Donielle Prince leads a weekly Race Equity Workgroup that keeps us grounded in the racial inequities that inform health disparities. @Rafael Maravilla(PACEs Connection Staff) created a new Anti-Racist newsletter called Overcoming that launched last week.

Jane Stevens introduced me to the Pitchfork Economics podcast this year, which has blown my mind in terms of understanding how income and wealth disparities impact public health.

There are many more reasons that PACEs Connection is a great place to work, but these 3 are a great start! Thanks to everyone who recommends great books, holds space, and looks deeper at root causes to create a thriving team with a big impact! I didn't mention every colleague by name in this list but I'm grateful for each and every one of the PACEs Connection team.

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Thanks, Alison!

Speaking for myself only, I will vociferously say I am so glad you are on staff. You’ve brought so much in terms of your vulnerability (the more vulnerable we are, the more vulnerable we can become) and wisdom about setting up systems has helped us move further faster.

Your courage in taking on new mega-tasks, such as producing our “A Better Normal” series during the beginning of the pandemic, opened space for us all to be more courageous.

I needed to hear a lot of laughter during the beginning pandemic, especially, and your ready laugh evokes laughter in most all of us.

We all come into this work with a passion that can burn us out if we don’t practice self-compassion and mega self-care. As a staff, that we can practice permission-based accountability with each other is invaluable.  We are a group of solution-seekers but we don’t try to codependently “fix” each other. That is a huge blessing.  We are learning how to live; already knowing the value of “letting live.”

There is much I could add to this, as my gratitude for being a part of this team is beyond astronomical. I’ll end though, by saying thanks for taking the time to go into gratitude, to remind us all to go to gratitude. It is healing and uplifting, and sure brightened our main blog in the midst of a swath of one grim post after another. We must, and do, share the truth. At the same time it is vitally important to follow our colleague Cissy White I’m being a joy stalker — a person who looks for joy, will hunt it down if need be, will seek to find joy in the midst of whatever is going on.  



P.S. Cissy recommended Sarah Peyton’s wonderful book Your Resonant Self to me. I highly recommend it, on Audible, as another great primer on self compassion.  

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