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Reconnecting With The Divine Feminine After Childhood Trauma


Being an Indian woman one might assume I have always been into Goddess-y things, but that would not be a true assumption. On the contrary, I've lived most of my life feeling quite disconnected, and to be totally honest, and accurate – "amputated" – from my feminine self.

The truth is that I adopted a core belief to cope and survive. For decades I believed that that "all" my trauma, troubles, and tribulations, came from one singular fact, that I was born a girl, destined for a life of objectification, to be used, abused, and reduced, over and over again throughout my life. I was caged in a prison there was no getting out of, and that was being in this body of a woman, and she was the "enemy of the state" of me.

The abuse began early on in life, as childhood sexual abuse, that groomed me for other forms of abuse that were to come later, well into my adulthood. Fortunately, meeting teachers, mentors, and guides in my early 20's, helped me find healing and recovery, and that is what turned my life around – I call it the "hairpin bend" in my life – or I would not be here right now.

That turnaround happened in 1995, and I haven't looked back since. Today I live in Southern California, with my husband and 3 daughters (and a dog + 2 bunnies!). I became a certified, trauma-informed, life coach, transformation guide, and meditation teacher, and have been sharing my teachings and techniques for healing and recovery since 2008. I have seen over and over again, not only in my life, but also in the lives of my students, that no matter what happened in the past, and how trauma came into your life, there is a way to heal and to move forward to create a life you truly desire!

I believe that the light at the end of the tunnel is alive and well and that it is within us, and we have it in us to connect with that light.

In more recent times, I had been facing the disconnect and dissonance with my own physical, feminine self and body. It might seem obvious that childhood trauma would have this impact, however, I believe it manifests for each of us uniquely, and as such, each of us has our own unique inner work to do to unpack our traumas and let our wholeness re-emerge for us. I have been holding questions, and inquiring into my relationship with food, perhaps an eating disorder, and sex, and even my sexuality.

Those of us who have experienced similar abuse might relate to the fact that we never had a shot at establishing a connection with our own bodies, to begin with. So, reconnecting with it is almost like meeting yourself for the first time!

In the early years of my trauma recovery, over 25 years ago, I could never have so patiently sat with such questions. I am grateful for the timing, and the way my journey continues to unfold. Last year I interviewed 47 experts in the field of trauma, and resilience. Dr. Veronique Mead, and Mr. Alfred White, being some of the contributors to this very space here in the PACE's community were some of my guests. As the unpacking continues and this journey of "Freedom From Trauma" unravels, the question of what Feminine Freedom actually means, and feels like, began to emerge.

The more and more I held this question, the more I found that I was not alone in this new level of inquiry. I discovered that there is a feminine awakening afoot. And that women all over the world are beginning to rise, take a stand, use their voice, and express their whole, holy selves! I have never been more connected to my own deeper calling of the feminine rising, the vibration, and pulse. I have never witnessed the number of women stepping forward to know what it means to be truly FREE of a past that has been holding them back! To me, THIS is the most significant inner work there is! And I feel honored to hold a safe and sacred container for women from all around the world to do this deeply transformative work.

It only made sense that my next event would have a theme that I too was personally and deeply exploring! I am thrilled to announce that I am hosting a 1-Day Transformation Retreat called: Fierce Feminine Freedom: How To Heal, Transform & Consciously Embody The Goddess Within.

To learn more about this FREE event, CLICK HERE, where I have a 1-min 40-sec short video introduction.

You may find this event supportive of your journey of healing and recovery if:

  • you have felt disconnected from yourself as a woman

  • have been longing to be free from what no longer serves you in your life

  • are tired of feeling held back by repetitive thought patterns and behaviors.

  • You don’t want to feel stuck anymore and

  • are ready for your true, authentic, FIERCE FEMININE self to shine.

  • You want FREEDOM!

I am hosting this event, where teachers, and experts, will be facilitating LIVE practices to help us pause, reset our nervous system, connect deeply, awaken, and align with the fierce feminine within us. Every speaker is sharing vulnerably, from a place of their own personal journey, demonstrating that no matter what happened in your past and how you got here, there is a way forward, and you can be free.

Some of the topics covered will be meditation, breathwork, dreamwork, freewriting, sound healing, and more.

It has been an honor to co-create with this loving global community of women leaders and way-showers, who are committed to healing and transformation.

Please join us by reserving your seat here!

If there was a time to deeply look at life and do our inner work, it is now. In this 1-Day Transformation Retreat, you will learn practices to support you on your journey to consciously create the life you truly desire! Join me and the other teachers, coaches, and experts, for Fierce Feminine Freedom: How To Heal, Transform & Consciously Embody The Goddess Within

Join us here

In support of your journey of freedom, recovery, and healing from trauma –


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