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Philadelphia ACE Task Force ACEs Messaging Group Meeting

The ACEs Messaging Group, an ad hoc group of ACE Task Force Members and Community Partners, convened on Tuesday, May 10th at Friends Center. This meeting served as first re-convening of this group since work that had been done in 2015 around developing messages about ACEs, trauma, and resilience that “catch-on”. The group began by discussing some of this former work and reviewing some guiding principles as they move to narrow messages and test them with focus groups throughout Philadelphia.

Hopeworks ‘n Camden, a youth-serving organization from Camden, NJ, then provided the group with an overview of the work they have been doing with the Youth Healing Team. The Youth Healing Team is a group of adolescents and young adults who have developed a professional training about ACEs, trauma, and resilience. They described some lessons learned regarding effective communication and shared stories about the impact they’ve had on the community in Camden.

Following this brief presentation, the group reviewed results from a pre-meeting survey. The survey engaged respondents in thinking about how the STEPPS identified by Jonah Berger could be applied to messages about ACEs and resilience. Further, the survey reviewed some of the messages that had been developed in previous work and asked respondents to rank these messages. Group members used this information to narrow target audiences to three: youth, older adults, and parents of young children. They hope to engage in not only message testing with these groups but also hoped to engage the groups around message generation.

To prepare for the next meeting, group members will prepare their own 30 second presentation about ACEs, trauma, and resilience with a target audience in mind. They will also be asked to think about appropriate times for these messages to be delivered.

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