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Oprah's Receives Cecil B. DeMille Award & Talks Race, Class, Power & #MeToo Movement


In case you missed Orpah's powerful, moving, and emotional speech or want to watch it fifty-nine more times....  here you go. The first clip, from a fast-moving YouTuber who got it online quickly, is about Oprah receiving the Cecil B. DeMille Award. The second is from her acceptance speech. 

Celebrating Oprah

Oprah's Acceptance Speech

Here's more about Recy Taylor who Oprah talks about in her speech. 

Here's more about the #MeToo Movement founder, Tarana Burke. 

Here's @Jane Ellen Stevens essay entitled, "We can't stop sex harassment by firing or incarcerating our way out; we can stop it by using ACEs science."

And here's an op-ed based on that essay that's in the Jan. 8 edition of the San Jose Mercury News: 

Opinion: What to do with harassers outed by #MeToo? Can't throw 'em all in jail

And writing by and about @Louise Godbold.  

Things have changed. Things are changing. Not all things and not everything. I know. But it's important to celebrate what we can when we can. There's less silence tonight. More listening. More believing. That matters. 

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Wow, Dana! Talk about courage. That's incredibly brave of you to share your story. I am so appalled and incensed that this happened to you. For years, the power was in the hands of your rapist and 'non-protecting bystanders' - now you have seized it back for yourself. Good for you! When the light is turned on the cockroaches scatter. 

Dana Brown posted:

Lou: YES! Let's co-create the healing platform and movement for #MeToo and CSA. Thank you for your leadership, Louise! Thank you for your courage!

Cis: Bless you for sharing Anonymous' comments. Admiring her brave sentiments shared, may she feel uplifted knowing she is heard and knowing her courage to speak out is on behalf of literally thousands suffering in silence.

Grateful for our ACEs Connection community being such a brave and safe space, I'm so humbled to be learning from, and sharing with others. My own sexual assault journey (the first rape was at 16 and when I screamed for help, they came, turned on the lights, and watched him finish) has been wrought with shame, blame, hopelessness, vile anger. Even now, writing these words decades later, I'm having a visceral reaction with tears streaming as I hold these emotions and KNOW the vast majority of humanity understand the pain, anguish, and healing journey.

The grace of our healing journey is with each other. The wisest person is the one who has traveled the road ahead. Experiences bring us wisdom.

I'm so grateful for each of you, our members on ACEs Connection, for our courage to share, our bravery to heal, our Love and Light we experience together. Our collective wisdom.


I am so GRATEFUL for you and astounded by you and furious for what happened to you. And YOU are a wise leader who remains so loving. It's literally amazing.

This should be a motto for all who work with survivors of all kinds of ACEs and trauma.

"The wisest person is the one who has traveled the road ahead. Experiences bring us wisdom." 

I think this is central and obvious and often forgotten. Sometimes it's an afterthought or not done at all - why I think parenting with ACEs work must be led by those parenting with ACEs). Anyhow, we so need each other in every part of this work and we can learn from each other and from the experiences we don't share as well as the ones we do. But to heal, at least in the beginning, I believe we need to be in community with those who get it viscerally, intellectually, emotionally and experientially who share from that place, speaking with and to instead of at and for. And that those wise ones must be more than tokens at policy and program levels for systemic change.

Things are really changing and that is so encouraging. I'm going to give you the hugest hug when I see you!
As you say, in gratitude! Cissy

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