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Managing racial stress and teaching kids to do the same []


This Tuesday, January 26, 2021 @ 8:30 pm ET

Ahora con traducción en vivo y en español (lea más abajo)
As John Legend sang last night, we're hopeful that we're seeing a new dawn, beginning a new day in the United States. We appreciate healing moments even as we know that, when it comes to issues of race and racial justice, the road ahead will be full of challenges. That's why we hope you join us for the next Talking Race & Kids conversation this coming Tuesday, when we'll both turn the page on recent racial violence and talk about strategies for dealing with future aggressions.
We live in deeply stressful times. COVID. Racial tension and violence. Political polarization. Dire economic straits.  The physical and emotional costs of stress crosses all demographic lines, but we know that the burden of chronic stress falls disproportionately on frequently targeted communities – Black, Brown, Indigenous, Asian, Latinx, and Multiracial communities among them. Chronic stress of any kind takes a toll on the mind and body; racial stress experienced by targeted groups has measurable and negative impacts on their communities, including children.
Happily, there are strategies and practices we can use to lessen the effects of racial stress on our bodies and minds and on our parenting. Join us for a conversation with Drs. Riana Elyse Anderson and Shawn C.T. Jones. Riana and Shawn are psychologists and researchers who bring deep experience and knowledge of the tools and practices families and kids can develop to help them “read, recast, and resolve racially stressful encounters.” Both trained with "racial literacy" giant Howard Stevenson and are affiliates of his Racial Empowerment Collaborative. Riana and Shawn also have a knack for making practices accessible, most notably with their web series, Our Mental Health Minute.
We’re excited to welcome them and all of you to this conversation. As always, come with your comments and questions!
2021-01-25 (2)
Register to join this latest Talking Race & Kids conversation. As always we welcome your questions and comments!
As with all Talking Race & Kids webinars, registration is free. If you register, you’ll receive a link to the recording, the transcript, and relevant resources in the days following the live event. Spread the word! Forward this email or share our post about this series on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Escuche la traducción en español en vivo
Listen live to access the simultaneous Spanish translation

Ahora ofrecemos traducción en vivo y en Español, que estára disponible para todos los que se conecten en Zoom Live. Si desea más información sobre nuestros traductores de Bancha Lenguas, y / o escuchar cómo acceder a la traducción, acompáñenos a las 8:30 pm ET.¡Registrate para participar!

We now offer live translation in Spanish, which is available to all who join the Zoom live. If you want to learn more about our translators, Bancha Lenguas, and/or hear how to access the translation, join us at 8:30 pm ET.


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  • 2021-01-25 (2)

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