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Inclusive Child Wellness - Discussion Event on Zoom - June 26th 1pm ET


Join us for our June
CCWT Speaker Series event!

Inclusive Child Wellness

With panelists Justice Roe Williams, Kanoelani Patterson, and John Bridger

Join us for a discussion with the contributors to the newly published
book, Deconstructing the Fitness-Industrial Complex: How to Resist,
Disrupt, and Reclaim What it Means to Be Fit in American Culture. The
authors explore their diverse experiences as trainers, educators, and
movement instructors who hold BIPOC, trans, queer, fat, neurodiverse,
and other identities within wellness.

We will hear from the panelists on trauma-informed wellness in youth
spaces and current issues and solutions for creating inclusive wellness
for youth.

Monday, June 26th, 2023
1:00-2:00 PM ET

click here to register



Justice Roe Williams (he/him), poet, writer, editor

Justice is a Certified Personal Trainer, head coach at Kettlebell Justice,
founder of The Queer Gym Pop Up and BodyImage4Justice, and Executive Director of Fitness4AllBodies based in Boston. Williams is a trans,
body-positive and social justice activist.

Before Fitness Justice worked in Youth Development in a number on
Youth Leadership development agencies in the Boston area. His philosophy with youth work is youth development is not just about working with
young people but the community that they are a part of and all those who are connected to that child. He served as the Program Director of the City School in Dorchester MA, the Executive Director of Boston Mobilization, Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) and Tent City.

John Bridger (he/him), trauma therapist, Clinical-Community
Psychology PhD, author

John owns Bridger Counseling and offers in person and virtual mental
health services out of Flagstaff, AZ. John also collaborates with a local gym and is working to make fitness spaces more trauma-informed,
authentically joyful, and accessible for all bodies. John is committed to
building community and fostering accountability and has been co-facilitating the Reframing Masculinity men’s group with Justice Williams since 2021.

Kanoelani Patterson (she/her), author, MSW, LMSW

Kanoelani specializes in working with children, adolescents & families &
practices an anti-diet philosophy from a liberationist framework &
believe you can be active without striving for intentional weight loss.
She is a Black and Fat-positive powerlifter based in Lawton, Oklahoma.

>>Check out their book here<<

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