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How to Fix a Broken Mental-Health System []


Every day, when I am walking to work, or just walking through the streets of downtown Washington, I encounter homeless people on the street. The homeless cover many categories, but prominent among them are those with serious mental illnesses. They know no boundaries of race or education; there was a prominent story last year in the Washington Post of a homeless man with schizophrenia who told a judge that he didn’t need a lawyer, that he was a lawyer. When the judge reacted with bemused skepticism, the man informed the judge—accurately—that they had been in the same class at Harvard Law School (which also included Chief Justice Roberts!)

[For more of this story, written by Norm Ornstein, go to]

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Thank you for this well thought out article.  My experience has led me to believe that large mental health organizations have actually pushed policy makers to believe they can fix our community problems, but reality is they were only interested in the money, so the states shifted money away from community to greed, without even knowing it. Now our communities are in ruins while the mental health leadership is rich, and the ground level workers are not even making a living wage in many cases. Yes not even a living wage and they are spending the most time with challenged youth and struggling youth.  How about a role reversal, any worker willing to go into a clients home gets 100 dollars an hour and anyone who wants to sit in an office making sick people come to them gets 30 dollars an hour.

I would hope that the voices of those who understand serious mental illness 'from the inside' (those who are recognized and respected for their contributions to mental health recovery) are regarded as having invaluable insight. I would hope that their voices are deeply heard. for I have more trust in the authority of people who've 'been there and back' re: what works/needs to change than in those who only see from 'the outside'. 

Last edited by Sandy Goodwick
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