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“Healing Early Developmental Trauma”: New Video Series


This 13 module video series is 78 hours of video, course notes, references, articles and other relevant resources, plus monthly online support calls.
Module 1: Attachment. Attachment is the scientific name for a biological communication system that gets set up between a baby and their family from the prenatal period through the first few years. Yes, I mean from conception! And now, with the science of epigenetics, we know the genome of the baby who is not yet conceived is also being affected by the experiences of the mother, father and grandparents.

The attachment process sets up a template in each of us for lifelong mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. It creates our relationship to ourselves, to others, our capacity for learning, coping with stress, and also our immune system, cardiovascular, respiratory systems health.

The GOOD NEWS is even if this is not optimal when it happens we can heal our body, our attachment wounds. This module of this video series is 12 hours long, and details the attachment process, from pre conception to age 2.

There are live videos and notes that show the different attachment styles so participants can recognize them in their clients and themselves. And best of all the series details how to support ourselves and our clients how to heal, at all ages, from difficult experiences.

This particular video Module features the healing work with a 12 week old twin boy and his family, who had a very difficult birth, and refused to nurse. You are invited into his family to observe his mother heal her disappointment from the C Section, and how he begins the healing process from the vacuum extraction AND forceps he experienced.

There is a video introduction to each of these 13 modules on Myrna’s website:

Myrna is having a special sale off the full series for SPRING:
MARCH 21 to MAY 21, 2017 at 30% off the regular price.

The series is great to watch with a group, so you have other participants to discuss the content and your responses with, and the cost can be shared. Please feel free to email Myrna at if you have questions.

Listen to Myrna explain the value of this module:

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Myrna Martin posted:

I do have several folks in Australia and New Zealand doing the course, and when you think going to one training would cost the same as this whole series it puts it in perspective.  Also, people who live close to each other have purchased it as a group, and watched it together...a great way to learn.  blessings, myrna


Again, different dictionaries - - several does not mean more than a few, and what I said was most, not none. Most have to rely on extremely rare public funds, which rules it out for most. THAT is "perspective" Certainly our agency, in smaller town NZ, will never be able to afford it.

For that matter, it's duration is more than twice people's annual  CPD allowance #sad

But I do wish you well.

Last edited by Russell Wilson

I do have several folks in Australia and New Zealand doing the course, and when you think going to one training would cost the same as this whole series it puts it in perspective.  Also, people who live close to each other have purchased it as a group, and watched it together...a great way to learn.  blessings, myrna


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