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FREE Trauma-Informed 12-Class Emotion Education Curriculum


Dear ACEs Healing Advocates, Educators, Medical Professionals, Mental Health Professionals, Coaches, Recovery Professionals, Counsellors, Parenting Coaches, Therapists, Social Workers, Human Resource Professionals, and Community Organizers:

Anxiety, depression, and other symptoms of blocked and buried emotions are at epidemic levels. Adults and children alike are suffering. Emotion education and trauma-informed thinking start us on a road to preventing, easing, and healing symptoms like anxiety and depression caused by ACEs and other adverse life experiences. Emotion education provides a crucial resource to heal the invisible and covert traumas that affect each and every one of us. There is much that can be done to improve our individual and collective mental health and wellbeing. And it begins with emotion education.

Please freely use and adapt this 12-Class Emotion Education Curriculum. The class provides a basic emotion education and practical experience of working the Change Triangle, the best and most practical tool I’ve come across to work with emotions for wellbeing that anyone can learn. I use the Change Triangle daily in my personal and professional life. I cannot imagine life without this tool and roadmap for living.

This curriculum can be used as-is or as a guideline where you can incorporate your own materials. You can make changes as needed for the varied populations that I hope will engage with this information.

This is Emotion Education 101, an introduction to working with emotions. Armed with the information taught in this course, we hopefully continue a lifelong practice of looking inward to make sense of our internal experiences. This course is intended to start each person’s individual journey to feel and be their best and most authentic Self, to foster self-esteem and personal capacities that build kindness and compassion, and that further individual and collective wellbeing.

I would be very happy to receive ideas or feedback and hear from others who are using this curriculum to teach emotions in schools and other group settings. We must keep on improving.

Click here to view and download.

With love and hope for greater wellbeing for all.



Hilary Jacobs Hendel, LCSW, Certified AEDP Trauma Psychotherapist and Supervisor & Emotion Educator

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Hi Kimberly,

Thank you for writing and sharing. I have found the Change Triangle tool to be invaluable. I use it on a daily basis personally and professionally. I am so delighted to share the curriculum so that more people can feel less ashamed of their traumas and more empowered to heal. If you read It's Not Always Depression, the text for the curriculum and self-help book I wrote for the public to provide emotion education and tools, I welcome your feedback.



Thank you, Hilary, for sharing this curriculum. I have browsed through it and will sit with it longer. I work at a domestic violence shelter and one of our case managers does outreach to the junior high and high schools of our area teaching about healthy relationships and red flags for dysfunction and potential abuse. Emotion education seems foundational to progress in other areas because if we honor ourselves and our emotions, we will increase our self care and better avoid unhealthy relationships and situations.

In my undergrad education, I conducted research on ACEs and the effect of childhood trauma on adult romantic relationships using the ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) survey and an adaption of the ECR (Experiences of Close Relationships). As a survivor of childhood trauma, it gives me such perspective on my own life and experiences.

Thank you SO much! I look forward to finding opportunities to share and teach this curriculum in my community.

Kimberly Leach, CFLE

YCC Family Crisis Center, Ogden, Utah

Last edited by Kimberly Leach
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