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Effects of the Pandemic on Our Children


Before the coronavirus appeared in early 2020, according to data released by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in 2017, 46% of American children experienced at least one traumatic event before the age of 18. According to a team of researchers from Oklahoma State University, they project that the global pandemic will drastically increase that number. Eastern Shore Community Services Board hosts free trainings to explain the impacts of childhood trauma and explore ways to reduce those impacts.

Dr. Robert Anda and Dr. Vincent Felitti have been studying Adverse Childhood Experiences (also known as ACEs) since their study for the CDC began in 1994, and the research shows that children who live in toxic environments grow into adults who struggle with substance use disorder, mental illness, suicidal tendencies, and other health issues.

According to data from the Health Policy Fact Sheet from the Health Policy Institute of Ohio, health professionals expect that the number of children experiencing ACEs will skyrocket during the pandemic. During the previous two years, countless families have faced altered routines, financial worries, and sickness and death. Covid-19 also exacerbates other traumatic situations for children, including domestic violence, abuse, and neglect. Pediatricians across the country worry that these stressors will increase the risk of serious health, social and emotional issues.

But those outcomes could be prevented. One stable and caring relationship can reduce the impacts of trauma. ESCSB offers the ACE Interface Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences and Building Self-Healing Communities sessions to help the public learn more about the effects of ACEs and the ways to build individual and community resilience. Understanding ACEs will show the importance of being a positive influence and teach ways to help people respond to and overcome troubling experiences.

ACE Interface trainings will be held on May 12, July 14, and September 8 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the ESCSB Prevention Office in Belle Haven. To register for a training, visit

Posted on Shore Daily News on March 26, 2022, by Barbara Mulligan (

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