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Child abuse statistics appall Sensible Sentencing Trust (New Zealand)

The Sensible Sentencing Trust (SST) is outraged by the latest findings by the Salvation Army’s State of the Nation report on child abuse. According to the report, children continue to be violently and sexually assaulted at a disturbing rate in New Zealand with a shocking 68% increase in reported cases in the past five years.

"This just confirms one thing," Nadia Crighton, Sensible Sentencing Trusts Spokesperson for the Prevention of Child Abuse says. "What we have been doing to date has failed to address the problem, the Government really needs to tackle this head on and make preventing child abuse and sexual abuse a major political campaign."

The report confirms what the SST has feared; the massive increase in the number of sexual assaults and violent acts against the next generation of kiwis. Facts show that over the past five years; recorded assaults on children have doubled from 1,328 to 2,667 while reported sexual offences against children rose by a shocking 43%.


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