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Depression is not a joke - A poem

This feel like the obligatory mid year reminder that depression is in fact part of our reality. Each day I come across memes about depression. On the very bad days, one line tweets after people lose their loved ones. It always reads, "Depression is real" Back in May we briefly highlighted what depression is in line with dropping the disorder. You should know that language matters in Mental Health. In most cases, its what helps break the stigma, shame and open up a new avenue for healing. The...

The Body Keeps Score by Bessel Van der Kolk| Trauma healing

Did you know that stress is stored in the muscles? It actually does not just end. On the other hand, our bodies interpret trauma as stress (which it is). The more we are exposed to trauma, the more our bodies are harmed. Your body remembers what you felt which leads to a shift in behavior. Stress also manifests physically. For instance, having tense muscles, headaches, stomach upsets and other issues. As we keep getting informed, more people desire to heal. However, the current approach...

Survival Mode and Community|

I know for sure that we, Kenyans, have always lived in a constant survival mode. Things seem to get worse during the election years. Currently the cost of living is going up, so is inflation yet our salaries are not changing. Well, it is also only applicable to those who have jobs. Of course joblessness is one of the biggest challenge a majority of Kenyan youths struggle with daily. Our environment has always been more hostile especially around elections season. The biggest nightmare being...

Femicide in Kenya

Since 2019 there have been increasing cases of women being killed by men. In April this year two women athletes were killed by their respective lovers in their homes. This was shortly after they had won their respective races. Which begs the question: Is femicide a sign of resistance to change? These two women had won in their respective races. That translates to cash gifts, brand endorsements, and ability to lead fulfilling lives with minimal stress. The next logical question is whether the...

PACEs champion Rebeccah Ndung’u launches trauma-informed schools in Kenya

Growing up as the eldest daughter in a family of three girls and three boys in Nairobi, Kenya, Becky Ndung’u and all her siblings attended school, which is mandatory for children ages six through 14. Her parents—both farmers and her father also a lifelong government accountant—were committed to providing all their children a good education. Her education began in a public school, followed by a private high school. Our conversation was conducted in English, but Ndung’u is also fluent in her...

2021 in Trauma Awareness Review

2021 was a phenomenal year for me regarding growth and understanding of the trauma awareness field. A year of awakening. This post concerns the Kenyan community but I am sure it may resonate with some of you. I have been in the mental health field for many years now, but 2021 made me aware that I haven’t been practicing or deepening my knowledge as much as I could have. I could always understand that we all bring our baggage and emotional history to every room we enter, to every community we...

Trauma Informed Schools Kenya Tweeter Handle: @traumasch_ke

Trauma in schools is real and has been worsened by the pandemic. This has not spared Kenyan schools. There is need to create mental health awareness by introducing Trauma Informed practices and create trauma sensitive schools. Teachers in Kenya have experienced burn out, fatigue and attrition well known as compassion fatigue or secondary trauma. Kenya education has lots of challenges; in 2013 the presidential aspirant then Mwai Kibaki promised free primary school education. After he became...

Six New Communities Join PACEs Connection / July 2021

Please welcome these six new communities to the network! Louisiana First Foundation PACEs Connection PACEs in East Africa and the Horn PACEs Thailand PACEs & Trauma Informed Community Malaysia Project PACEs at PSS (NJ) Trauma Informed Health Care Education and Research (TIHCER) Collaborative Details about each of them are below as is information about starting and growing your community initiatives and joining the Cooperative of Communities . Louisiana First...

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