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The Impact of Absent Fathers: Nurturing Men’s Lives

It is disheartening to observe the casual usage of phrases like “That’s fatherless behavior” as insults on social media, further perpetuating stereotypes and stigmatizing individuals who have grown up without paternal guidance. By exploring the real impact of absent fathers, we hope to foster understanding, empathy, and support for those affected, while promoting a more inclusive and compassionate society. It’s been shown that fathers who are highly involved in their children’s lives can...

Understanding Gender-Based Violence in Kenya

The year 2024 has been marked by distressing reports of violence and its widespread impact. This issue affects individuals of all ages, from the youngest to the oldest. In Kenya, gender-based violence (GBV) has emerged as a pressing concern, touching every aspect of society—whether as direct victims, survivors, or those providing support. But what is GBV, and what factors contribute to its prevalence in our communities? Understanding Gender-Based Violence GBV refers to any actions that...

Emotionally Low Maintenance

Emotionally low maintenance is often used as a defense mechanism to maintain peace during conflict. This behavior stems from a desire to avoid confrontation and to keep relationships and environments as calm as possible. Individuals hope to prevent disputes and create a facade of harmony by downplaying their own needs and emotions. This approach might seem effective in the short term. Still, it often leads to unaddressed issues and a buildup of unexpressed feelings that can strain...

What is religious trauma?

Religious trauma is an under-recognized yet significant phenomenon. It can be caused by a variety of factors, such as religious abuse, dogmatic beliefs that are imposed upon individuals by institutions or leaders, ex-communication from a spiritual community, traumatic rituals, and spiritual bypassing. Forced religious conversions, especially when they involve violence or coercion to achieve them, can also lead to deep psychological distress. Individuals need to be aware of the potential for...

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