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Why mental health is the key to dealing with learning loss []

By Carolyn Jones, EdSource, April 15, 2021 The best way schools can help students catch up academically after a year of distance learning is to ensure they feel relaxed, safe and connected to their friends and teachers as they return to the classroom. A year after the pandemic forced school districts to close campuses, students across California are beginning to return to the classroom at least a few days a week. But their experiences during the pandemic and their needs upon returning to...

Children swap classrooms for beach lessons in Spain []

By Reuters, April 12, 2021 Does having school at the beach sound like a dream? After a year of remote learning and socially distanced classrooms, one school in the Spanish region of Murcia is doing just that, trying to combine clear air and a new way of teaching. Outside the Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente school, mask-wearing children sit before a portable blackboard at rows of green desks neatly spaced out on the sandy shores of Playa de los Nietos (Grandchildren's Beach). "It's safe, the...

PACES Connection Supports 3rd Annual Trauma-Responsive Schools Conference

HERE this NOW founder, Emily Read Daniels was thrilled when Jane Stevens agreed to have PACES Connection endorse and sponsor HTN's 3rd Annual Trauma-Responsive Schools Conference. The conference will address the application of The Polyvagal Theory (science behind how we process trauma in our bodies) in schools for the safe return to in-person learning. The virtual conference, June 1-4, 2021, will host teachers, school administrators, and school specialists from across the U.S. and...

Parents, Stop Talking About the 'Lost Year' []

By Judith Warner, The New York Times, April 11, 2021 They’re calling it a “lost year.” On and offline, parents are trading stories — poignant and painful — about all of the ways that they fear their middle schoolers are losing ground. “It’s really hard to put my finger on what happened exactly,” said Jorge Gallegos, whose son, Eyan, is in the seventh grade in Washington, D.C. [ Please click here to read more .]

NYC to pay $500 to nearly 1,000 parents to address mental health needs at their schools []

By Alex Zimmerman, Chalkbeat New York, April 9, 2021 The education department is launching a training program next month for parents, paying them $500 to become “wellness ambassadors” addressing mental health needs in their school communities. The initiative will pay the stipend to parent leaders from roughly 950 schools in neighborhoods hardest hit by the coronavirus, according to Adrienne Austin, an acting deputy chancellor who oversees parent outreach. She revealed a “sneak peek” of the...

WATCH REPLAY: How We Can All Help Prevent School Shootings-Expert Teen Advocate, Community Leader, So California ACEs Connection Regional Facilitator-Dana Brown

Check out the replay of the wonderful interview DANA BROWN gave me on my transformational talk show, Mary Giuliani LIVE on 2-28-18 on how we can all help prevent school shootings through understanding and implementing ACEs science. I had such a heartfelt talk with Dana Brown, an Expert Youth and Teen Advocate, Community Leader, & Southern California Regional Community Facilitator with ACEs Dana and I discussed the core issues that underlie these horrific school shootings...

Take a Guided Tour of Our New 🔧 Toolbox for Whole-Child Design (webinar) []

FREE! REGISTER NOW Take a Guided Tour of Our New 🔧 Toolbox for Whole-Child Design Educators across the nation are navigating the return to in-person instruction and making a commitment to rebuild in new ways. Teachers, staff, leaders, parents, and caregivers are asking important questions: What will it take to address the unevenness of learning opportunities, which has only been exacerbated over the past year? How can we use this moment to redesign schools for equity? In this webinar ,...

Trauma- responsive Online Workshop - Reimagining Resilience

Reimagining Resilience 1: Using a Trauma Lens Thurs, Apr 15, 22 & 29 4:00-5:15 pm PDT. Three 75-minute sessions. In addition there are short videos that will be sent to registrants before each class. Register by Wed April 14 in order to receive pre-class materials. Clock hours are available. $95. The program cost includes access to the workshop recording for two months, the pre-class videos, a course workbook, and connection to peers who share...

Students lead US push for fuller Black history education []

By Mike Catalni, Miami Herald, April 8,, 2021 Ebele Azikiwe was in the sixth grade last year when February came and it was time to learn about Black history again. She was, by then, familiar with the curriculum: Rosa Parks, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and a discussion on slavery. Just like the year before, she said, and the year before that. Then came George Floyd's death in May, and she wrote to the administration at her school in Cherry Hill, in New Jersey's Philadelphia suburbs, to...

How Care and Compassion for Educators Builds a Foundation for Children’s Resilience

Greater Richmond SCAN (Stop Child Abuse Now) has been working for 30 years to prevent and treat child abuse and neglect. SCAN advances its mission through five programs—the Child Advocacy Center, Family Support Program, Richmond CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates), Circle Preschool, and Community Programs—which work together to provide the support, treatment, education, and advocacy needed to help build safe, stable, nurturing environments for children. SCAN’s Community Programs...

Building Bridges of Hope through Trauma-Informed Caregiver-School Partnerships: Supporting Children & Youth with High Emotional & Behavioral Health Needs

A two-part intensive learning Institute and accompanying Community of Practice for Institute participants Supporting children and youth with high emotional and behavioral needs is often lonely, overwhelming, complex, and not well-understood. As a caregiver, how do you navigate school services, child welfare, and other involved systems to get the support you need for your child? As school providers, how might we learn with families through their advocacy journeys? Let’s come together to...

Free Interactive Workshop - Dismantling White Supremacy in the Online and In-Person Classrooms

Registration is available for the April workshop, Dismantling White Supremacy in the Classroom - Virtual and In-Person. Register at For full transparency: the workshop will be led by myself, a white person, and will reference content from Black and Brown sources. I will compensate sources for their labor to the greatest extent that I can. The workshop is scheduled for 1.5 hours with a five minute break included and will be recorded. A copy of the recording and slides...

Unlearning the Triune (3-part) Model of the Brain - It's a Myth?!

Originally posted on Rise to Resilience. "Change is the end result of all true learning." - Leo Buscaglia I first learned of the triune, or three-part, model of the brain when researching Adverse Childhood Experiences and Resilience which became the original Rise to Resilience presentation. Since then, I encountered the triune brain model regularly: Conscious Discipline uses it as a foundational concept. Dr. Dan Siegel's Hand Model of the Brain and the "flipping your lid" analogy. And in...

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