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As a CSa survivor and mother of two elementary school children, I have been advocating our public school system to adopt prevention strategies, including policies and procedures. Thus far, it is falling on deaf ears. I am wondering if ACEs professionals could weigh in on their opinions about this advocacy, and if you believe it is being handled in a constructive way? Any thoughts or ideas on changing approaches? On February 21st Iwill give a three minute testimony to our Board of Education, connecting the dots between gun violence and hidden violence (all public health issues) and the proactive approach communities seem to want to pursue towards gun violence prevention, and yet we have reactive policies to hidden violence issues like CSA, bullying, etc.
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Hi, Brenda:

Since one or more other adverse experiences usually accompany child sex abuse, it might be worth addressing the entire issue of prevention of adverse childhood experiences and further traumatization of already traumatized students, as some schools in Washington State and Massachusetts are. See this story for more information and links: Washington, Massachusetts lead U.S. trauma-sensitive school movement. 

There are other resources in a more general discussion adjacent to this. 

Cheers, Jane

Jane, Thanks for your insight! I am approaching this testimony from the perspective of all the thoughts/feelings/fears educators are facing in response to Sandy Hook's tragedy. Now we are all about proactively stopping another tragedy of that magnitude. We should be equally and thoughtfully be integrating our TOTAL response to all violence at once -- and not excusing any hidden violence issue, because of the trauma impact of them all on our children & society.
Again the resources are wonderful! Thanks so much for posting this and pointing me to it! I wonder though, how experts feel about Finkelhor's comment about CSA on the decline!? He said that at the PSU CSA Conference back in October. Many people working in the field commented in disagreement. I really wonder how you can fully say that if this issue is so hidden and captured in big secrets? Also, with the economy in decline, more people experiencing other traumas, wouldn't that contribute to an upswing? I am just wondering aloud here. But thanks.

I think a lot of people didn't believe that Finkelhor was able to obtain accurate information. He looks only at reported, verified cases from criminal justice. Unfortunately, that doesn't account for the cases that people do not report, as well as the dire straits affecting almost every child welfare agency budget in the U.S., which means that not all reports are checked.

Dr. Frank Putnam at Mayerson Center for Safe and Healthy Children at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center is doing some research into this, and expects to have the results published in the Fall. 

-- J. 


I agree with some of the previous points, particularly Jane's response. CSA is particularly vulnerable to incomplete data given the lack of disclosure. Research clearly demonstrates a lack of congruence between the low number of official CSA reports, and the high rates of reports retrospectively (often as adults).

Some data are available on teacher attitudes and beliefs about CSA which impacts their response to reports or warning signs. In one study, over half the teachers denied ever having a child in their school that was sexually abused, and many anticipated hesitating to report. Further, two-thirds of teachers fear being sued if a child disclosed to them, despite laws that protect educators that report even a suspicion of maltreatment. In this regard, some prevention could simply offer awareness and responsiveness training.

As for prevention programs, we cover this a bit in our book "Supporting and Educating Traumatized Students: A Guide for School Based Professionals". Pages 192-193 actually cover school-based prevention programs for CSA. I'd also check out these resources:

Wurtele, S. K. (2009). Preventing sexual abuse of children in the twenty-first century: Preparing for challenges and opportunities. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse

Finkelhor, D. (2009). The prevention of childhood sexual abuse. The Future of Children.

Kenny, M. C., Capri, V., Thakkar-Kolar, R. R., Ryan, E. E., & Runyon, M. K. (2008). Child sexual abuse: From prevention to self-protection. Child Abuse Review

Topping, K. J., & Barron, I. G. (2009). School-based child sexual abuse prevention programs: A review of effectiveness. Review of Educational Research.

Zwi et al. (2007). School-based education programmes for the prevention of child sexual abuse. Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews.

Eric, Thank you so much for sharing your resources and Information. The better the understanding I have about the barriers schools encounter to prevention, the better I am able to address those concerns (for instance, teachers need to understand they are more at risk for being sued if they DO NOT report, than if they are mistaken). There's SO much education to be done here. I just hope our school's Board of Education sees what a statement they would make to our community when they take a leadership approach to the public health issue of violence prevention.
To follow-up on the Feb. 21st testimony I gave to our school district's Board of Education, I have to say it was a mixed bag. My testimony was intentionally moved to last on the agenda, because our cluster representatives were afraid I would make the audience "uncomfortable!". I was also told to keep my testimony shorter "than everyone else's".

Looking into the faces of the BoE members, they listened, but seemed clueless as to what I was saying had to do with them (coincidentally, a fifth grade teacher had been arrested that very day for CSA of two 11 yr old girls). Parents gave me their full attention, and applauded afterwards. A few came up, offering me support.

I called the arm of the police department who deals with these crimes to ask for their guidance. They told me our schools are unwilling to act on police suggestions for changes to make kids safer. They also suggested I try to speak with the Superintendent of our school district. I am drafting a letter now.

Other suggestions? This is truly hidden trauma in our county: the police department told me we have no grassroots advocacy groups here because they have been run out of county. They also said many of the Maryland legislators are defense attorneys and are not interested in writing preventive laws! OUCH!!!

I live here. My children go to school here. I am passionate to push this issue forward.

Hi Brenda, I was hoping you would update us on how your testimony went. Thank you! I'm glad to hear you got support from the parents. But sorry to hear the BoE looked clueless and that your local schools won't even take advice from the police dept. I wish I could say that responses like that weren't common for ACE advocates.

Just so you know, the federal government (e.g., SAMHSA and the CDC) is encouraging pertinent social programs to become trauma-informed. Research from Harvard and new policy from the AAP, both supported by The White House, can help bolster your argument for change when you communicate with your school superintendent. You might want to engage your local government officials as well (mayor, supervisors,...). If you can point to any other local agencies that have instituted trauma-informed care that could be helpful too. I can quickly look up what's happening in your county if you let me know the name of your county either on this discussion thread or via email.

Thanks again for your passion and tenacious spirit as an ACE advocate!

Keep us posted and let me know if I can be of any additional assistance.

My pleasure, Brenda! I'm happy if I can help!

This is what I found in your area. These resources may lead you to new contacts/info or give you information to bolster your argument when talking to locals about the prevalence of ACEs/trauma.

Byrne Justice Assistance Grants – Oct. 2012:

Primary Care Coalition of Montgomery County- Minimizing Child Abuse Victims' Interview Trauma – Grant of $53,289.00 

Family & Children's Services of Central MD  --  Domestic Violence Trauma-informed Counseling Services (DVTCS),  Baltimore City -- Grant of $22,603.00


Montgomery County Department of Correction & Rehabilitation

“Women’s Unit – In January 2007, PRRS opened Unit I to female offenders only and created a Women’s Weekly Group to address a number of topics that provide more gender-specific and trauma-informed services to female offenders.”


Diana Bernhardt, Wilkins Avenue Women’s Assessent Center (2011) – Homelessness services

“The shelter is trying to become “trauma informed”.


Montgomery County's Veteran/PTSD resources page


Child Welfare Information Gateway:

Maryland Department of Social Services (Wicomico County DSS)

Contact info:


This "Maryland Association of Local Management Boards FY 2011 Annual Report" lists a “Trauma Informed Community Initiative” in Wicomico County, MD


Governor’s Office for Children - Local Management Board Contact Links:

Wicomico County, Diana Reinoso, Point of Contact

Montgomery County Collaboration Council for Children, Youth and Families, Inc., Point of Contact - Carol Walsh, Executive Director:  -- 

From the 2011 Annual Report: "The Congress’s spring symposium on Supporting Infants’ & Toddlers’ Mental Health in Response to Trauma was attended by 169 child care providers, social workers, mental health providers, and parents. The symposium was highly evaluated with attendees welcoming the chance to meet across agencies and disciplines."

Be sure to check the second Montgomery County contact on the webpage.


National Center for Trauma-Informed Care

66 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 302
Alexandria, VA 22314
E-mail: 1-866-254-4819 (Toll Free)

Offer consultation and technical assistance, and education and outreach. Website features hot topics, news and information, an event calendar, and resources including trauma-informed models for trauma-specific treatments and interventions and target groups, topic papers and resaerch, links, and other materials are provided to help educate and foster a deeper understanding of the impact of trauma.


PAVE Take Action – Community (three people minimum)


ACEsConnection members in Maryland

Hope some of this is helpful. Let me know if I can be of further assistance.

Hi Chris! Thank you so much for being such a huge support and source of great information. You have no idea how much this helps feed my passionate pursuit of CSA prevention, starting in my own children's schools. I live in Montgomery County, Maryland. Sad to say as Democratic as the county is, it has a LONG LONG way to go on this issue. But I am determined, and I know in my heart I am right here. Brenda Yuen
Chris, thank you for the link! The only thing that bothers me here is the reference to sex offenders as "pedophiles"! As Dr. Finkelhor has said, these are "nice guy offenders" -- a much smaller group are true pedophiles. Mislabeling them only helps confuse the public, who are so poorly informed on this issue in the first place.

But I do LOVE the educational approach. We have GOT to start somewhere, and keep the conversation going so as to normalize it.

Thanks again.
Just to update, my letter has been sent to our Superintendent (over a week ago). I don't expect a quick response since the issue is complex, and there's a lot of information I've included, to help update/educate. I never want to assume to know how much information anyone has when it comes to CSA! I have had teachers from our school system come up to support me. Next up, County Council members and other county officials. My thanks to everyone who sends current information on this topic. I am determined...

Brenda, Thanks for the update! Will be eager to hear the response you receive and also how your contacts with the County Councilmembers, et al. go.

I wanted to make sure you saw Jane's book review on 'Blind to Betrayal' by Dr. Jennifer Freyd.

It helps explain why we get such bad responses when we try to reach out. Freyd is amazing. You might remember her story:

"As an adult in the early 1990s, Freyd privately accused her father of abusing her during her childhood. Her parents co-founded the False Memory Syndrome Foundation to dispute Freyd's claims and the claims of others who they allege may have recovered false memories of childhood abuse in therapy.[12]"

At this point, it might be a good idea to start finding other people from the list that Chris provided and think about forming a county-wide coalition. Change doesn't come easily, but it comes when a group of people work together to show that this is an issue that many, many people care about. As someone told Dr. Felitti when he started out, a few hundred data points can be ignored, but tens of thousands cannot. So, in your case: one person, even if that person has a great idea, can be ignored, but hundreds or thousands cannot.  

Brenda, I'm so sorry to hear about the responses you've received. Please know you are not alone in the greater scheme of things. Running up against ignorance and indifference is sadly quite common esp. when one is trying to talk to their local government about this topic. It can be very discouraging to say the least. These are retraumatizations that no one, let alone survivors, should have to experience. I'm not sure if you've had a chance to explore any of the county contacts (see above) that are already familiar with trauma-informed care. At least they should know TIC "language." Also wondering if you've been in touch with PAVE. Again so sorry you for this outcome. But please know you are not alone.

My update for this week: still no reply from the school superintendent. I contacted one of y County council members who sits on the Health & Safety Committee, and heard back from one of his representatives. She referred me to the county's VASP (Victim Assistance Program) for VICTIMS of CSA! That is all our county government has to offer on this issue! I am very, very upset. I've written back, and tried to get my point of "this is a public health issue and therefore the focus should be on prevention", along with giving them all kinds of resources to help educate. Do I feel like I am the only one pushing on this in my entire county? Yes. It is very discouraging, to put it midly.
Thank you for the additional resources, Chris. Yes, Jane, I am going to tap into the reservoir of TIC informed organizations here locally. Somebody else has GOT to be working towards this here locally. I wanted to point out a resource for YOU (for a change)! She is E. Diane Champe' Institute at She wants to open a trauma-informed CSA Survivor's clinic here in Maryland. I will attend her fundraiser next month to introduce myself. Sheis on Twitter as well. I think you woukd be a great resource for her. Thanks again for having my back. I don't feel so isolated in my community, knowing others are working towards the same goal.
Hello & time for a "progress" report! I was slowed by a week of spring break vacation, however, I am heartened at some good news for a change: After exchanging MANY emails with one of our Mongtomery County Council Members (Phil Andrews), I am happy to report that he and his staff are now paying attention to the issues of CSA prevention (my request to enact county legislation to require county-run youth-serving organizations to show policies/procedures/guidelines which protect children from potential predators, etc)! This was not easy, as they first told me all about the county's victim assistance program (which does nothing to provide prevention). Also, while I was out of town, our school district leadership left me a voice mail in response to my letter to our school district Superintendent of schools! Seems they would like to talk about my "very important letter and issues". Dare I hope!?! I will attend the Moore Center for the Prevention of CSA's Second Symposium on CSA (at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health) on April 26th in Baltimore. Would love to meet any ACE members who plan to attend. I will also attend the E. Diane Champe' Institute's Fundraiser in Olney, MD. She hopes to open a CSA Survivor's Clinic across the US. s. Champe' and I will have lunch on Friday to talk about our State/County's inactions and poor response to trauma-informed care and prevention of childhood traumas. As always, I am energized by everything I hear, see, read, do on this topic. It is my passion. That's it for now. Brenda
Today's update starts off with continued progress in reaching my local school district's leadership with prevention of childhood traumas in mind. I have now spoken with two school officials. They both expressed a desire to get together in person. Today's phone conversation ended with the idea that we will start that conversation in person next month (May). Of course, I am excited, but my excitement is tempered with a feeling that this process should be a priority. That is, I know, how *I* feel, and not necessarily how a school district stretched to the limits in terms of resources and personnel (not to mention budget) feels.

The CSA as a Public Health Issue Conference, originally scheduled for April 26th at the JHSPH's Moore Center has been cancelled. I am looking for another conference to attend this calendar year. If you know of a CSA Public Health Approach conference coming up, let me know. I am looking.

Tomorrow I will attend the E. Diane Champe' Institues' Fundraiser in Olney, MD. Looking forward to that. I am now serving on EDCI's Board of Directors.

My family will attend The Tree House's Tour de Cookie fundraiser at Montgomery College on Sunday. I am going to meet like-minded people who support the CSA issues. My husband and kids will do the bike tour. Should be fun.

Lastly, I watched the "Building Safer Communities" webinar this week and was very impressed and informed by all the good work of the ACEs community and medical leadership who are striving to improve outcomes for children and families. Great program (which I believes archived to watch online).

Brenda, Thanks so much for the update! Sounds like great progress with your local school district leadership! Wonderful news! Will look forward to hearing how it goes.


You're so active with all these other event/programs you are involved with. Seems like you will gain opportunities for more networking. Glad to hear you are on Diane's board. She's so amazing!


Always love hearing your news as you are so assertive and active in all opportunities that cross your path.


Great work!

That's fantastic that you're meeting with them, Brenda. Keep in mind it's a public school system -- its activities are supposed to be transparent, so a confidentiality agreement isn't necessary. 

One thing you might ask about is if the school is intending to become trauma-informed. There are other school systems that are doing so, and they address the many types of childhood adversity in many different ways. I hope that you can impress upon them that focusing on CSA alone misses all the other complex trauma that's occurring, either along with the CSA or independent from it. A child with an ACE score of 4 is likely to have many more issues in school than a child with an ACE score of 1, no matter what the ACE is. 

Jane, I am thinking they might require the confidentiality agreement before discussing anything pertaining to current employees or student population. I understand that completely. I hope we are headed in a trauma-informed direction, and that we will take on ALL exposure to childhood traumas, since they are so heavily linked. But I will let you know what happens.
Long time since I last updated on my prevention efforts in Montgomery County, MD!

My local public school system has setup a May 23rd appointment with me to talk about becoming more proactive/prevention minded in our schools. It's sad that the wait is so LONG just to get the discussion started, and I hope to get to some agreement so we can move forward on this project collaboratively. There may be some restrictions placed on me as to what I can share after that meeting (confidentiality agreements, etc.). We'll see. But there's so much to do here in this county.

I attended EDCI's fundraiser and got a chance to meet with a rep from Chris Van Hollen's office on the prevention/childhood trauma/ACEs front. I also spoke with John McCarthy, Montgomery County's State Attorney General about the need for more prevention-minded laws, which should require youth-serving organizations to show their prevention strategies/practices/policies. He seemed a bit shocked at the idea, but then I reminded him how laws have worked to prevent smoking-related harm to our communities (same would old true for CSA and other hidden violence/trauma).

Hopefully there's more opportunity to meet w/other community leadership in the near future. But my May 23rd meeting with the school looms large in my mind. That would be a huge start to educate, empower, change adult minds when it comes to prevention.

Jim Sporleder sent me this link, that might be useful to you, Brenda.

It's the Advocates for Children & Youth web site for Effective School Discipline for Maryland. They use Lincoln High School in Walla Walla, WA, where Jim is principal, as an example of best practice for a trauma-sensitive school. 

Reforming school discipline can be a good pathway to a school looking at the bigger picture of how to help its traumatized students, no matter what the trauma is. 


Oh Brenda, I'm so sorry to hear about the disappointing meeting w/ the school district. I know how crushing it is to not get the response we want. ESPECIALLY when it's clearly for the betterment of our world, our kids! And, you're right, it's not like this isn't a relevant topic these days what with Penn State, etc. It's mind-blowing how dismissive people in our institutions can be. That's a part of the problem...too much bureaucracy and too many desensitized people working in institutions. I know this isn't over for you, so I will look forward to hearing your next game plan after you've had some time to recover from this latest letdown. Thanks for letting us know the latest.

PS: I wanted to tell you to check out the Maryland links on the State Projects page. I made links for ACE/TIC results for each state's government website(s). Maybe you will find something helpful looking through those.

PS2: I did a quick search and found this from Washington County (Apr 2012):

Maybe there are some folks in that county you can talk to/network with.

Also don’t forget to take a look at the resources I pulled out for you awhile back. Maybe some good contacts there, if you haven't already explored.

And I just created two custom searches for "child abuse prevention" for K-12 schools in Maryland:

Sorted by Relevance

Sorted by Date


Thank you for the link! I need to update everyone concerning my May 23rd meeting with the school district personnel.

As you might have guessed, it was extremely disappointing for me personally. I'd like to think that this issue would be front and center, since there's SO much information out in the public domain about preventing CSA. But sad to say, it is not.

I was told that I might be able to become part of some kind of unofficial group,providing perhaps updates on a quarterly basis on what's new on the subject of child sexual abuse. But I was also told that if they wanted to do anything "official" with my skills, they would have to go through ten layers of bureaucracy, that they do not have the resources nor the money for this either.

While the person I spoke with loved everything I shared with her, she also admitted to being overwhelmed by the sheer number of requests from parents/community groups who write in to offer help (I doubt that many are as aware as I am concerning CSA and trauma-informed care). The office of three people spends a LOT of time just bringing in a select group of hand-picked community parents or groups to talk about what they have to offer. Some of that is not useful to the school.

I left thinking "how long is it going to take before we adults do the right thing for our children?". Truly, when do children really rise to the top in our culture.

I am not certain of my next step, but I am far from done fighting for the safety of children in the school setting.

I'm not feeling it. I don't want to sound unsupportive but it is my opinion. I think to effect change you need to network w/ some kindred spirits who may already be trying to create change. The problem w/ a blog is it takes time to build up a readership and survivor stories aren't usually fare that most folks want to read.

You might want to touch base w/ the Montgomery County Council PTA and/or the Montgomery County Public Schools Educational Foundation. They might be more receptive to and supportive of your cause.


I will always support you, Brenda, in whatever efforts you undertake. Please keep us posted on what you plan to do.

Brenda, That's AWESOME your husband will be the next co-President of your local PTA! Especially with his upcoming appointment, teaming up w/ this agency seems to be a logical next move. Couldn't be more perfect with that mission statement! I have a good feeling about this. You're wise to approach your community superintendent with "specific" examples you and other moms have experienced this past year. This sounds really good, Brenda. Please keep us posted. And as always, let me know if I can be of any help.

Chris, I think the Montgomery County PTA is probably my next move! We have a new co-President next year (my husband) who went to training this past week and guess what? The MCCPTA's mission statement is that they "are a child advocate organization"! If they really mean what they state in their mission, we have a LOT in common and I have people to contact and lots of advocacy to do. I just need a powerful enough ally to put some clout and backing into my efforts. Then we might actually get somewhere. I also think I am going to start educating our community superintendent about what is broken, using specific examples of experiences I and other moms have had this past year on this issue.

I've gone through the 162 page document outlining the Union agreement between our public school system (#MCPS) and the Union and I haven't found a thing that would prevent our school leaders from adopting prevention policies in schools!  Maybe it's well hidden, but most of what I read talks about creating civility, respect, cooperation, etc. between adults and the children they serve.  To me, this language lends itself right into the issue I want explicitly outlined.  It perplexes me to no end why anyone would waste a moment's time to institute prevention policies, and display a zero tolerance policy, which would only help prevent these types of traumas from occurring in our schools.  The momentum has to swell from the community (political leaders, parents, other adults who care for kids) before anyone lifts a finger.  The fear factor & apathy play right into a perpetrator's hands...

Brenda, You may want to add Kathleen Sebelius' Dear State Director Letter into your arsenal. It was linked to in her HuffPo article. Many people deny these problems because they may have their own mental wounds that they have compartmentalized off in their psyche. Blaming victims is another way for survivors in denial to find control in "their reality." It's a depressing part of the advocacy reality that we will run into folks like this and, no doubt, get retraumatized by their own emotionally abusive defenses.

Brenda- I have been reading your discussion from page 1 and at last have to reply- I absolutely have the same thought - when will we finally put kids first and do what's right?! I also feel angry that not even the supposed to be "good guys" are on board with prevention of all abuse. I am concerned about our public schools and how to support education in a reframe. I admire your energy - keep it up!

Wendy, Thank you for reading that litany of pain-filled attempts to gain the attention of our so called community "leaders"! It makes me so sad that we are lead by old thoughts, old systems and ways of doing things, and innumerable bystanders who are willingly serving up our youth to the harmful traumas we read about every day! Today I watched a webinar by Safe Start on teen dating violence and their policy toolkit for getting prevention policies in place in school systems. It was marvelous and our two issues are definitely linked! I found out that school systems are obligated under Title IX to provide relief from sexual harassment and discrimination, which includes any abuse by any individual at school - adults, kids, whomever. I am going to start bringing that angle into my argument, as it has gained some traction in some school districts in the US.

My *new* best friend in the arsenal of gaining influence in the public school district arena to enact prevention policies and procedures surrounding child sexual abuse (really, ALL childhood trauma) in school:

It's FILLED with things I've been saying, points I've been making.  I hope there is movement forward by leadership.

I was also blown away by Robert Anda's talk at the ISF's May 13-14, 2013 meeting!  I LOVED it when he said "We need to institutionalize resilience and NOT trauma!"  I was cheering!  The whole talk was inspiring to me.

And, as a way of ending this little update on a positive note, I've had TWO talks with my son's Middle School leadership (he's in sixth grade now).  The first was a talk concerning a teacher who is (was?) giving out prizes to students who did well in his classroom.  I went into my prevention mode, letting school leadership know that these are the EXACT tools of a predator grooming his/her prey.  You know what?  I was so relieved to have been heard, to have been validated, and not attacked for having brought this issue before the school.  It was a 180 degree change from what I've experienced at our elementary (which is nothing but denial, denial, denial).

Monday, I attended the family life sexuality and disease prevention parent informational meeting.  There was an opportunity to give feedback at the end on a sheet of paper.  I went TO TOWN about how Middle School is a PERFECT place to do teen dating violence prevention education/programs!  I added that talking about healthy masculinity, involving the students themselves in the programs, allowing SSL hours, helps them OWN the issue and get the message I emailed the leadership with my pleas.  And included a Maryland law that allows county BoE's to include teen dating violence prevention education in their health cirriculum.  And guess what?  I have an appointment to go in and discuss it further - potentially giving a talk in front of the school PTA on the issue.  I mean really...this is a shift in the way I've been dealt with prior to the start of this school year.  Dare I be hopeful?  Oh, and THANK YOU for ALL the helpful information you've given me in the teen dating violence prevention arena!

Today I received an email from an administrator at my son's Middle School.  Here it is, verbatim:  "I wanted to follow up with you and provide you an update.  Today at our Instructional Leadership meeting we discussed Montgomery County Public Schools' Regulation  on the use of food and beverages in schools.  Although teachers cannot be prevented from using candy as a reward, the instructional leadership team (this group consists of teachers and administrators)  began a discussion about the importance of being thoughtful when using candy as a classroom reward."

Now, is it just ME, or do other thoughtful, prevention minded citizens have a problem w/the fact that our school system cannot prevent teachers from using candy as a reward?  I really don't understand the thought process behind this.  Not only is it a grooming tool, but MANY parents do NOT want their children to have candy in the first place....we have SO FAR TO GO in educating very highly educated people about the concepts of preventing violence!

Just received confirmation from a school administrator that our school system, MCPS, has a system-wide policy in which teachers cannot be prevented from handing out candy to kids in school!  I cannot BELIEVE THIS! This school system suffered negative national press recently concerning a teacher who abused 14 girls in K-2nd grade.  He'd been turned in, reported by teachers and parents alike and the principal did nothing in response.  And our Superintendent, Joshua Starr, signed a letter placed in his personnel file that allowed him TO CONTINUE TO TEACH as long as he kept the door open, agreed to not touch kids, etc.  I cannot believe the IRRESPONSIBLE adult behavior and leadership!

OMG, Brenda, this is just OUTRAGEOUS! I cannot believe it either. Absolutely, UNBELIEVABLE that Strarr allowed that teacher to continue to teach after abusing 14 girls in K-2nd! Gosh I'm thinking, what can I suggest. In the reported story was there a person/organization of conscience whose side was expressed? Don't know how recent this has been. If recent, was an online petition generated as a result of the teacher story? A good petition site is ""--easy for people to sign, fyi. If you write it, I will help get the word out on Twitter. Do you know about this website? Let me know how I can help, Brenda! This is such distressing news!

Oh geez, Brenda, I know it's horrible how 'money' rules and not in the right way and how there is an epidemic of poor leadership across the country in our youth-serving org's! And, I'm sadly familiar with your description of the PTA. :((

I'm happy to hear you are making connections. No doubt there is power in numbers. Please keep us posted.

Chris, thank you for your support on the issue of the safety of kids in the classroom.  The kind of thing going on at MCPS isn't just going on there - it's going on in youth-serving organizations across the country.  One reason this keeps happening is that institutions open themselves up to increased liability when they institute policies they can't properly enforce.  I really believe this is a BIGGIE:  MORE liability instead of less (not kids MORE SAFE instead of LESS).  Priorities seem to always lay on the side of money. It makes me sick.  As far as I know, there's no community cohesion or activism around the idea of prevention in our school district.  Which means advocates such as myself really need to find a vehicle to FIND EACH OTHER and get connected.  I am happy to report that that is now happening in our elementary (due to similar horrible circumstances that I won't get into publicly).  If ONLY our PTA system would STOP being the money-tree for principals and start being the CHILD ADVOCACY organization it was meant to be!

Update as of October 25th:  I have a meeting scheduled next Tuesday morning to talk with the "Safety and Health Committee" Chair for MCCPTA.  She and I will be discussing the very REAL problem we've both identified in individual schools: officials are under-reporting (or NOT reporting at all) the issues that crop up day to day inside their schools (because it reflects poorly on the administrators, who want/need to protect their school's image).  I shared an example of that with her from my son's school (fist fight immediately after school last Wednesday that landed one child in the hospital and one child suspended) and then the on-going problem we're having at my daughter's school with a particular employee who can't seem to understand proper boundaries between adults and children, and other related issues.  One day I hope to meet a courageous leader who is willing to tackle these very tough, but absolutely VITAL safety concerns to help keep kids safe....all of which could be addressed in some serious and needed Prevention Policies and Procedures!

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