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Reply to "Public School District CSA Prevention Strategies?"

Today I received an email from an administrator at my son's Middle School.  Here it is, verbatim:  "I wanted to follow up with you and provide you an update.  Today at our Instructional Leadership meeting we discussed Montgomery County Public Schools' Regulation  on the use of food and beverages in schools.  Although teachers cannot be prevented from using candy as a reward, the instructional leadership team (this group consists of teachers and administrators)  began a discussion about the importance of being thoughtful when using candy as a classroom reward."

Now, is it just ME, or do other thoughtful, prevention minded citizens have a problem w/the fact that our school system cannot prevent teachers from using candy as a reward?  I really don't understand the thought process behind this.  Not only is it a grooming tool, but MANY parents do NOT want their children to have candy in the first place....we have SO FAR TO GO in educating very highly educated people about the concepts of preventing violence!

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