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Radical Self-Care for Survivors of Suicide Loss (

What does self-care mean, and what does it involve? Simply put, it implies— physical, emotional, psychological, social and spiritual care. The very idea of survivors of suicide loss practicing self-care can seem radical. The stigma, shame, secrecy and silence that a survivor faces invisibilizes, erases and marginalizes any of their valid concerns. Equally relevant, most survivors themselves feel they are not entitled to any form of support—either from themselves or from others. On a...

Radical Self-Care for Survivors of Suicide Loss (

What does self-care mean, and what does it involve? Simply put, it implies— physical, emotional, psychological, social and spiritual care. The very idea of survivors of suicide loss practicing self-care can seem radical. The stigma, shame, secrecy and silence that a survivor faces invisibilizes, erases and marginalizes any of their valid concerns. Equally relevant, most survivors themselves feel they are not entitled to any form of support—either from themselves or from others. On a...

The Launch of Heal Trauma Global: Culturally Attuned Trauma Training

Being Trauma-Informed means that we are Culturally Attuned. Heal Trauma Global is a sister company to Heal Historical Trauma and was cultivated to fill a wide gap in stress science & trauma training. The trauma-informed movement is beautiful! It's wonderful that as a society we are moving in a direction that honors an individual's past as part of the driving force behind current behaviors. Yet, time and time again, I have attended trainings that are labeled as Trauma-Informed only to...

Why, this 'Giving Season', we are grateful!

As 2021 comes to a close, we want to take a few moments to reflect on this busy and fruitful year as we ask you to remember PACEs Connection in your year-end giving. Despite this physically and emotionally challenging time, we have so very much for which to be grateful, and we would love to share our gratitude list with you. When we practice gratitude, we’re actually practicing a very PACEs-Connection thing to do: helping our brains. Brain imaging studies, says Dr. Daniel Amen, show that “...

Stress Busters Handout

We all have inner strengths and resilience that can help us deal with challenges and stress. To help us manage stress, PACEs Connection and ACEs Aware created a handout based on seven evidence-based stress busters , as described in the Roadmap for Resilience: The California Surgeon General’s Report on Adverse Childhood Experiences, Toxic Stress, and Health . These interventions can help reduce stress, improve health, and build resilience. Please share widely! The handout is available in the...

Gentle Men: The Healing Power of Vulnerability (

Growing up, I was taught that traditional male attributes are things like toughness, emotional reserve, strength, power, and staunch individualism. This image of a “traditional man” feeds into once-clear-cut roles like winner and provider . Edward M. Adams and Ed Frauenheim suggest that this version of masculinity is confined : both limited and limiting. In their 2020 book, Reinventing Masculinity , Adams and Frauenheim write, “Confined masculinity focuses more on a man’s sense of...

A Trauma Informed Approach to Vaccine Fear

PLEASE SIGN ON TO THIS MEMO TO SUPPORT OUTREACH ALONG THESE LINES TO THE ADMINISTRATION! If the goal is to impact meaningful change, it might prove helpful to view vaccine fear through a trauma informed-lens. There is an intentional shift from the use of the word “hesitancy” and instead using the more specific and appropriate term “fear”. We are more likely to change that which we better define and understand. The following memo has been developed with input from an interdisciplinary team of...

Understanding ACEs Handout

This is an updated version of the popular hand-out created and shared by the Community & Family Services Division at the Spokane (WA) Regional Health District. The original version has been downloaded thousands and thousands of times and has been used by both individuals and organizations. The updated flyer can be downloaded, distributed, and used freely. Please share widely! It is available in the following languages: English Spanish Arabic Dari Farsi Family Hui, a Program of Lead for...

Upcoming Bruce Perry Webinar

Hi everyone! This year there has certainly been a lot of interest shown in trauma and ACEs due in part to the celebrity effect of Oprah Winfrey who co-authored with Dr. Bruce Perry the bestselling book "What Happened to You?" Well, Dr. Perry will be participating in a free webinar on 30th November on faith, religion, spirituality, adversity and resilience. To find out more, please read the blog post on the website of HOPE. ...

Positive Effects of Giving Thanks: Not Just for the Holidays

“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not but rejoices for what he has.” ~Greek philosopher, Epictetus It is that time of year in which the leaves are changing color, the days are getting shorter, and as we prepare for family meals and holidays, we witness a lot more folks talking about what they are thankful for. The days leading up to the Thanksgiving holiday lend themselves to a shift in our focus onto what we appreciate in our lives, and we notice folks...

Trauma and Criminal Justice

Hi everyone! We trust you are remaining safe and healthy amidst everything that is happening around you. There is a new monthly series that will be starting today (Wednesday 10th November 2021) on the PACEs Connection platform. It is entitled: Trauma-Informed Criminal Justice. This monthly virtual Zoom series will feature conversations facilitated by Porter Jennings-McGarity, PACEs Connection’s criminal justice consultant, with special guests to discuss the need for trauma-informed criminal...

Stress Busters Handout

We all have inner strengths and resilience that can help us deal with challenges and stress. To help us manage stress, PACEs Connection and ACEs Aware created a handout based on seven evidence-based stress busters , as described in the Roadmap for Resilience: The California Surgeon General’s Report on Adverse Childhood Experiences, Toxic Stress, and Health . These interventions can help reduce stress, improve health, and build resilience. Please share widely! The handout is available in the...

How Trauma Can Affect Adult Relationships (A NICABM website Resource)

Hello everyone! If you're in Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana or another territory that observes Diwali, I hope you are enjoying the public holiday today. We would like to share an Infographic with you that was recently posted to the website of the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioural Medicine (NICABM). It was adapted from Terry Real, MSW, LICSW. Please see the attachment for the infographic. To read more about this resource please visit the NICABM website at the link...

Labels v. the roots of trauma

When articles on self-harm are posted, I recommend we understand that diagnoses are merely labels for symptom clusters, almost always resulting from early trauma. Professionals use labels primarily for billing. They are also used widely as derogatory terms, at least when I was working as a mental health professional. "Borderline personality," "dissociative disorders," etc. are shorthand descriptions of desperate coping measures that survivors use to manage the pain from early extreme abuse.

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