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Tagged With "Meditation"

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8 Important Tools for Healing Trauma []

Laura Pinhey ·
Learning to understand your body and your inner emotional is the most valuable education you can receive. Healing is not about erasing what happened in the past, it is about finding the places the hurt got stuck, and loving that part of yourself so much it becomes free. I share with you today from what has worked for me personally in healing my own childhood trauma. Experiencing overwhelming events most often will later manifest at some point as ‘disease’, as we are often unable to cope in...
Blog Post

Benefits of Meditation

Amardeep Subadar ·
From many centuries ago, peoples are practicing meditation to control their minds, their thought and so on. By which they can make their mind to think positive and move ahead towards their goals in life. Peoples are struggling with the practice of meditation for physical, spiritual and emotional well being. But if we look from a scientific point of view, thus really meditation does anything the physical and mental conditions of an individual. Does meditation really works! After being some...
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Calming Your Anxious Mind Through Rhythmic Movement

Joanna Ciolek ·
5 Rhythmic Movement Practices That Can Calm Our Anxious Mind
Blog Post

Effective way to do Meditation

Amardeep Subadar ·
The most effective way to do meditation is to take your mind to the zero thought state. Meditation should not be something in which you try to make you mind silent. Your mind shall become silent automatically with the help of your subconscious mind power. We have written some posts on the basics of meditation and zero thought of mind . We really appreciate you if you read our blog once. And if you have any opinion please let us know. I know in the community of ace connection, there's a lot...
Blog Post

Effective way to do Meditation

Amardeep Subadar ·
The most effective way to do meditation is to take your mind to the zero thought state. Meditation should not be something in which you try to make you mind silent. Your mind shall become silent automatically with the help of your subconscious mind power. We have written some posts on the basics of meditation and zero thought of mind . We really appreciate you if you read our blog once. And if you have any opinion please let us know. I know in the community of ace connection, there's a lot...
Blog Post

Free Live &Online - Daily Meditation & Support Groups []

From Mindful Leader, March 22, 2020 To help keep us connected while we are isolated, help us stay calm during a time of great anxiety, to give us an opportunity to care for one another, and to be together, we are providing free live & online - daily meditation & support groups multiple times throughout the day. Every weekday, Monday - Friday, from Monday, March 23rd - Friday, May 1st at the times listed below we will offer 30 minute live & online - daily meditation & support...
Blog Post

Free Webinars Teach You to Calm Brain Dysregulation From Childhood PTSD

Anna Runkle ·
I've just scheduled five free Zoom webinars in the next four weeks, open to you and others interested in learning and trying my "Daily Practice." These are the techniques I've used for more than 25 years to re-regulate my brain and emotions, supporting the healing of Childhood PTSD. There are two particular and simple techniques we'll cover in each 55-minute webinar: 1. Writing fears and resentments 2. 20-minute simple meditation Plus time for Q&A with me Get more info and register here.
Blog Post

3 Minute Meditation for ACEs to Calm Power at the Beach

Dr. Brian Alman ·
#Stress #ACE Study #Psychology & EXCITING VIDEO ATTACHED. Why you should never underestimate yourself in 3 minutes: drbrianalman FREE SESSION attached to help you Celebrate Your Wellness & how to focus on what’s right about your life. PLEASE WRITE ME BACK WITH YOUR EXPERIENCES & we will help others together.
Blog Post

Mindfulness Stress Reduction Techniques for Healing

Jen Johnson, LPC ·
Whether you're healing from illness, trauma, or other difficult times, these mindfulness stress reduction techniques can support your healing.
Blog Post

Morning Meditation

Teri Wellbrock ·
As I continued practicing it, however, I found comfort in releasing the sound into the universe. There were times I would walk around the rest of the day feeling a beautiful energy, a tingly sensation, radiating from my forehead.

Re: Morning Meditation

Laura Pinhey ·
I haven't yet tried the whole meditation, but I tried a few minutes of it and wow! You are not kidding about the tingly sensation in the forehead! It's quite lasting, and the way I imagine it might feel to be a rung bell, every cell vibrating. The sensation moves concentrically from the head through the torso to the limbs. I'm intrigued -- thanks, Teri!

Re: Morning Meditation

Teri Wellbrock ·
While the sensation was a bit unnerving at first (my hyper-arousal at work!), I kept at it and eventually found myself enjoying the tingly reminder of sending my positive thoughts and energy out into the universe. There was a comfort in that. Peace, Teri

Re: Effective way to do Meditation

Laura Pinhey ·
Amardeep, thank you for sharing these links here. The Re-Reality site looks to be chockfull of helpful articles. And you're right -- there are many people on ACEs Connection who are very knowledgable on topics such as meditation, and many here who wish to learn more about it.

Re: Benefits of Meditation

Laura Pinhey ·
Thanks for another informative article about meditation, Amardeep. There's plenty of motivation there to keep a dedicated meditator returning to her cushion every day and plenty to encourage non-meditators to give it a go. The reasons to meditate sure seem to outweigh reasons not to do it.

Re: Free Webinars Teach You to Calm Brain Dysregulation From Childhood PTSD

Laura Pinhey ·
Thanks for letting us know, Anna!

Re: 3 Minute Meditation for ACEs to Calm Power at the Beach

Laura Pinhey ·
Thanks for sharing the meditation, Dr. Alman. It reminds me of a poster in my seventh grade teacher's classroom (many years ago) that said, "What you think about, you are becoming."

Re: Mindfulness Stress Reduction Techniques for Healing

Teri Wellbrock ·
Love this!!!! Great reminders, Jen. I stopped watching negative news years ago. And being on my summer Facebook hiatus with all its political negativity has been wonderful for my peace of mind. Thanks for sharing. I'll be sure to share it on the podcast social media pages, too. Peace, Teri

Re: Mindfulness Stress Reduction Techniques for Healing

Laura Pinhey ·
Such helpful suggestions. I enjoy knowing there's scientific evidence to back up the techniques too (although I've nothing against anecdotal support). I tried the 3-Part breath and was surprised at how different it felt from the usual slow and steady inhalation. Must be something about the mindful focus on where in the lungs the breath is during the breathing process, I'm guessing. Thanks so much, Jen, for sharing this here.

Re: Mindfulness Stress Reduction Techniques for Healing

Laura Pinhey ·
And I just realized, Jen, that recently I listened to Teri Wellbrock's interview with you on her Healing Place podcast. I very much enjoyed your conversation! Also: when I went to check out the Meditation for Healing Sleep on your site, I found the link in your post was erroring, so I took the liberty of correcting it. Hope you don't mind!

Re: Calming Your Anxious Mind Through Rhythmic Movement

Laura Pinhey ·
Joanna, such great solutions to the problem of wanting to meditate but being emotionally uncomfortable or triggered by trying to sit too long. It's possible to have the best of both worlds -- the benefits of mindfulness meditation AND mindful movement in one. Thank you for sharing your own experience and good ideas with so many of us who can use an alternative to traditional seated meditation. This may encourage some who were hesitant to meditate because of the potential for anxiety to go...
Blog Post

Free Mindfulness Meditation Workshop May 28 []

By Town-Crier Editor, The Town-Crier, May 12, 2020 The Palm Health Foundation and Palm Beach County Parks & Recreation are presenting a free one-hour online Mindfulness Meditation Workshop led by meditation practitioner and longtime Wellington resident Jill Merrell. The virtual event is in support of May’s Mental Health Awareness and Trauma Informed Care Month and provides to assist residents in finding calm and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. The event will be a live Zoom...
Blog Post

The Powerful Practice of Meditation

Shirley Davis ·
When one thinks of meditation some will think of someone sitting cross-legged on the floor, with fingers in a funny position, repeating a simple word or sound such as “ooommm”. However, meditation is much deeper and richer a practice than just the one practice encompassing many forms.
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The Healing Effects on the Brain from Mindfulness, Prayer, and Meditation

Shirley Davis ·
In January, we have focused on how mindfulness, prayer, and meditation can help complex trauma survivors climb from the pit of despair into the sunshine of healing. In this last piece, we shall examine the neuroscience behind mindfulness, prayer, and meditation plus tie up any loose ends. Changes in the Brain from Complex Trauma Childhood trauma often leaves its victims with damages to the regions of the brain that control emotions, memory, and reasoning. These brain regions include the...
Blog Post

200 hr yoga life skills & teacher training (**Donation based)

Joshua Diliberto ·
Skills and wisdom for creating the best possible experience of life. This program is designed to give you skills and understanding that you can use now AND that will continue to deepen and unfold over time. The curriculum is resilience-focused. What that means in a practical sense is that the starting place is of acknowledgment of the traumas potentially being held by yourself and your students. This allows for these amazing practices to be applied in a way that is most supportive of the...
Blog Post

Mindfulness: Panacea or Hucksterism?

Helen W. Mallon ·
Psychology and spirituality are viewed as separate disciplines, but they shouldn't be. Healing is grounded in the place where they meet.
Blog Post

Relieve Pandemic Tension in Your Mind, Body with Yoga and Meditation

Former Member ·
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a shock to the system for many -- for individuals, for countries, for economies on a huge scale. As a survivor, you know we will get through this . The only way out is through. But the stress the pandemic has visited on your body has not been kind. Meditation and activities that promote mindfulness (like yoga) can help stem some of this stress and relieve the tension the pandemic has left behind in your bones. If you’re ready to move toward healing and more...

Re: Meditation Techniques for Managing Emotions

Mary Martell ·
There are many different types of Meditation, a person may have to try 2 or 3 different types to get a sense of what they are comfortable with. One important thing to remember is a person does not have to buy clothing, magazines, trips or books to meditate. Meditation is sitting with yourself and then watching what thoughts arise and how often certain thoughts continually show up in your mind. We do not try to banish or stop thinking, we recognize our thoughts and then just let them move on.
Blog Post

Meditation Techniques for Managing Emotions

Arslan Hassan ·
Are you emotional about a certain situation? Or feeling "too much,"? Well, you are not alone in this, and it is not entirely a bad thing to feel this way. However, our emotions shape the way we perceive certain events and might even cloud our judgment regarding people and incidents. At the same time, it is also important to understand that emotions are part of life, and they complete us. It is part of human nature to feel certain things, and one cannot simply escape this reality. What we can...
Blog Post

The Powerful Practice of Meditation

Shirley Davis ·
When one thinks of meditation some will think of someone sitting cross-legged on the floor, with fingers in a funny position, repeating a simple word or sound such as “ooommm”. However, meditation is much deeper and richer a practice than just the one practice encompassing many forms. This fourth article in the mindfulness, prayer, and meditation series examines meditation, the many forms it can take and its benefits to mental and physical health. Defining Meditation The word “meditate”...
Blog Post

The Power of Prayer and Meditation

Arslan Hassan ·
“The minds who spend hours worshiping God in prayer and meditation are different yet more blessed than others.” – Barbara Bradley Hagerty The power of prayer and meditation cannot be overlooked. In today’s busy life, the importance of meditation and prayer has increased multifold. Not only do they bring much-needed peace to the increasingly materialistic mind, but they also enhance character traits that are essential for success in life. Prayer and meditation are the ways to know the meaning...

Re: The Power of Prayer and Meditation

Shams Geroun ·
That is beautifully and wonderfully said about prayer and meditation. Thank you
Blog Post

Free online class on mindfulness for health coaches

Kathleen Lisson ·
Are you a health coach with a mindfulness practice? Would you like to share some easy mindfulness strategies with your clients? Perhaps you're a health coach that hasn't added mindfulness to your self-care yet, but wants to learn more about it? Having a mindfulness practice can improve resilience for both health coaches and their clients.
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Join Us Saturdays- EmpowerSurvivors Guided Somatic Awareness Meditation

Elizabeth Sullivan ·
Join us Saturday mornings at 10:00 am Central Time! ( 11:00 am Eastern/9:00 am Mountain/8:00 am Pacific) Join us, via Zoom, as we explore how simple breath, movement, and toning techniques can bring us into the present moment and help ground us into our daily lives. Facilitator: Thomas Travers Contact Info: EmpowerSurvivors: Register in advance for this meeting:
Blog Post

How to Practice Gratitude

Brian Alman ·
Gratitude is proven highly beneficial as a daily practice, not just something we save for the holidays. Learn a couple of easy ways to practice gratitude, and find out how to get personalized support to heal from ACEs and live the stress-free life you deserve.
Blog Post

How to Practice Gratitude

Brian Alman ·
Gratitude is proven highly beneficial as a daily practice, not just something we save for the holidays. Learn a couple of easy ways to practice gratitude, and find out how to get personalized support to heal from ACEs and live the stress-free life you deserve.

Re: How to Practice Gratitude

Lynn Underwood ·
HAHAHAHA!! Saw the Florida post! Lynn Sharpe Underwood I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. -- Maya Angelou
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