Tagged With "Trauma"
Re: Empowered through Understanding: Trauma, Triggers, and the Brain
Melanie: Is it o.k. to share this on the main ACEs page? You write and inform and share all at the same time. Thank you for sharing this and breaking it down and also sharing what you did to work with this unexpected trigger. I always admire ALL the work you are doing. Thank you for sharing! Cissy
Re: Empowered through Understanding: Trauma, Triggers, and the Brain
Hey Cissy- thank you so much for your lovely affirmation - and yes, I'd be honored to have this shared on the main ACEs page. Thanks so much for offering to do that. Blessings, Melanie
Re: Empowered through Understanding: Trauma, Triggers, and the Brain
Melanie: I just saw this on the home page today. THANKS FOR DOING THIS. I love this piece. I'm sorry for slow response. I am still catching up post ACEs Conference. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, writing and experience. Cissy
Blog Post
April 4th Policy Forum: A Rising Tide: Understanding Incarceration’s Multigenerational Impact on Women, Girls, and Communities (Philadelphia, PA)
The Stoneleigh Foundation and Maternity Care Coalition are hosting a policy forum on April 4 titled, “A Rising Tide: Understanding Incarceration's Multigenerational Impact on Women, Girls, and Communities.” This day-long event will bring together policymakers, system stakeholders, industry leaders, advocates, and community members to explore how incarceration affects women, girls, and parenting families and to identify solutions promoting their health and well-being. REGISTRATION:...
Blog Post
Department of Counseling and Behavioral Health & Trauma Conference
Thomas Jefferson University's newly formed Department of Counseling and Behavioral Health has generated its first-ever newsletter . If you're interested in trauma-informed training and education , or if you simply want to stay abreast of the work of some great clinicians, researchers, advocates and aspiring professionals, please have a look. The Community and Trauma Counseling program currently has Art Therapy options and is launching two new specializations and certificates this summer: (1)...
Blog Post
Empowered through Understanding: Trauma, Triggers, and the Brain
One plump, juicy, dusty purple Concord grape. That’s all it took for a sudden, overwhelming mix of rage, loss, sadness, and panicky fear to flood over me, leaving me sitting in my kitchen, shaking, heart pounding, with tears streaming down my face. Then, blind-sided, I wondered, What the hell just happened? The short answer: That one tiny grape was a trauma trigger, though I’d had no idea before popping it into my mouth that it would be. It turns out that the smell (and taste) of that one...
Blog Post
Free film screening: Healing Neen
Those who have attended the Trauma 101 trainings have seen the film trailer for Healing Neen, the powerful true story of Tonier Cain, who suffered decades of abuse, neglect and trauma, and went on to become an internationally renowned motivational speaker and advocate for trauma-informed care. Here's your chance to see the full film about her life and work! Tuesday, May 14, 2019 6:00pm - 7:30pm The Factory Ministries 3293 Lincoln Hwy East Paradise, PA 17562 Hope to see you there!
Blog Post
How Our Community can Deal with Trauma [lancasteronline.com]
By Alice Yoder, Lancaster Online, September 22, 2019 Even though you cannot always see it on the outside, we are all more likely to have some kind of trauma or adverse childhood experience than to have none. With awareness, knowledge and the right tools, we can reduce stigma and create a supportive and safe community for everyone. We can make simple yet important changes that recognize daily challenges and fight the mental and physical health effects of trauma or ACEs. A restorative,...
Blog Post
LOHF Grant Partners Cohort Invitation: May 2nd
We hope you’ll join us for a small forum on trauma-informed care at our office on Wednesday, May 2nd from 8:00 am – 10:00 am. Our intention is to create a space for you, our current and past grant partners, to foster a discussion on trauma-informed care * and assess our capacity to become a trauma-informed community, with a particular focus on children’s behavioral health. We’ll share some updates on current county-wide work that is being done on trauma-informed care and look forward to...
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PA State Resource Family Association - Training Trauma Informed Care
Jeff Merkert and Faye Hall are presenting a free conference on attachment, child development, and early trauma on June 29 in York. If you've never heard Jeff and Faye present or read their book Healing Traumatized Children, you may want to consider attending this event. They facilitate monthly parent support groups for children with early trauma/complicated attachment. A flyer is attached. Registration is here . https://www.psrfa.org/psrfa-training-york-pa/
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Real Resilience is now a PODCAST
Women who support an incarcerated loved one finally has a place to share their stories on the Real Resilience P.W.L. Podcast.
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Therapeutic Spiral Model Keeps Trauma Survivors Safe While Healing
The model is an integration of classical psychodrama, object relations and recent advances in trauma theory to provide additional safety and structure when working with survivors of trauma.
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Trauma 101: New Aug/Sep training dates, and June seats still available
We wanted to let you know that new training dates for the Trauma 101 course have just been added for the months of August and September. Also there are still some seats available for sessions being offered in the last 2 weeks of June. We will continue to add new dates on a rolling basis throughout the year. This 4-hour training is offered free of charge to all attendees , thanks to support from the Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health Behavioral Health Community Impact Fund. Here's a link...
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Trauma-informed criminal justice efforts in Lancaster, PA
The RMO for Returning Citizens, a prisoner reentry coalition in Lancaster County, PA, is leading an effort to build the foundation for a trauma-informed criminal justice system there. Our efforts to train all corrections officers and parole officers about trauma are highlighted in this article: http://lancasteronline.com/news/local/trauma-informed-training-for-lancaster-county-corrections-and-parole-officers/article_dfc9a524-292f-11e7-b008-8f12e2682c1f.html
Blog Post
Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue and Self-Care for Your Team
Here's the first in a planned monthly series of "curated resources" for our Trauma Informed Lancaster County partners to help keep the momentum going in our individual, organizational and community-wide efforts toward becoming more trauma-informed. Trauma-informed care has a two-pronged focus on: the safety and well-being of the people your organization serves (clients, consumers, program participants, patients, students, etc), AND the safety and well-being of your organization’s staff. With...
Blog Post
1000th person trained thru RMO's Trauma trainings
1000. That’s the number of people in Lancaster County who have now completed one of the trauma trainings offered through the Community Action Partnership's #RMOforReturningCitizens and partners over the past 18 months. This is a pretty significant milestone in the collective community effort toward making Lancaster County a trauma-informed community. We’ve trained people from many parts of the criminal justice system, including about 400 corrections officers, parole officers, police...
Re: How Our Community can Deal with Trauma [lancasteronline.com]
This training is excellent, providing education and deep insight into the impact of trauma in our society but offers ways to tap into the resilience that leads to healing.
Re: 1000th person trained thru RMO's Trauma trainings
Melanie: This is fantastic, inspiring and impressive. Happy 1000 to the Lancaster County Community! Thanks for sharing this great news! CIssy
Blog Post
Online, self-paced trauma training series now available
Though we've had to put our classroom-based trauma trainings on hold, we're delighted to announce a new online, self-paced trauma training series that is free and available to anyone in the community who interacts with individuals and families who may have experienced trauma, including law enforcement and criminal justice professionals, first responders, healthcare and behavioral health providers, human services professionals, educators, employers, government agencies, faith community...
Blog Post
The 2023 Creating Resilient Communities Accelerator Program is now Open For Registration
PACEs Connection is excited to kick off our 2023 Creating Resilient Communities (CRC) Annual Accelerator Program.
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Penn Medicine LGH free online trauma training
Our new free, completely online/virtual training course, titled "Understanding Trauma, Resilience and Trauma Informed Care", provides a foundational understanding of trauma, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), resilience, vicarious trauma, self-care, and trauma-informed care for anyone in the community who interacts with individuals and families who may have experienced trauma, including law enforcement and criminal justice professionals, first responders, healthcare and behavioral health...