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Dear Teacher

Dear Teacher I remember you and I would imagine you remember me well. I am your student. We have shared space for many years yet have never come to know one another. Although I have known you over twenty years and spent more time with you than even my closest friends and family, our relationship has remained transactional, tense, contentious and at times violent. We have cursed, threatened and insulted each other, I have thrown chairs and spat at you and you have restrained me multiple...

Middle school tackles everybody's trauma; result is calmer, happier kids, teachers and big drop in suspensions

6 th grader Cayla White (right) helps lead class meditation with Niroga Institute’s Lauren Banister/ photos by Laurie Udesky During the 2014/2015 school year, things were looking grim at Park Middle School in Antioch, CA. At the time, staff couldn’t corral student disruptions. Teacher morale was plummeting. By the end of February 2015, 192 kids of the 997 students had been suspended -- 19.2 percent of the student population. “I was watching really good people burning out from the [teaching]...

Using Creative Expression to build SEL skills in Elementary-aged Kids

For over twenty years, Art with Heart has been spreading the healing power of creative expression to kids experiencing trauma or adversity. Our therapeutic activity books for youth, and resources for the adults who serve them transform pain into possibility for young people around the world. Now in our third decade, we’ll reach 3.5 million more kids through our innovative online learning community and through collaboration with many personal, unique partnerships. Join certified trainer Lulu...

New Research Suggests Practical Ways to Make School Discipline, Access Equitable []

Sometimes small changes in how school districts approach policy—including how behaviors are labeled, which interventions schools are offered, and how teachers are trained to use them—can help break down the school-to-prison pipeline and put disadvantaged students on a better academic trajectory. In a symposium here at the annual meeting of the American Association of Educational Research, civil rights experts discussed practical ways that states and districts can reduce discipline...

Place Matters

Place matters. It was spring break of 1993 – my senior year of high school – and I was driving back from Virginia Beach with three close friends. We passed signs for the University of Delaware. I asked if we could take a quick detour to see the campus. The one request literally changed the course of my life – forever. University of Delaware in Spring It was late in April and I had been accepted to UD but never set foot in the town of Newark, DE. Little did I know it would be the campus of my...

The kids aren’t all right []

To listen to this podcast, click here . Federal law requires colleges and universities to track and disclose sexual assaults on campus. It’s different for kindergarten through 12th grade, where there are no similar requirements for cases involving assaults between students. In elementary, middle and high schools across the U.S., the Associated Press found a shocking level of sexual violence among students, including on U.S. military bases. On this episode of Reveal, we delve into the results...

The National Council for Behavioral Health - 2018-2019 Trauma-Sensitive Schools Learning Community

The National Council for Behavioral Health is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for the 2018-2019 Trauma-Sensitive Schools Learning Community. This one-of-akind opportunity connects leadership from schools from across the nation as they implement, sustain and spread trauma-sensitive approaches to promote a fundamental change in education culture. Throughout this year-long initiative, National Council trauma experts will help you develop and implement a...

How one suburban district is helping traumatized students succeed []

Educators nationwide are recognizing that early psychological traumas can have a huge impact on children's brain development and learning. Just how teachers and schools can support students affected by adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, is not quite a science. That's where Algonquin-based Community Unit District 300's new initiative called DREAM Academy -- for Dedicated Reinforcement, Engagement And Motivation -- comes in. [For more on this story by Madhu Krishnamurthy, go to...

Learn4Life Conducts Level 1 Trauma-Informed Training to “Train-the-Trainers”

Learn4Life is taking an organization-wide approach to educational service delivery grounded in understanding trauma, its consequences and promoting healing and resilience. To help staff better understand the approach, training was recently conducted for Learn4Life leaders including teachers, counselors, and administrative staff. The training is designed to increase understanding of proactive, practical, trauma-informed approaches to create cultures of inclusivity. The goal is the have all...

TRAUMA-INFORMED SCHOOL CONFERENCE FALL 2018 (October 1-2, 2018 Sacramento, California)

Come join us for this comprehensive three-day trauma-informed conference that is designed for educators, school administrators, school personnel, mental health professionals, and parents. This conference will give you the understanding, knowledge, and tools you need to successfully create a trauma-informed learning environment, whether it is in a single classroom, a whole school, or an entire district. Registration coming soon! See HERE for full details

ACES: Educators Present on Child Abuse: South Boston Online

Jeannette Fodness, Meg Rieley and I went to Boston to present at the ASCD conference--a large (@ 7000 I believe) conference for educators and administrators. The conversations were diverse and the interest in ACEs varied as did the knowledge level. Fortunately, a reporter from South Boston Online chose our learning lab to attend and here is what he had to say: P.S. He got our titles a little mixed up, but the ideas are...

Disparities Persist In School Discipline, Says Government Watchdog []

Black students, boys, and students with disabilities are disproportionately disciplined in K-12 schools across the country. That's according to a new report , out Wednesday, from the non-partisan federal watchdog, the Government Accountability Office. Those disparities were consistent, "regardless of the type of disciplinary action, regardless of the level of school poverty, and regardless of the type of public school attended," says Jacqueline Nowicki, who led the team of researchers at the...

Facing unprepared kindergartners, a rural school district restores preschool for all []

In 2016, heading into her 15th year as a kindergarten teacher, Kristy Caesar knew what to expect from a room full of 5-year-olds. But what greeted her on that first day of school last year was an eye opener — she had 21 kindergartners and only four had attended preschool. Eighteen students couldn’t recognize a single phonetic letter sound, such as the sound “A” makes. “It was so challenging; they were months behind,” said Caesar, who teaches at Kennedy Elementary School in Lindsay, in...

8 Benefits of Yoga for Kids (

Children these days deal with stress, distractions, peer pressure, over-stimulation, etc., and for this reason, the low-cost practice of yoga can benefit their well being immensely. Little ones have their own battles, races, and tension, and to bear it all, they require a calm mind and a healthy body. 1. Yoga Improves Concentration 2. Yoga Builds Confidence and Self-Esteem 3. Yoga Alleviates Stress (Something We All Face) 4. Yoga Promotes a Healthy Body and Mind 5. Yoga Teaches Body Balance...

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