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Tools for teachers -- Children's Resilience Initiative

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The Children's Resilience Initiative's web site, has an assortment of resilience-building tools for elementary school-age children. 


Because we understand the impact of trauma on a child’s sense of safety we are helping to build strategies that build a child’s sense of safety starting with the foundational ability to self-regulate.  We are starting by bringing concrete activities and strategies to teachers that address the basic elements of social emotional development in a class room. We also aim to support teachers own self care as the most critical factor in a child’s learning experience.


The tools include Brain songs, Safe Zones, Safe Pocket systems, entry tasks to monitor feelings, and breathing exercises, to name a few. 



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  • Screen Shot 2015-08-29 at 9.11.47 PM

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This site, the songs and the concepts are truely wonderful!!! I would love to include these ideas in my classroom author visits. Does the world know how much our kids need this? Oh, if only I had this help when I was a small girl.

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Last edited by David M. Swim
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