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The urgent need for a system of support for California schools (


Earlier this year, a representative of a California advocacy and civil-rights organization asked me if the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence, the new state agency that I head, has a “genuine sense of urgency” about its work in getting the right kind of help and assistance to districts, charters and county offices of education.

I told him that the very first meeting that we had in the very first district that we agreed to take on was at Ironwood State Prison, which is located within the boundaries of the Palo Verde Unified School District in the city of Blythe on the California-Arizona border.

There is nothing that gives an educator like me a greater sense of mission, purpose and urgency than walking into one of our state’s Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation facilities and sitting down to talk with inmates about their schooling experiences. The Los Angeles Times reported earlier this year that our state is now spending just over $75,000 per year, per inmate at our prisons, which is more than the annual cost of a Harvard University education, including room and board.

Carl Cohn
To read more of Carl Cohn's Commentary, please click here.

Carl Cohn is executive director of the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence, a state agency established in 2013 to advise and assist districts under the state’s new accountability system. A former member of the State Board of Education, he was also  superintendent of the Long Beach and San Diego Unified School Districts.


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  • Carl Cohn

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If we follow the current brain science, and the impact of traumatic life experiences, we will find the solution and paradigm shift needed in our approach to ALL students.  Our teachers are working harder than ever before, and the research tells us we are getting very small bumps in student learning.  It's not because educators aren't working hard, it's because we continue with the same traditional mindset which is leading more and more students down into the Pipeline to Prison.  If we move away from our traditional approach to student discipline, and use the research to embrace a trauma-informed approach, the results will improved student behavior and demonstrate greater academic growth... as well as higher graduation rates.

This change in approach is built on a solid foundation and platform that  embraces an intentional positive caring adult in the lives of ALL of our students.  We know that it only takes one caring adult to have a positive influence of changing a student's  life path from hopelessness to HOPE.  Unconditional love is not a budgetary line item, however... punitive education ideology and policy is having a profound negative impact on our educators and student achievement. 

Remove the profiteers pushing high stakes testing, and remove the punitive ideology for teacher evaluations, and we can turn our current educational system around.  Social and Emotional Learning are the critical steps to academic learning.  Without SEL, we will continue to fail the very students who are so dependent on us for a positive outlook for their future.  Follow the research, it leads us to the solution... and bring our educators back into the conversation that they have been removed from for far to long.

Last edited by Jim Sporleder
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