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Learning Disabilities Awareness Month sheds light on new disparities faced in the classroom and the voting booth (The Hill)


By Austa Somvichian-Clausen | October 1, 2020, The Hill.

1 in 5 Americans have learning disabilities and attention issues, and many are now falling behind in school.

October marks the start of Learning Disabilities Awareness Month - a time designated to acknowledging the challenges, and accomplishments, of those with learning impairments since a 1985 proclamation by President Reagan. Today it's recognized by educational organizations throughout the country, which utilize the month of October to inform the public about learning disabilities through events, online learning tools and more.

This year's Learning Disabilities Awareness Month is more crucial than ever, supporters say, as the coronavirus pandemic has severely affected the education of students with special needs, and as the country heads into a pivotal presidential election.

[Please click here to read more.]

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