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How To Talk To High School Students About Race (


Throughout the past year, the United States has undergone a reckoning on the issue of race in America, and racial justice and racial inequity are at the forefront of public discourse.

This focus on racial justice and racial inequity has spurred the question: How do we talk to young people, specifically high school students, about race in the classroom?

Teaching about race and social justice can create more empathy among students by getting them to think from a perspective different from their own personal one, as well as get students to further develop their critical thinking skills.

Talking to students about racial justice and racial inequity is important in order to create values of tolerance. There are a few ideas for how to have this tough conversation.

1) Have the students fill out a journal that allows reflection on issues about race. Students can then share with a smaller group within the class if they feel comfortable doing so. These reflections can be about students’ personal experiences or their opinions. This creates an environment of acceptance and allows students to start thinking about race with a different lens than their own personal experiences, as well as being curious while having a respectful discourse.

To read more of Ethan Schwartz' article,  please click here.

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