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Graduation and dropout rates: Look up California districts and high schools []


California education officials last week bragged about the seventh consecutive year of improvement in the statewide high school graduation rate, which reached 83.2 percent for the class of 2016.  That was 0.9 percentage point above the previous year. However, behind that omnibus number is a world of variety, both among ethnic groups, school districts and individual high schools.

EdSource has created a database that families and educators can use to look up how well their districts and schools are doing in getting students their diplomas within four years. They can also search for dropout rates and measurements of how many students are taking more than four years to finish high school.

Here is the link to search district by district.

To continue reading this article by Larry Gordon, go to:

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I commend any school district or state that is raising graduation percentages, and preparing students to pursue their career choice.  However, graduation rates are one of the most manipulated data points in our education system.  As Jane shared, you have to look at the dropout data, or look at graduation rates of the alternative high schools in the same community.  Unfortunately, schools that have high graduation rates, move kids that are not on track to graduate to the alternative high schools.  It is a common practice, but an unspoken word..."if they aren't going to graduate, move them out!"

I do not want take away from those schools that have intentionally addressed their graduation rates, and have taken early intervention steps to support and track students that might be struggling and need additional support and encouragement.  I also want to acknowledge students who graduate in their 5 year. This normally represent a student overcoming challenges in their lives to stay engaged with their education and have the resilience to earn their diploma.  We don't judge students who take five years to graduate from college, but we are very judgemental of those who need the additional year to graduate from high school.

I researched the top ten high schools in Washington State in 2013 who were recognized for their graduation rates.  100% of the alternative high schools in the same community were labelled as Schools of Improvement by the state. That means they were judged as being one of the worst high schools in the state.  As Jane mentioned, you have to look at the whole picture before being too quick to acknowledge high performance schools, if they practice the commonly known (unspoken word)  manipulation strategy to increase graduation rates. 



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