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Baltimore summer school does the seemingly impossible — the kids actually want to be there (


Can these middle school students catch up in time?

It is almost impossible to tell that Lamontae Smith and Justin Dutton, sitting side by side at summer school, both failed sixth-grade math this year.

“I have a 95 average,” said Justin, grinning and lifting his head up During the school year, neither boy had been able to maintain an average above 60.momentarily from a quiz on fractions.

“I have a 97 average,” responded Lamontae, with a hint of competitive pride. “If I get a 100 on this, I’m up to a 99.”

During the school year, neither boy had been able to maintain an average above 60.

Lamontae and Justin are two of about 475 students in Baltimore’s middle school summer program, which enrolls students who have been identified as having to stay back a year.

But in Baltimore’s middle school summer program last year, studentsgained three months in reading and two and a half in math, according to the nonprofit that ran it — all in the span of five weeks, with just 21 instructional days. Teachers in the program, who also teach in Baltimore City Public Schools during the year, say the secret is small classes, consistent discipline and taking time to show the students that they care.

Six years ago, Baltimore handed its entire middle school summer school program over to a nonprofit called BELL, which stands for Building Educated Leaders for Life.

This year BELL raised enough private funds to cover about half of the program’s $800,000 price tag. That level of funding allows for 20 students per classroom, led by two adults — a certified teacher and a teaching assistant.

“Two sets of eyes and ears in the room, it’s a big difference,” said Clarence Davis Jr., who has been teaching in Baltimore for 10 years. “I’m in heaven right now.”

The additional adults also help to enforce a consistent set of expectations for behavior. Administrators say this process is particularly important in Baltimore, since the summer school site pulls from all around the city, which can result in students who belong to rival street gangs sitting next to each other.

BELL summer school program in Baltimore
To read more of Meredith Kolodner's article, please click here.


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  • BELL summer school program in Baltimore

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