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Hi community-

I am looking for trainers and coaches that have capacity to partner on work coaching trauma informed pedagogy to schools in the Virgin Islands for the 2018 school year.

Is anyone familiar with local/nearby agencies or interested in the work?


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I'm 'in.'  Agreed with your TIC model and assessment. I emphasize that the whole environment supports wellness and wholeness.  And of course, that's starts with us, doesn't it?  Count me in. 

I am interested in and have been working on a multi-tiered system of supports approach to school mental health practices, weaving in issues such as poverty and trauma, to help educators recognize the impact of these issues on student learning. I would be interested in hearing more about your plans and needs.

I am interested in providing training for this project.  I have been endorsed by Eric Jensen to provide trauma informed teacher training.  I have developed a certification program for trauma informed educators.  Look forward to hearing from you.

Hi Leora,

I sent you a note on Thursday. Let us know if we can help on this short time line. We are doing a lot of local and out of state training in that subject area - specific to schools. We are also knitting in a lot of SEL related work because we believe that trauma responsive work in school benefits all students and relates very well to overall SEL programming.

Hope to hear from you.

Ron Hertel

Hi Leora,

I am very interested in hearing more about this opportunity.  I am completing my doctorate in developmental trauma and as a member of the Attachment & Trauma Network started Creating Trauma Sensitive  We have been involved in trauma informed pedagogy and teacher development nationally.

I look forward to hearing from you!


Hi Leora, Our organization provides expertise on successful implementation of new practices in a variety of settings, using implementation science, since having the right infrastructure and support for new practices and pedagogy will be key to success (in addition to the insights that you mention). I am also an ACE master trainer and have been implementing ACE interventions in primary care with successful uptake - would be happy to share our experiences and talk through any possibilities for collaboration. Julie McCrae 

This is something I am as well interested in but am not free at that date and time for a conference call. If you would like to connect, please try me at:



Winden Rowe, MS Community and Trauma Counseling 

"That means that teachers must be actively involved committed to a process of self-actualization that promotes their own well-being if they are to teach in a manner that empowers students."

I happen to teach a great way to experience that self-actualization that includes healing trauma, that doesn't require having to talk about it. It can be taught in a three day weekend, with some follow up for a tool that is integrated and owned by the individual learning it.

If you're interested in knowing more, I'm here for a discussion.

It's all good, and I'm looking forward to the whole discussion.  I, too, train a lot of folks to take care of themselves, as well as others, which of course we cannot do unless we've done a lot of our own work, as you say self-actualization, and perhaps I would say, healing our own wounds, before we're really very helpful to others with wounds, yes? Perhaps there is lively meshing of all sorts of things we can offer one another and this project?  Hope so. Cheers, Jondi

To be sure. In my modality, I can't teach what I don't practice, and that's doing my own work. I more often than not use the term "embodiment" instead of self actualization, which is the hope of combining both ideas.

So, "yes." Be the change you want to see. My TRE® teacher told me, that if I wanted to change the world, heal trauma. I am doing my own, and teachong others how to heal theirs.


I hope to get back on track and find out what I missed - I was busy hosting our giant annual event, and sick to boot, so I couldn't be on the call.  Anyone can fill me in and catch me up?  Kind thanks - Jondi

Leora Wolf-Prusan posted:

Thanks all. If you are interested, please join me for a webex conversation about this opportunity:

Thursday May 12th @ 9am

Audio: 1-877-413-2826

Conference Code: 348 851 0829

Thank you, Leora

Leora, I had written but not heard back - is there a recording or more information about this project?  Kind regards, Jondi

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