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Winden Rowe posted:
Marsha Morgan posted:

While we are not in the Northwest, I thought I would share that in Kansas City we started our trauma informed work with our Police Department on surviving secondary trauma.  The course is 1/2 day, includes information on the allostatic load, brain science and provides a number of paths for self care.  We have found the officers responsive and comments about wanting more information and why did it take so long to offer such helpful training are common.  The presentation was developed in partnership with the community mental health center staff and police officers.  Now that the officers know how to take care of themselves, they are interested in learning more about the impact of trauma on our citizens.  If you are interested in our course, I am happy to share-all of it has been gathered from information in the public domain or from trauma experts. 

Marsha, I am interested in information re: your work. Hoping to implement similar curricula in the Phila area.

Hi Winden.  I sent you a private message in regards to this.

Winden Rowe posted:
Marsha Morgan posted:

While we are not in the Northwest, I thought I would share that in Kansas City we started our trauma informed work with our Police Department on surviving secondary trauma.  The course is 1/2 day, includes information on the allostatic load, brain science and provides a number of paths for self care.  We have found the officers responsive and comments about wanting more information and why did it take so long to offer such helpful training are common.  The presentation was developed in partnership with the community mental health center staff and police officers.  Now that the officers know how to take care of themselves, they are interested in learning more about the impact of trauma on our citizens.  If you are interested in our course, I am happy to share-all of it has been gathered from information in the public domain or from trauma experts. 

Marsha, I am interested in information re: your work. Hoping to implement similar curricula in the Phila area.

Hi Winden.  I sent you a private message in regards to this.

Hi All,

In Kansas City, we developed a course entitled, Building Resilience:  Surviving Secondary Trauma.  This course is facilitated by KCPD employees and is open to any/all First Reponders.  We have recently expanded that to include Probation and Parole, Department of Health and Senior Services; Department of Corrections, Juvenile Justice, and military personnel.  Basically, anyone who is exposed to Secondary Trauma on a daily basis.

The training has been a huge success and we have trained over 500 people to date. I have attached some basic information on it.

We also provide several hours of Trauma Informed Care training in our CIT courses and I am working with a few local elementary schools on how to bring Trauma Informed Policing into them.  This endeavor is at the beginning stages but has lots of potential.



Johanna Roe posted:


Are there programs for training law enforcement personnel on the adverse affects of trauma?  I have found a DVD based curriculum on the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and apparently SAMSHA has a program as well.  Are there any speakers or trainers in the Pacific Northwest that provide workshops on understanding ACES/trauma and resiliency for rural police and sheriff departments?

Thank you,

Johanna Roe

Skamania Klickitat Community Network

Southwest Washington State


Hi!  Here in Spokane we are in the early stages of working with local PD Departments on a curriculum around ACEs and building resilience for all.  Our Assessment Department is working with us to determine the outcomes for Trauma-informed policing.  We are also scheduled to do similar trainings for probation.


Peggy Slider RN MS Public Health Nurse & 

Rhonda Crooker RN BSN Public Health Nurse


I have been getting lots of requests for information about the law enforcement training we were working on that unfortunately never got off the ground. Yesterday, I was speaking with Andi Fetzner who is a very well respected trauma trainer in Arizona and who has recently moved to Los Angeles (she's also the LA ACESConnection person). She has created a trauma-training for law enforcement that they have rolled out in Phoenix so I would recommend anyone with inquiries to talk to her. Hope this helps!

Hello!  As a follow-up to my reply of 12/10/15, the OJJDP funded toolkit "Enhancing Law Enforcement Responses to Children Exposed to Violence" is preparing to launch, and it includes a 2-day curriculum for officers that thus far has been delivered by me and my police colleague, Deputy Chief (retired) Eddie Levins at the Defending Childhood pilot sites.  This project is the result of a partnership between the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and the Yale Child Study Center's Childhood Violent Trauma Center.  Pre- and post tests showed significant results. 

The Washington State Patrol (WSP), the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Bureau (CVEB), will present Ms Laura van Dernoot Lipsky, author and founder of The Trauma Stewardship Institute. She will be presenting at the 2017 WSP-CVEB Leadership Summit in Leavenworth, WA.
When: May 18, 2017 from 8 am - 12 noon
Where: Icicycle Village Resort, 505 Highway 2, Leavenworth, WA
Cost: No cost. Space is limited to 250 attendees
Registration/Questions: Donovan Daly,

Last edited by Jane Stevens
Marsha Morgan posted:

While we are not in the Northwest, I thought I would share that in Kansas City we started our trauma informed work with our Police Department on surviving secondary trauma.  The course is 1/2 day, includes information on the allostatic load, brain science and provides a number of paths for self care.  We have found the officers responsive and comments about wanting more information and why did it take so long to offer such helpful training are common.  The presentation was developed in partnership with the community mental health center staff and police officers.  Now that the officers know how to take care of themselves, they are interested in learning more about the impact of trauma on our citizens.  If you are interested in our course, I am happy to share-all of it has been gathered from information in the public domain or from trauma experts. 

Marsha - I would love to see what you've put together!  Would you share with me, as well? 


I work with individuals who teach on a national level in regard to ACE/TIC. My organization works quite frequently with child advocacy centers and law enforcement agencies. Right away I think of Jane Straub, victim assistance specialist for Jacob Wetterling Resource Center and Gundersen National Child Protection Training Center. Jane has been working in the violence prevention and intervention field for over 15 years. She has had the opportunity to work with adult victims of abuse, offenders and children of all ages. In addition to providing advocacy and support to victims and families, Jane has been able to educate the community on topics such as domestic abuse, sexual violence, stalking, trafficking, bullying/cyberbullying, reproductive coercion and the impact of trauma (ACE Study).

If you'd like to talk more about her or other opportunities, please let me know! 


Nick Cota



Johanna Roe posted:


Are there programs for training law enforcement personnel on the adverse affects of trauma?  I have found a DVD based curriculum on the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and apparently SAMSHA has a program as well.  Are there any speakers or trainers in the Pacific Northwest that provide workshops on understanding ACES/trauma and resiliency for rural police and sheriff departments?

Thank you,

Johanna Roe

Skamania Klickitat Community Network

Southwest Washington State


Were you able to find materials for training officers?  If not I wanted to pass this along.

Johanna Roe posted:


Are there programs for training law enforcement personnel on the adverse affects of trauma?  I have found a DVD based curriculum on the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and apparently SAMSHA has a program as well.  Are there any speakers or trainers in the Pacific Northwest that provide workshops on understanding ACES/trauma and resiliency for rural police and sheriff departments?

Thank you,

Johanna Roe

Skamania Klickitat Community Network

Southwest Washington State


Hello, I have an online human trafficking training for LE. We teach empathy. I'm a sex trafficking survivor. I'm retired now and I'm doing anti-human trafficking work. Understanding the ACEs helped me a lot.

I find that many LE officers feel uncomfortable sitting for hours in training talking about these sensitive issues and from my participants' feedback, my program is changing hearts and attitudes towards victims. This is what we really have to do before victims will be treated differently. LE does not have to come off the job to take my training. They can take it in the privacy of their own home, office or patrol car. Its only 3 minutes a day for 20 days. A perfect way to retain information on such a dark subject. Not sure if this is something you're looking for but here are 3 sample lessons

Thank you


Ruth Rondon

Johanna Roe posted:


Are there programs for training law enforcement personnel on the adverse affects of trauma?  I have found a DVD based curriculum on the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and apparently SAMSHA has a program as well.  Are there any speakers or trainers in the Pacific Northwest that provide workshops on understanding ACES/trauma and resiliency for rural police and sheriff departments?

Thank you,

Johanna Roe

Skamania Klickitat Community Network

Southwest Washington State


I'm re-tooling the training we do for emergency responders to deal with their own trauma and stress. I also have found that they provide a minimal response, because it's somewhat an implied consent there could be an issue. 

It provides them tools to mitigate their own as well as education on how trauma occurs, and how their own neurology works, so when they see it in others, they have a better sense of what is going on. 

Part of the re-tooling is to allow for them to use these tools in the privacy of their own homes.

Johanna Roe posted:


Are there programs for training law enforcement personnel on the adverse affects of trauma?  I have found a DVD based curriculum on the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and apparently SAMSHA has a program as well.  Are there any speakers or trainers in the Pacific Northwest that provide workshops on understanding ACES/trauma and resiliency for rural police and sheriff departments?

Thank you,

Johanna Roe

Skamania Klickitat Community Network

Southwest Washington State


Hi Johanna, I have a very convenient online training program for first responders and safety officers. My program teaches empathy, how to recognize human trafficking victims and how to engage with them.  Many in the law enforcement (LE) and healthcare (HC) communities tell me that learning empathy, ACEs, and human trafficking is an added burden they really don't want to take on. They say they are not social workers. They dislike sitting for hours in training that makes them feel uncomfortable. Hearing from past LE and HC learners they appreciate taking in the information in bits and pieces. It helps fend off vicarious trauma. They become empowered and enthused to help and protect victims and avoid re-traumatizing them. 

You can learn more here:

or Michigan Public Health Institute's website (they offer CEs): 

My email:

Ruth Rondon, Thank You for the link to Michigan Public Health Institute's website and their on-line tutorials for First Responders and Health Professionals....  I'd had an 'incident' in another near-by NH city, where 'events and information that were shared with me at the time, led me to question whether the person who 'sought help'--as I was passing by on my motorcycle, was in fact also contending with 'being trafficked', as well...

Johanna Roe posted:


Are there programs for training law enforcement personnel on the adverse affects of trauma?  I have found a DVD based curriculum on the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and apparently SAMSHA has a program as well.  Are there any speakers or trainers in the Pacific Northwest that provide workshops on understanding ACES/trauma and resiliency for rural police and sheriff departments?

Thank you,

Johanna Roe

Skamania Klickitat Community Network

Southwest Washington State


Got 3 minutes? -  Click for sample lesson

 Our vision is to eradicate human trafficking by educating people to engage human trafficking victims in their work and empowering them with tools and action steps to free victims.


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