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Greetings Friends-

I am looking for a template for a resolution to be presented to a School Board concerning ACEs and in support of teacher training and school policies. 

Thank you for your help!

DeAnne Blankenship

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Hello DeAnne,

Although there are no current templates in order that I know of, there is the trauma informed systems training that SFDPH rolled out. I am a trainer for this and  can talk to you in detail. Also, self care trainings for teachers is something our organization does as well.



I did some reading of the new resolutions proposed at the NEA annual conference in July 2016 and I believe this is the resolution that was added related to ACEs (the numbers represent the line number of the resolution): 

1 New C. Complex Trauma
2 The National Education Association believes that complex trauma impacts the brain development of children.
3 Complex trauma causes systemic and individualized educational barriers that interfere with children’s emotional
4 and physical health and impedes access to education.
5 The Association further recognizes the risks of secondary trauma faced by those who support these children
6 and that they, themselves, may need support.
7 The Association understands that trauma crosses all segments of society and is often compounded by the
8 effects of poverty, institutional racism, and other adverse childhood experiences.
9 The Association also believes that school districts should provide complex trauma training for education
10 employees, and programs to address the effects of trauma. (2016)

Without the numbers, the resolutions reads: 

Complex Trauma
The National Education Association believes that complex trauma impacts the brain development of children.  Complex trauma causes systemic and individualized educational barriers that interfere with children’s emotional and physical health and impedes access to education. The Association further recognizes the risks of secondary trauma faced by those who support these children and that they, themselves, may need support. The Association understands that trauma crosses all segments of society and is often compounded by the effects of poverty, institutional racism, and other adverse childhood experiences. The Association also believes that school districts should provide complex trauma training for education employees, and programs to address the effects of trauma. (2016)

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