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The Behavioral Health Workforce Collaborative presents Integrating Our Work and Our Approach event

The Behavioral Health Workforce Collaborative presents Integrating Our Work and Our Approach event on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 from 2:00PM - 4:00 PM. There are tremendous opportunities to integrate the way we work in our communities. The goal for this seminar is to address interdisciplinary collaboration and how we can empower and promote diverse perspectives in leadership. (Please see attached flyer for information regarding registration.)

Native & Indigenous Art Show: Community Welcome! Support awesome local youth!

Virtual Art Show, via Zoom, featuring local community artists. Submit your artwork before April 7th. Friday, April 9th, at 5:30 pm Featuring; Eshash Cloninger - Rincon Salvador Juarez - Rincon/Iipay Anthony Hurtado - Rincon/San Xavier Jade Congnilio Mrs. Bonanno, and more. Please contact with questions; Ami Admire Mrs. Bonanno

The pandemic is changing how we think about domestic violence, new survey shows (

Amid a pandemic that shined a harsh light on domestic violence , Californians are increasingly viewing these abuses as a pressing social issue, according to a new survey of nearly 2,000 adults. Two-thirds of Californians consider domestic violence a public issue rather than private family matter, and 91% of participants said domestic violence is a serious societal issue, the survey found. “This info has given some validation to things folks have been talking about for a long time...

Racism and Health Inequities across our nation have their roots in discrimination. (

Racism and its associated injustices have created barriers for people of color since the beginnings of our nation. We see its effects in all of our systems, from unequal medical care to discrimination in housing , employment, education, and the justice system—and beyond. How does racism affect health? Research shows that this history of individual and structural racism spanning generations denies opportunity to people of color and robs them of their physical and mental health. The life...

Biden COVID adviser Dr. Julie Morita on anti-Asian hate and racism's role in pandemics (

A spike in assaults against Asian Americans nationwide converging with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic has further exposed health inequities and simmering sentiments of racism over the past year. In a report released last week, the group Stop AAPI Hate said it had received nearly 3,800 reports of hate incidents , including verbal harassment, shunning and physical assault, over the past year. With few concrete legislative answers to the problem, health experts and patients alike are left...

City of San Diego COVID-19 Housing Stability Assistance Program

The City of San Diego COVID-19 Housing Stability Assistance Program helps to pay past-due, unpaid rent and utilities for individuals and families with low income in the City of San Diego who experience financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Households with income at or below 80 percent of San Diego’s Area Median Income ($92,400 per year for a family of four) may qualify if they are obligated to pay rent, have experienced a reduction in income or other financial hardship due to...

Game Night Youth Coalition (SAY SD)

SAY San Diego invites you to join us for a virtual escape room game night! Unwind and have fun while you learn more about how you can get involved, have your voice heard, and be around other rising leaders in Southeastern SD. The first 100 youth to RSVP before March 31st get a large pizza delivered to their house for FREE! YOUTH COALITION April 5th, 2021 @ 5:30 PM via Zoom Scan or click the QR Code & RSVP by March 31st Open This project is partially funded by...

Life Expectancy: Could where you live influence how long you live? (

People living just a few blocks apart may have vastly different opportunities to live a long life in part because of their neighborhood. Unfortunately, significant gaps in life expectancy persist across many United States cities, towns, ZIP codes and neighborhoods. The latest estimates of life expectancy reveal differences down to the census tract level. Use the interactive map , to explore how life expectancy in America compares with life expectancy in your area, and resources to help...

The Atlanta Shootings Fit Into a Long Legacy of Anti-Asian Violence in America (

From the time the first wave of Chinese immigrants arrived as laborers in the U.S. in the 1850s, Asian Americans have always been subject to racist violence . As a source of cheap labor to build railroads, Asian immigrants came to be seen as threats to white jobs and scapegoated as dirty and disease-ridden. The “yellow peril” ultimately led to the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, the first time the U.S. had ever barred a specific ethnic group from the country. The brutality runs through more...

Burnout Isn't Just Exhaustion. Here's How To Deal With It (

Whether working from home or not, many people are feeling burned out during the coronavirus pandemic. A new survey found that nearly 90% of respondents in more than 40 countries felt that their work lives were getting worse during the pandemic. And more than 60% felt that they were experiencing burnout often or very often. In 2019, the World Health Organization brought some attention to the issue by defining burnout as a syndrome associated with chronic stress at work that goes unmanaged.

New Release: Positive Childhood Experiences During COVID-19 []

By Loren McCullough and Dr. Bob Sege, 3/11/21, What’s going on with families during the COVID pandemic? In partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics , Prevent Child Abuse America , and with assistance and financial support from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) , The Lucile Packard Foundation , the California Department of Public Health , and , we surveyed California parents, to find out how they are doing during the...

San Diego Unified changes name of Junipero Serra High School, removes conquistador mascot (

San Diego Unified’s Junipero Serra High School will now be called Canyon Hills High School after students successfully petitioned for the name change, saying that the name of the founder of California’s mission system is offensive to indigenous peoples whose ancestors were subjected to its doctrine. On Tuesday night, the San Diego Unified School Board unanimously voted for the name change and to change the school’s mascot from a conquistador to a rattlesnake, or a “Rattler.” Students who...

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