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Tagged With "eye movements"

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Freedom From Trauma – Powerful & Profound Practices To Heal Trauma & Consciously Create The Body, Mind, Spirit You Truly Desire

McKinley McPheeters ·
We are living in complicated and stressful times. What needs to be healed seems more palpable than ever. It feels like the call to release what no longer serves has never been louder and we are feeling that tug at our core. While the founder of The League of Extraordinary People, Alfred White, has been gaining more clarity everyday on this, he was invited to be part of an event, more like a movement, to help others find freedom from what has been holding them back. It is a free, online...
Blog Post

When Bad Things Happen to Good People

Scarlett Lewis ·
Bad things happen to good people. I know. My six-year-old son was murdered by a former student in his first grade classroom at Sandy Hook Elementary School alongside 19 of his classmates and six educators. We read about those who die in countless natural disasters all over the world. Thousands of good people perished in the 9/11 attacks. The media shares headlines of brutality and destruction on a daily basis. The labeling of good versus evil has helped us to categorize unspeakable horror in...

Re: When Bad Things Happen to Good People

Tina Hentosh ·
I love “what we focus on grows.” That is so true! I am absolutely for the “Choose Love Movement.” Thank you, Scarlett, for sharing your passion and manifesting YOUR focus. Tina
Blog Post

Your Body is Sacred: 3 Ways to Practice Embodied Spirituality (

What is Embodied Spirituality? Embodied spirituality refers to a lived experience of spirituality that is grounded in the body. When we embrace embodied spirituality, we come out of our minds and back into our bodies : into that which is visceral, instinctual, and deeply felt through the senses. We see that the body isn’t just a temple of the Divine, but a living expression of Spirit. As such, the body becomes a source of tremendous wisdom and insight: a doorway to the present moment. Not...
Blog Post

A Time for Change

Scarlett Lewis ·
The magnificent fall foliage displayed during the month of October reminds me of transition and forward momentum. Ideally, as humans, we grow and change along with the seasons to find meaning and purpose in life and flourish. Unfortunately, the progression of our lives isn't always smooth and people aren't always kind. There are essential life skills that we can learn, however, that can help us grow through struggle and choose love in our thoughtful responses. We have had varied reactions to...
Blog Post

The Healing Place Podcast: Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum - Functional Medicine Coaching; Positive Psychology, & Alternative Medicine

Teri Wellbrock ·
A self-professed lifelong learner, Dr. Scheinbaum’s life’s work has been centered around education innovation since the very beginning. She began her career in 1972, teaching students with learning disabilities. Her drive to incorporate a more holistic perspective into her work led her to earn a PhD in clinical psychology at Fielding Graduate University, where she specialized in positive psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy, and mind-body medicine.
Blog Post

Virtual Viewing of Whole People from Dec. 11th-13th with Follow-Up Discussion on Dec. 15th at 7p.m. EST

Christine Cissy White ·
As part of the Transform Trauma with ACEs Sciences FREE Film Festival & Follow-Up Discussion Series we bring you Whole People (parts 1 & 2 & 3). The documentary viewing will take place in the Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Film Festival Community on ACEs Connection . Each of our first three sections is just under twenty-seven minutes long and the topics are as follows: Preview: Whole People | 101 | Childhood Trauma | Episode 1 | PBS Preview: Whole People | 102 | Healing...
Blog Post

Whole People Watch Weekend on ACEs Connection (Dec. 11th - 13th)

Christine Cissy White ·
The Transform Trauma with ACEs Sciences FREE Film Festival continues this weekend. Please join us to watch parts 1, 2, and 3 of the PBS Whole People series at your convenience, on ACEs Connection, by clicking play on the videos below: Whole People | 101 | Childhood Trauma | Episode 1 (27 min) Preview: Whole People | 102 | Healing Communities | Preview | Episode 2 Whole People | 102 |Healing Communities Episode 2 (27 min) Whole People | 103 |A New Response | Episode 3 (27 min) This is one of...
Blog Post

Healthcare providers learn skills to prevent burnout, build resilience

Laurie Udesky ·
It’s an enormous understatement to say that healthcare workers today are suffering. Every day, you hear interviews with nurses, physicians, social workers, and others in healthcare saying they’re pushed to the breaking point and beyond. But, by using skills taught in the Community Resiliency Mode l (CRM), even people under severe stress can weather the onslaught, do their work, and get along with colleagues. CRM is an evidence-based training program that’s being used by millions of people in...
Blog Post

Why Self-Care Isn’t Selfish (

One of the challenges of 2021 will be to continue making self-care a priority once the pandemic has passed. If you’re someone who has always said you don’t have time for self-care, or that self-care seems selfish and self-indulgent, you’re not alone. “One of the things that you come across all the time is the idea that ‘I can’t invest in things that are good for me, because it’s taking away from my ability to be a good parent or do what I need to do at work,’” said Kelly McGonigal, a health...
Blog Post

Discovering the Need for Reflection

Scarlett Lewis ·
My son often complains that he can hear my footsteps throughout the house when he’s trying to sleep. He says it sounds like I’m running. ‘Why don’t you slow down,’ he asks. When I think about it I guess I am rushing around to do this and do that, get things accomplished, and finish tasks. In fact, I take pride in my productivity, sometimes patting myself on the back at what I have accomplished by 9:00 a.m.! After my youngest son Jesse died, I started a foundation and began to travel almost...
Blog Post

Begin Again: Live Online Yoga Class Series

Bonnie Berman ·
However difficult the past, or slow the progress, you can always choose to begin again. Wednesdays 12:00-12:50 January 27 - March 17, 2021 Live Online Yoga Practice Sign up for the Eight Week Series or Single Classes By employing the contemplative movement practice of yoga through a trauma-sensitive lens, you will have the opportunity to observe your thoughts, feel your physical and emotional sensations and consider self-compassion as you invite yourself, from moment to moment, to begin...
Blog Post

Join us for Choose Love Awareness Month for Hope, Healing, and Connection

Scarlett Lewis ·
As we are all living under the mandate of social distancing we find almost everyone struggling with the ethos of our current stressful environment. As human beings, we were created to connect with one another. Our brains have mirror neurons that help us socialize and communicate by reading the expressions of others. The famous evolutionist Charles Darwin concluded that it would be those who were most ‘sympathetic’ to each other, in other words generous, altruistic, and compassionate, that...
Blog Post

List of Books, Therapies & Resources for Healing Chronic Illness and Other Effects of Trauma (Free Downloadable PDF)

Veronique Mead ·
These are the books, therapies and resources I wish I'd known about when I was a family doctor and when I first started getting sick with what would turn out to be a disabling chronic illness. This compilation includes the most helpful resources I’ve found over the past 20 years of learning about the science of adversity, why it's not psychological and how to heal the effects of trauma.
Blog Post

Finding strength in Adversity

Scarlett Lewis ·
Scarlett, JT, and Jesse
Blog Post

'A Better Normal' Conversation with the Authors of 'We've Been Too Patient' - Friday, February 26th

Please join us for our next episode of our ‘A Better Normal’ Community Discussion where we envision the future as trauma-informed! We are honored to be joined by the authors and editors of ‘We've Been Too Patient: Voices from Radical Mental Health--Stories and Research Challenging the Biomedical Model’ , Kelechi Ubozoh and L.D. Green. Hosted by @Jenna Quinn (ACEs Connection Staff) and facilitated by @Alison Cebulla (ACEs Connection Staff) of ACEs Connection. Friday, February 26th, 2021 12pm...
Blog Post

Healing the Hidden Wounds from Childhood: The Promise of Healing, Part II (Glenn R. Schiraldi, Ph.D., Lt. Col., USAR, Ret.)

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
So many people are struggling with unhealed, hidden wounds from toxic childhood stress. For some the pain is obvious. Others might look outwardly strong, capable, and in control. However, unhealed inner wounds cause needless suffering and can lead to a dizzying array of psychological, medical, and functional problems. This three-part blog discusses the road to recovery. Part I explained “The Principles of Healing.” This part explains why traditional treatments are not usually the best...
Blog Post

Healing the Hidden Wounds from Childhood: The Promise of Healing, Part III (by Glenn R. Schiraldi, Ph.D., Lt. Col., USAR, Ret.)

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
So many people are struggling with unhealed, hidden wounds from toxic childhood stress. For some, the pain is obvious. Others might look outwardly strong, capable, and in control. However, unhealed inner wounds cause needless suffering and can lead to a dizzying array of psychological, medical, and functional problems. Fortunately, there is hope for healing—even decades after traumatic wounding from ACEs occurs—enabling us to be 100% there for ourselves, our families, and others we work and...
Blog Post

A Season to Focus on Growth

Scarlett Lewis ·
By March, I sometimes feel as if I am marching through winter. It has been cold long enough that the novelty of snow boots and mittens has worn off. Sledding, skiing, and skating have been fun but navigating the ice from the house to the barn for my daily farm chores gets wearing. March marks one long year of quarantining and social distancing, and it’s still an altered way of life we are required to continue. I noticed, however, that the purple and yellow crocuses have already bloomed in my...
Blog Post

What Your Body Has to Do With Social Change (

Using somatics to explore trauma can help make authentic connection and collectivity more possible. In 2009, my beloved movement comrade Malkia Cyril invited me to a course called Somatics and Social Justice being offered by a group called Generative Somatics. “The word somatics comes from the Greek root soma, which means ‘the living organism in its wholeness.’ It is the best word we have in English to understand human beings as an integrated mind/body/spirit, and as social, relational...
Blog Post

Be Grateful and Add Positivity to Your Life

Scarlett Lewis ·
A global pandemic. Social unrest. A contentious election year. Is it possible to be grateful in this environment? YES! Actually, the stressors actually make it even more imperative! Our ultimate goal as humans, for our children and ourselves, is to flourish. Gratitude is the number one way to shift our focus from negative to positive and facilitate growth in our lives. It sounds simple, and it is, but it’s not always easy. How can we be grateful when it seems like everything is falling apart...
Blog Post

What is Possible?

Scarlett Lewis ·
What is Possible? By Scarlett Lewis I love reading stories about victory! It seems we all have had something in our lives to overcome, to some degree, and learning and growing from the struggle can benefit others. Courage and perseverance are two of the most powerful ways that can be taught to get through and grow from difficulties, and sometimes the best way is by example. However, one thing is for certain -- we need each other. It has been fascinating to me to witness how we rise to the...
Blog Post

3 Tips for Anxiety Attack Prevention

Former Member ·
3 Tips for Anxiety Attack Prevention Sweating, shaking, irritability, nausea, and a rapid heart rate are all common symptoms of an anxiety attack, according to Verywell Mind. And while symptoms can vary from person to person, anxiety attacks often stem from an underlying anxiety disorder such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, or social anxiety disorder. Prescription medications and psychotherapy can help treat anxiety, but coping strategies such as exercise, meditation, and...
Blog Post

Has Your Doctor Ever Prescribed Mindfulness Meditation? (

Have you ever meditated with your doctor in the exam room? The answer is probably a resounding “no.” ⁠For many of my own heart patients, however, it’s now part of the routine. You may wonder why a cardiologist is teaching his patients to meditate . While many of us tend to think of our emotions, or meditation for that matter, as only affecting our mind, research shows that these “mental” states do come with very real, physical outcomes. Try to remember the last time you or a loved one felt...
Blog Post

Healing Is Never a Solo Journey

Helen W. Mallon ·
Developing intimate connection with even one other person can create fertile soil for social transformation.

Emilie Miller

Emilie Miller

Jamie Baldwin

Jamie Baldwin

Cara Clancy

Cara Clancy

Cherie Hodges

Cherie Hodges
Blog Post

Good News: Your Brain Will Adapt to Post-COVID Life (

What the Pandemic Is Doing to Our Brains These changes are not just a product of our imaginations. “It’s all real,” says Chair of the Department of Neuroscience at Carleton University Dr. Kim Hellemans, who studies the effects of stress on the brain. “Lack of social interaction, more work happening, always on the screen. All of these things are contributing to a loss of your normal cognitive functioning. We’re all overwhelmed .” An abundance of research has shown that the stress of isolation...
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Exploring the Role of Culture in Healing

Kelly Benshoof ·
Join the movement of understanding mental health through a new lens by participating in these upcoming live discussions. Together, we can rewrite the story of mental health and well-being. Register at
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Horses Teach Us How to Connect on a Human Level

Scarlett Lewis ·
I have always loved horses. When I was a young girl I collected plastic Breyer model horses, read books about horses, and even watched television shows that had an equine theme. I think it is their exquisite beauty, their inherent wild nature, and the vulnerable and trusting relationship between horse and rider that is the attraction. I purchased my first horse when I was twelve, spending a year cutting lawns, weeding, and babysitting, eventually raising enough money along with my parents’...

Re: Passing the Baton

Laura Pinhey ·
Morgan, thank you for your kind words. It was an honor and a pleasure to co-manage this community for so long. I threw my heart into it and that paid me back much more than I gave! I appreciate that even though as I recall this community was YOUR brainchild, you graciously welcomed me as a co-manager when @Christine Cissy White invited me to become more involved on the site. Thanks to you both for the opportunity to contribute my survivor experience to the PACEs movement. Funny that you...
Blog Post

How to Deal With Grief So It Doesn’t Overwhelm You (

Over the past year, grief has permeated all our lives. There’s grief over lost loved ones, as well as grief over missed connections and milestones . And levels of loneliness and depression have skyrocketed as a result of our collective suffering, according to recent research published in the online journal Nature. There is no right or wrong way to work through grief, clinical psychologist Jennifer Ramlo Ph.D., tells Thrive — the important thing is that you work through it. If you’re...
Blog Post

Honoring and Remembering My Precious Son

Scarlett Lewis ·
June is Jesse’s birthday month. Each year, since my six-year-old son’s murder in the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy in 2012, people from all over the world continue to come together in the form of concerts, 5K’s, and online events to honor, remember, and celebrate all the lives lost on this tragic day. In a recent interview with a reporter, as we were talking about my organization’s annual Month of Fun fundraiser, he exclaimed how amazed he was that Jesse’s spirit seemed to continue to...
Blog Post

How Do You Want to Live Your Life

Scarlett Lewis ·
I had a good life prior to December 14, 2012, the day of the Sandy Hook tragedy that took my six-year-old son Jesse's life. I was a single mom with a full-time job, a first and seventh grader, living on a horse farm with a wonderful mother/grandmother living nearby to help, and a supportive extended family. Always on the go, I woke up early, went to bed late, and would list the day’s accomplishments in my head each night. When I woke in the morning I would thank God for another opportunity...
Blog Post

Failing our Children -- What You Can Do to Help

Scarlett Lewis ·
Co-authored by Leanne McEvoy, a mother of two and advocate for children's mental health and well-being who is passionate about making sure kids have solid emotional foundations to navigate life. She holds a Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work with a concentration in children and families and has advocated for improved policy and legislation around school safety. This is a true story shared with me but something similar might be unfolding near you as well. Recently, a ten year old boy’s...
Blog Post

A Solution to the Desperate Need to Belong

Scarlett Lewis ·
As humans, we have a basic, primal need to belong. Belonging is defined as ‘the feeling of security and support when there is a sense of acceptance, inclusion, and identity for a member of a certain group . It is when an individual can bring their authentic self to others, including friendships, family and work.’ Feeling disconnected, unimportant, or not cared about can translate into feelings of loneliness. This has led to much of the suffering our society is experiencing today. Cigna...
Blog Post

How to Help Yourself if you’re On a Waiting List for Therapy

Robyn Brickel, M.A., LMFT ·
One of the positive outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic is that it has increased mental health awareness. Limiting our activities and contact with others has led to so much talk about fear, loneliness, disconnection and mental health. These experiences have made people notice their needs and feel more comfortable seeking help. More people now seek therapy For some, actually getting help has been easier because they could reach out from their living rooms and receive virtual therapy. Yet for...
Blog Post

A Gathering of the Tribes, 9/11 & The Surviving Spirit Newsletter September 2021

Michael Skinner ·
The Surviving Spirit Newsletter September 2021 Healing the Mind, Body & Spirit Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran Hi Folks, Twenty years ago today at this time of the morning I was getting ready to leave for Ellenville, New York to perform and speak at the Annual New York Association of...
Blog Post

Educators Thrive in the Classroom

Scarlett Lewis ·
It’s back-to-school time and I am so happy to see all the teachers and students back in their classrooms doing what they do best: teaching, learning, and choosing love! September kicked off the start of the school year and thankfully I’ve been able to travel, in person, to visit schools in seven states around the U.S. who are using the Choose Love For Schools program, and to also virtually check in with many more. It made my heart happy to see all those classrooms bustling with activity.
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The Surviving Spirit Newsletter October 2021

Michael Skinner ·
Healing the Heart Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran The Surviving Spirit Newsletter October 2021 “Don't Quit” by John Whittier When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high And you want to smile, but you...
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