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Letting Go & Loss

Sometimes we struggle. That's just true for all of us. And nowhere more, perhaps, than with letting go. Both the allowing and the aftermath. It can be letting go of things that felt 'normal' or precious to us for years. It might be a relationship - even one that you know has been destructive.  Or even the end of life  transition of someone seminal in your life.
Sometimes I ponder how little we seem to know about this letting go stuff. And the profound grief and sadness from the all the meaning-making, that so often isn't even ours.
A better understanding of letting go, the end of things, and especially letting go of our loved ones...I believe it has a lot to do with exploring our childhood conditioning and expectations. Taking a closer look at how we're SUPPOSED to feel, and what others expect of us or might think of us  -  can both reveal and liberate.
It's not lost on me that no matter how old we are, there's still more to do, to understand, and yes, to pass along. Those we're raising or modeling how to navigate the world for...are busily absorbing the conditioning we're creating, whether it's conscious or not.  Whether its ours ...or not.  So it occurs to me that having more conversations like this, with more folks like you, might be a way to foster the idea of #Better.  Better for us.  Better for those around us.  Better for our children and those that follow, them.  And creating a long line of better navigators of this thing called Life...and inevitably, Loss.
Would you like to explore more about this, among a like-minded community of heart-centered helpers, healers, practitioners and counselors, at work in the world?  Here's an invitation to join us for the annual Spring Energy Event (#11!), April 22/23, where we'll be in the wonderful company of 12 exceptional heart-centered practitioners, sharing their personal explorations and wisdom gained on this topic of HomeComing ...and Going Home, too. Longtime SEE member and end of doula RoseAnn Simeone will be speaking on the universal journey, one that CAN be profound, uplifting and enriching, for all. Don't miss this opportunity to love and learn and grow, together.

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