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Any Exercise Alleviates Depression

A wonderful new study from the British Medical Journal just confirmed that any amount of exercise helps to alleviate depression. This is good news! As many of you know, people who grow up with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are at higher risk for chronic conditions like depression. The researchers found that exercise like walking or jogging, yoga and strength training were more effective than other kinds of exercise. However, any activity is better than no activity! :) Reducing our...

Fall Mental Health Hacks

Find ways to stay active, despite the rainy days. Local gyms often have sign up deals this time of year, and some insurances will pay for part of (or all) of your gym fee. Going on a hike with friends is a great way to get active and enjoy some of our amazing nature here in Oregon. Take the time to embrace the slow down. As the seasons change, reassess what is important to you. If something is stressing you out, this is a wonderful season to take stock of what your priorities are. By doing...

Out of Darkness Walks to Raise Awareness for Suicide Prevention

July marks the start of a new fiscal year at AFSP. Last year, we reached over 8,000 people through our outreach, trainings, and events. Thousands more attended our walks, and we also sent free resources to schools, community organizations, and more across the state. This coming year, we're hoping to do more. From tabling events to programs, keep reading for ways to stay involved with AFSP as we ramp up for the fall walk season. And speaking of walks - now is the time to sign up! Find your...

Keizer's June City Council Meeting

Salem Keizer's June City Council meeting featured an incredible presentation on ways to create suicide prevention in our communities from Dr. Satya Chandragiri. There are so many resources to help prevent suicide and create thriving communities; one of my key takeaways from this is that in order to accomplish this, we must all work together! Increasing education by providing mental health first aid (like Question, Persuade, & Refer classes) training to people in our communities is an...

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