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California PACEs Action

Tagged With "Connection Cooperative of Communities"

Blog Post

Bipartisan trauma resolution passes the House unanimously

In the late afternoon on Feb. 26, the House of Representatives unanimously passed H. Res. 443 , a resolution recognizing the importance and effectiveness of trauma-informed care and calling for a national trauma awareness month and trauma-informed awareness day. The impetus for the resolution resides with the First Lady of Wisconsin, Tonette Walker, who has taken a strong leadership role in advancing trauma-informed policy and practice statewide through Fostering Futures , and has elevated...
Blog Post

California Considers a “Bat-Signal” for Foster Youth in Distress []

Alicia Doktor ·
The woman used a thick extension cord on her foster children. Welts rose. Bruises formed. Fear became the norm inside the Watts neighborhood home in Los Angeles where LaToya Cooper and six other children were sent to live. But no one believed the then-fifth grader. Not Cooper’s teachers. Not the police. [For more on this story by Susan Abram, go to ]
Blog Post

Sesame Street's Traumatic Experiences Website / First 5 CA Care, Cope Connect Resource

Alicia Doktor ·
Thanks to Alejandra Labrado from First 5 Sacramento for providing the links to these resources! Sesame Street's Traumatic Experiences: When a child endures a traumatic experience, the whole family feels the impact. But adults hold the power to help lessen its effects. Several factors can change the course of kids’ lives: feeling seen and heard by a caring adult, being patiently taught coping strategies and...
Blog Post

The Economics of Child Abuse: A Study of California

Jenny Pearlman ·
While the impact of maltreatment on a child and their family is devastating, child maltreatment also has serious effects far beyond those for the victim. Maltreatment results in ongoing costs to taxpayers, institutions, businesses, and society at large. Local communities bear the brunt of these costs in the form of medical, educational, and judicial costs, though more tragic signs are seen in homelessness, addiction, and teen pregnancy. To create a concrete understanding of the widespread...
Blog Post

On Death Row, but Is He Innocent? []

Jane Stevens ·
One June day in 1983, a California professor drove over to a neighbor’s house to pick up his 11-year-old son from a sleepover. Nobody answered the door, so the professor peered through a window — and saw a ghastly panorama of blood. The professor found his son stabbed to death, along with the bodies of Peggy and Doug Ryen, the homeowners. The Ryens’ 10-year-old daughter was also dead, with 46 wounds, but their 8-year-old son was still breathing. This quadruple murder began a travesty that is...
Blog Post

Opportunities to Engage your Community in the Trauma-themed May 10th Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day

Trauma is the theme of the 2018 SAMHSA-sponsored (U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day on May 10 th (7-9:00 pm ET) . The virtual town hall, “Partnering for Health and Hope Following Trauma,” will focus on taking an integrated health approach to support children, youth, and young adults who have experienced trauma. The goal of Awareness Days in general is “to raise awareness about the importance of children’s mental health and...
Blog Post

[Repost] Building Trauma-Informed Connections via Telehealth During COVID-19 []

By ACEs Aware, April 21, 2020 The physician speakers will share opportunities and guidance for providing trauma-informed care via telehealth as well as resources providers can offer to patients to help mitigate the impact of COVID-19 related stress on physical and mental health. This is particularly critical for patients who have experienced, or who are currently experiencing, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) or other adversities. Futures Without Violence will share resources providers...
Blog Post

Childhood trauma a crucial public health issue []

Clare Reidy ·
Preventing childhood trauma should be one of the top goals of California policymakers, a coalition of child advocates say. About 150 of the advocates came to Sacramento last week to educate legislators about the devastating effects of adverse childhood experiences. The goal was to help legislators create policies that will better protect kids. Adverse childhood experiences, known as ACEs, are experiences that are so harmful to children’s developing brains that they affect their lives decades...
Blog Post

California Wildfires Have Disrupted School For A Quarter Of A Million Students []

Clare Reidy ·
Photo: In Santa Rosa, a playground stands across the street from where recent wildfires reduced homes to rubble. Nick Giblin/AP The wildfires in Northern California cut across a wide swath of the state — including dozens of school districts, hundreds of schools and hundreds of thousands of students. At one point, classes were canceled for 260,000 students in 600 schools . And while schools are slowly coming back on line, there remain many that may not resume classes for days or even weeks.
Blog Post

CDC: Childhood Trauma Is A Public Health Issue And We Can Do More To Prevent It

Charisse Feldman ·
Yesterday, NPR published the following story: CLICK HERE "Childhood trauma causes serious health repercussions throughout life and is a public health issue that calls for concerted prevention efforts. That's the takeaway of a report published Tuesday from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Experiencing traumatic things as a child puts you at risk for lifelong health effects, according to a body of research. The CDC's new report confirms this, finding that Americans who had...
Blog Post

It Takes a Village Homeless Task Force funds Patrick McCaffrey Foundation for Tiny Houses

Karen Clemmer ·
SONOMA COUNTY CA written by Marcy Cooper I want to thank our community groups, the Fire Department, Sheriff’s Department, CHP, the selection committee, and the full Homeless Task Force . It has been voted and recommended that the Patrick McCaffrey Foundation receive $300,000 for building tiny houses, buying land, having an outreach team, and transporting folks as needed - thus saving vital services for locals living between Sea Ranch and Forestville. Here is a short synopsis of one part that...
Blog Post

California needs to create a just and equitable recovery []

By Sonrisa Cooper and Sylvia Chi, Cal Matters, June 4, 2020 The recent tragedies of the COVID-19 pandemic and high-profile incidents of police violence against black people have shown us that our country has a deep and visceral need for racial justice. Whether we are talking about a global pandemic, climate change or police brutality, people of color, especially black communities, are always hit first and hardest, and this has to change. We have a collective moral imperative to do better by...
Blog Post

I found my voice and I am going to use it

Julie P. Hickey ·
People are angry. Angry about institutional racism, angry about racial profiling, angry about police brutality, and angry about so many other displays of inequity that are happening in our country. People of color have always been marginalized in our society and people of all colors are finally saying enough is enough.
Blog Post

California science teachers look for new ways to bring hands-on experiments to students []

By Sydney Johnson, EdSource, June 10, 2020 California schools were already undergoing a transformation to the way science is taught across the state before campuses were forced to close during the coronavirus pandemic. During the last few months of school, science teachers had to use a variety of tools to keep science lessons going at a safe distance, from at-home experiments to virtual simulations. The pandemic has forced teachers to adapt goals and lessons to a virtual setting where...
Blog Post

Report on WIC Role in Reducing Maternal Mortality (California WIC Association)

Karen Clemmer ·
CWA Flash Newsletter - October 13, 2020 (Blue text=hyperlinks) Report on WIC Role in Reducing Maternal Mortality The National WIC Association released a report titled " The Role of WIC in Reducing Maternal Mortality ." NWA’s Maternal Mortality Task Force created the report to consider ways in which maternal mortality is addressed and discussed with program participants throughout the WIC appointment, as well as explore opportunities for additional focus on the topic. The report highlights...
Blog Post


Tasneem Ismailji ·
American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) in collaboration with the Academy on Violence and Abuse (AVA), the California Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (CAPSAC), and the Center for Innovation and Resources, Inc. (CIR), are working to support California's ACEsAware initiative. The CALIFORNIA ACES ACADEMY webinar series is one effort to promote and educate MediCal providers and others about the ACEsAware initiative throughout the state. To register for a...
Blog Post

Think beyond ACEs screening, advises California funders workgroup in new report

Jane Stevens ·
Californians have experienced an alarming epidemic of adverse childhood experiences. Between 2011 and 2017, 60 percent of Californians reported experiencing at least one type of childhood adversity; about 16 percent experienced four or more. People who experience four or more ACEs are 1.5 times as likely to have heart disease, 1.9 times as likely to have a stroke, and 3.2 times as likely to have asthma as people who have experienced no ACEs. (For more information about ACEs and ACEs science,...
Calendar Event

Sacred Sons / Saturday Online Men's Circle

Blog Post

Looking for a supportive community? Join us! (Fee Free)

Jodi Wert ·
The Community of Practice (C of P) is an interdisciplinary, online platform for adults who are important to children. Among other topics, we explore how systems, environments, and documentation shape early childhood learning and wellness. We grow our ability to be curious about children's full-being, inherent wisdom by being curious about our own ways of knowing and inquiring. We are peer accompaniment with each other - support for the supporters of children, families, and communities. Join...
Calendar Event

Men's Circle on Embodied Masculinity

Calendar Event

Men's Circle on Embodied Masculinity

Calendar Event

Peer to Peer Session: Coffee & Connections

Calendar Event

Men's Circle on Embodied Masculinity

Blog Post

State Health and Human Services Leaders Issue Joint Statement on Federal Public Charge Changes []

Karen Clemmer ·
State of California HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY California’s health and human services leaders today issued the following joint statement on the Biden Administration’s announcement that it will no longer enforce the 2019 public charge final rule. Joint statement from California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly; California Department of Social Services Director Kim Johnson; California Department of Public Health Director and State Public Health Officer Dr. Tomás Aragón;...
Blog Post

Families First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) Summit

Elena Costa ·
During February the Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP) and the Child Welfare Policy and Program Development Bureau (CWPPDB) , worked together to host a two-day FFPSA Summit. Stakeholders from across the State were invited to learn more about FFPSA and engage in conversations pertaining to candidacy, evidence-based practices, evaluation methodologies and fiscal considerations. The summit featured keynote speakers: Robin Jenkins PhD., Khush Cooper PhD., Clare Anderson MSW., Daniel Webster...
Blog Post

What is Possible?

Scarlett Lewis ·
What is Possible? By Scarlett Lewis I love reading stories about victory! It seems we all have had something in our lives to overcome, to some degree, and learning and growing from the struggle can benefit others. Courage and perseverance are two of the most powerful ways that can be taught to get through and grow from difficulties, and sometimes the best way is by example. However, one thing is for certain -- we need each other. It has been fascinating to me to witness how we rise to the...
Blog Post

PACEs Connection Reacts: The Derek Chauvin Trial Verdict & Police Brutality in the United States April 30th, 2021 12pm PT

Join us for our second episode in a new series called "PACEs Connection Reacts" where we will be viewing the world through a PACEs science and trauma-informed lens. For this PACEs Connection Reacts, join PACEs Connection's Race & Equity Workgroup as we react to the trial of Derek Chauvin , an American former police officer who was convicted of the murder of George Floyd. The murder of George Floyd, along with a string of other murders Black Americans in 2020 , spurred international...
Blog Post

PACEs Connection Reacts: The Derek Chauvin Trial Verdict & Police Brutality in the United States April 30th, 2021 12pm PT

Join us for our second episode in a new series called "PACEs Connection Reacts" where we will be viewing the world through a PACEs science and trauma-informed lens. For this PACEs Connection Reacts, join PACEs Connection's Race & Equity Workgroup as we react to the trial of Derek Chauvin , an American former police officer who was convicted of the murder of George Floyd. The murder of George Floyd, along with a string of other murders of Black Americans in 2020 , spurred international...
Blog Post

CALIFORNIA ACES ACADEMY - Medical Advocacy in the Face of Discrimination | May 27 []

Tasneem Ismailji ·
Medical Advocacy in the Face of Discrimination presented by Sharon Cooper, MD, FAAP Thursday, May 27, 2021 | 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm (PT) There is a significant impact on the body, mind, and spirit when racism is a part of a child and adolescent’s life experiences. The historical impact of systemic racism affects how families of color will parent their children, and at times intentionally overlook discriminatory treatment for fear of retaliation against their child. This realization has not been...
Blog Post

CALIFORNIA ACES ACADEMY - Medical Advocacy in the Face of Discrimination | May 27 []

Tasneem Ismailji ·
Medical Advocacy in the Face of Discrimination presented by Sharon Cooper, MD, FAAP Thursday, May 27, 2021 | 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm (PT) There is a significant impact on the body, mind, and spirit when racism is a part of a child and adolescent’s life experiences. The historical impact of systemic racism affects how families of color will parent their children, and at times intentionally overlook discriminatory treatment for fear of retaliation against their child. This realization has not been...
Blog Post

Giving pediatricians tools to combat racism experienced by their patients

Laurie Udesky ·
The circumstances were already tragic. The parents of a three-year-old dying from hydranencephaly, a fatal condition marked by abnormal brain development, had requested one final consultation with a neurosurgeon. Dr. Sharon Cooper , a developmental, behavioral and forensic pediatrician who accompanied them to the appointment, recalled the horror she felt at the words the neurosurgeon, who was White, blithely said to the child’s parents who were Black, when he viewed the CT scan of the...
Blog Post

Mendocino ACEs Community Resilience Team joins PACEs Connection Cooperative of Communities

Karen Clemmer ·
PACEs Connection is excited to announce that Mendocino ACEs Community Resilience Team has joined the Cooperative of Communities! Mendocino County elicits visions of the rugged Northern California coastline, rolling hills studded with oaks and pear trees, and redwood forests. The rural, vast county, with 3,870 square miles, is nearly the same size as Delaware and Rhode Island combined. As advocates for children and savvy strategists, Sheryn Hildebrand and Patrice Mascolo are changing the...
Blog Post

Can a historic Black town be revitalized? []

By Melissa Montalvo, Cal Matters, September 2, 2021 Leaders from a newly formed revitalization task force joined California State Parks representatives last week in announcing a partnership to honor a piece of California Black history in the Central Valley. Randall Cooper, chief executive officer of the Global Economic Impact Group, which will lead revitalization effort, said the once-prosperous community of Allensworth was devastated by a series of racist decisions and policies and never...
Blog Post

Using unique Milestones Tracker, Fresno, CA, PACEs initiative marks progress of 59 organizations becoming trauma-informed

Laurie Udesky ·
Fresno’s Milestones Tracker provides a map of organizations that have or are becoming trauma-informed. Each dot represents an organization. The dots are color-coded to a particular sector. The larger the dot, the more milestones they’ve done. Click on a dot to see the name of the organization If there’s one word that captures the engine behind Fresno’s flourishing PACEs Connection initiative, that word is “grassroots.” Just ask Jason Williams, the community manager for Fresno’s initiative...

Re: Using unique Milestones Tracker, Fresno, CA, PACEs initiative marks progress of 59 organizations becoming trauma-informed

Elizabeth Beaty-Smith ·
So exciting to see this!! The Coop is such a valuable tool. Way to go Fresno!!
Blog Post

Living a Heart-Centered Life

Scarlett Lewis ·
As we step into the holiday season, let’s commit to each other to do it wholeheartedly. What does this mean? Often our minds are off and running and it’s only when we bring ourselves back to the present moment that we experience life as it’s really happening. This is when we realize that what is important is right in front of us! This is the point when our minds and our hearts connect. When we live from a heart-centered place it fosters equanimity and peace within that extends outward,...
Blog Post

Connecting Communities One Book at a Time launches July 13: Register now to learn from our national and Georgia partners how to lead a book study of 'What Happened To You?'

Natalie Audage ·
After more tha n two years of a deadly pandemic, a racial reckoning laying bare gross inequities, historic environmental catastrophes, and record-breaking gun violence and mental health challenges, could the first known national study of “What Happened to You?,” by Bruce D. Perry and Oprah Winfrey, help us heal our collective trauma, one relationship and community at a time? That’s the question Carey Sipp, PACEs Connection director of strategic partnerships, hopes will be answered with a...

Re: Moving Families From Surviving to Thriving: Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework Overview by Children’s Trust Fund Alliance

Steve Blum ·
28 emails inside a couple of hours is too much, especially during a workday. Is it possible to space these out? Thank you for considering this request Get Outlook for iOS< >
Blog Post

Register now! Oct. 12, 2022—Connecting Communities One Book at a Time webinar with Donna Jackson Nakazawa on “Girls on the Brink: Helping our Daughters Thrive in an Era of Increased Anxiety, Depression and Social Media”

Carey Sipp ·
October 12, 2022, from 3-4:30 p.m. ET Register now! Meet longtime friend of PACEs Connection and award-winning author, science journalist, and international speaker Donna Jackson Nakazawa as she shares insights and findings from her newest book, “ Girls on the Brink: Helping our Daughters Thrive in an Era of Increased Anxiety, Depression and Social Media ”. Her seven books explore the intersection of neuroscience, immunology, and human emotion, and are in 12 languages. Register now to join...
Blog Post

World Mental Health Day: Mobilizing the Human Family Through the CRC & the PACEs Movement

Awareness about health outcomes are as much about the long-term impact caused by adverse childhood experiences as they are by positive childhood experiences. By providing education on trauma-informed awareness and resilience building frameworks, the CRC Accelerator certification is a tool for both.
Blog Post

Early Relational Health Innovators Partner In Program Supported by PACEs Connection Cooperative of Communities Members in Twelve California Counties

Carey Sipp ·
Christina Bethell, Ph.D, MBA, MPH, founder of the Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative (CAHMI), principal author of the groundbreaking study on positive childhood experiences, and creator of the free Well Visit Planner, among other innovations. Two internationally-respected leaders and innovators in complementary aspects of early relational health and childhood and maternal health equity recently launched a partnership they believe will benefit everyone from newborn babies and...
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