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Books! Educational Videos! Documentaries!

Here's a place where you can review books, educational dvds and documentaries that relate to ACE concepts or trauma-informed practices. "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." ~ Nelson Mandela

Tagged With "Teach Your Children Well"

Blog Post

How Bibliotherapy Can Help Students Open Up About Their Mental Health (

Mental health concerns, like anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, can affect a student’s ability to concentrate, form friendships and thrive in the classroom. Educators and school counselors often provide Social and Emotional Learning programs (SEL) in order to help these students, as well as school-based therapeutic support groups. However, even in these forums, getting teenagers to speak about their problems can be challenging, especially when they feel like outsiders...
Blog Post

How Neuroscience Can Help Your Kid Make Good Choices (

Self-regulation may sound like a tall order—but it’s also the best choice, according to Erin Clabough, a neuroscientist, mother of four, and author of the book Second Nature: How Parents Can Use Neuroscience to Help Kids Develop Empathy, Creativity, and Self-Control . Self-regulation is a skill that we need whenever we want to make a good choice or work toward a goal, especially when strong feelings are involved—in ourselves or others. Unfortunately, the qualities that support...
Blog Post

How Neuroscience Can Help Your Kid Make Good Choices (

Imagine the following scenario: Your eight-year-old son is repeatedly poked with a pencil by his classmate at school. How does he respond? He might endure the pokes without complaint by using willpower, or he might stay silent, succumbing to feelings of fear or powerlessness. He could lose his self-control and act out, attacking his classmate verbally or poking him back. Or does your son “self-regulate” by considering his options and resources, taking stock of his feelings and strengths,...
Blog Post

How to Succeed in College and Life []

Samantha Sangenito ·
You should get some exercise, eat healthy, and sleep enough. You should be supportive of your friends. You should do what you’re passionate about. We’ve all gotten such well-meaning advice, and it’s good advice. But there’s one problem: People rarely tell us how to achieve these worthy goals. Luckily, there is a new book that gives you the “how,” and will help you not just survive, but thrive. U Thrive: How to Succeed in College (and Life) by Daniel Lerner and Alan Schlechter—two New York...
Blog Post

I Am Human, by Author Susan Verde

From the picture book dream team behind I Am Yoga and I Am Peace comes the third book in their wellness series: I Am Human . A hopeful meditation on all the great (and challenging) parts of being human, I Am Human shows that it’s okay to make mistakes while also emphasizing the power of good choices by offering a kind word or smile or by saying “I’m sorry.” At its heart, this picture book is a celebration of empathy and compassion that lifts up the flawed fullness of humanity and encourages...
Blog Post

Inaugural 2019 KPJR Book Club. Self-Reg: How to Help Your Child (and You) Break the Stress Cycle and Successfully Engage with Life

KPJR Films is pleased to present the selection for the inaugural 2019 KPJR Book Club. Self-Reg: How to Help Your Child (and You) Break the Stress Cycle and Successfully Engage with Life is a ground-breaking book that presents an entirely new understanding of your child's emotions and behavior that serves as a practical guide for parents to help their kids engage calmly and successfully in learning and life. Rooted in decades of clinical practice and research by leading child psychologist Dr.
Blog Post

Inflammation! Who knew???

Bill Lipe ·
I found this book through a side door.  I have been looking for information to suppress inflammation,since my knees have been hurting more and less for twenty years.   During an exam, my doctor said I had considerable crepitus...
Blog Post

Internal Family Systems Therapy (The Guilford Family Therapy Series) by Richard C. Schwartz

Jill Karson ·
Although not the first to propose that we all have an interior assembly of sub personalities, or "parts," which make up an internal family system (IFS), Richard Schwartz presents the IFS model in an extremely accessible way. He describes how, when the self is threatened by trauma, overwhelm, fright, and so on, these "parts" focus on protecting us from harm. I read this book last year; I found Schwartz's discussion of how we can cultivate compassion for our own seemingly negative traits--say,...
Blog Post

Interview with Hilary Jacobs Hendel

Jill Karson ·
I first came across Hilary Jacobs Hendel’s work when I read a New York Times article in which Hendel, a practicing psychotherapist and writer, described the “Change Triangle,” an upside down triangle that explains how emotions work. The Change Triangle is also a roadmap that teaches us how we can use emotions as guides to both heal trauma and attain a more vital and calm state of being. As a follower of Hendel’s blog—and an avid user of the Change Triangle to understand my own inner...
Blog Post

Irritable Hearts: A PTSD Love Story by Mac McClelland

Liz Schiller ·
I wrote an essay / blog post about this book recently. You can find it at - I also refer to David Morris's somewhat similar memoir, The Evil...
Blog Post

It's Not Always Depression was the Winner of the 2018 Best Book Award in the Mental Health/Psychology Category

Hilary Jacobs Hendel ·
To prevent and treat trauma, we all benefit from receiving a basic education in how emotions work in the mind and body. Sadly, we don't get this education in our formal schooling. So we must take it upon ourselves to learn.
Blog Post

Judging Me, by Mary Elizabeth Bullock

Jill Karson ·
Last week I had the pleasure of attending Day 1 of the CAMFT "Advancing the Art and Science of Psychotherapy" conference in Orange County, where I got to hear Gabor Mate and Vincent Felitti weigh in on the impact of ACEs. What a singular experience to hear this dynamic duo on stage together! (My husband remarked that I was "lit up like a Christmas tree" when I got home that night.) While discussing the meaning of "resilience," Dr. Felitti recommended the book Judging Me, by Mary Elizabeth...
Blog Post

KPJR FILMS Presents June's Book Club Selection & Author Tweet Up!

lynn waymer ·
The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog: And Other Stories from a Child Psychiatrist's Notebook - What Traumatized Children Can Teach Us About Loss, Love, and Healing By Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph.D. What happens when a young brain is traumatized? How does terror, abuse, or disaster affect a child's mind -- and how can that mind recover? Child psychiatrist Dr. Bruce D. Perry has helped children faced with unimaginable horror: genocide survivors, murder witnesses, kidnapped teenagers, and victims of...
Blog Post

License to Parent, a Move the World Documentary (2018) by George Siegel

Jill Karson ·
George Siegel wrote, produced, and directed this award winning one-hour film. From the film's website: A documentary film that focuses on the lack of any requirements needed for parenting. The film looks at people's stories--men, women, and children whose paths in life were set by the family to which they were born. The film shows that if we can raise the standard of parenting, we can make our world a better place in which to live. I'm looking forward to viewing the film and then asking...
Blog Post

Listening to Killers: Bringing Developmental Psychology into the Courtroom in Murder Cases

Former Member ·
      Only 1/1000 have an ACE score of 9 or 10.  In his new book, James Garbarino, shows us how we as society create killers through overwhelming ACEs .  He is empathetic and paints a portrait of the reality most killers are...
Blog Post

Little Flower Yoga for Kids (Jennifer Cohen Harper)

Little Flower Yoga for Kids offers this fun and unique program combining yoga and mindfulness in an easy-to-read format. Written specifically for parents and kids, the book aims at teaching children to pay attention, increase focus, and balance their emotions—all while building physical strength and flexibility. Based on a growing body of evidence that yoga and mindfulness practices can help children develop focus and concentration, the simple yoga exercises in this book can easily be...
Blog Post

Michigan Trauma Informed Education

robert hull ·
We are working with PESI, a leader in professional development, to offer a full day training in trauma informed education. This content follows the content of our book on Supporting and Educating Traumatized Students. We will be in Michigan April 19, (Sterling Heights) 20, (LIvonia) and 21 (Ann Arbor) See the attached brochure If this goes well they will continue to offer this next year. Hope to see you there
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Healing Days: A Guide for Kids Who Have Experienced Trauma by Straus, et al. (2013)

Chris Engel ·
"With “Healing Days,” the American Psychological Association has published an illustrated storybook that aims to help guide young victims through their emotional or physical trauma. The book tells the tale of a child who has had an...
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Helping a Child be a Witness in Court: 101 Things to Know, Say and Do by Cunningham & Stevens (2011) - Canada

Chris Engel ·
Free e-book. Available in both English and French. Across this large and diverse country, a variety of people support children and teens as they wait for the resolution of a criminal case and perhaps when they are called to testify in court.  In...
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How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity and the Hidden Power of Character

Jane Stevens ·
Claudia Gold, a pediatrician who blogs on  Child in Mind  and , wrote  a terrific post about Paul Tough  and his book  How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity and the Hidden Power of Character . He was...
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"Is That Me Yelling?"

Rona Renner ·
I would love to know what you think of my new book, "Is That Me Yelling?" In it I invite parents to be the experts on their children by learning how to become more familiar with their yelling triggers and learn ways to stay calm in the middle of a...
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"Is That Me Yelling?" A new book for parents and professionals

Rona Renner ·
I am happy to announce that my book, "Is That Me Yelling? is out in bookstores and online. It's been a labor of love to write about ways parents can become more familiar with themselves as they attempt to respond, rather than over-react, to their...
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Jemma's Journey

Jane Stevens ·
This is a review from the Like Minds Like Mine newsletter:  Mt. Maunganui (New Zealand) psychologist Janet Peters, who has been involved with the New Zealand Mental Health Foundation's   Like Minds Like Mine  programme for over...
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Lost Lives: The Pandemic Violence Against Children by Dr. Einar Helander

Jane Stevens ·
Dr. Anna Luise Kirkengen, professor in family medicine at the Universities of Tromso and Trondheim, reviewed this book for the Kaiser Permanente Journal in Fall 2011 . The 298-page can be purchased on Dr. Helander's site  for $20. In her review...
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Mad Matters: A Critical Reader in Canadian Mad Studies by LeFrançois, et al. (2013)

Chris Engel ·
"In 1981, Toronto activist Mel Starkman wrote: "An important new movement is sweeping through the western world.... The 'mad,' the oppressed, the ex-inmates of society's asylums are coming together and speaking for themselves." Mad Matters brings...
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Our Encounters with Suicide (July 2013)

Jane Stevens ·
Our Encounters with Suicide, edited by Alec Grant, Judith Haire, Fran Biley and Brendan Stone. From the book web site : The collection brings together a range of voices on the theme of suicide — those who have been suicidal, alongside the...
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Parenting Without Borders by Gross-Loh (2013)

Chris Engel ·
Research reveals American kids today lag well behind the rest of the world in terms of academic achievement, happiness, and wellness. Meanwhile the battle over whether parents are to blame for fostering a generation of helpless kids rages on....
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Reaching and Teaching Children Who Hurt

Susan E. Craig ·
This is a book I wrote addressing the needs of traumatized children in public school settings. Given the overwhelming number of children with "aces too high", it is importnat for  teachers recognize some common characteristics of traumatized...
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Resilience in Children, Adolescents, and Adults by Prince-Embury & Saklofske, Eds (2013)

Chris Engel ·
Resilience in Children, Adolescents, and Adults: Translating Research into Practice recognizes the growing need to strengthen the links between theory, assessment, interventions, and outcomes to give resilience a stronger empirical base, resulting in...
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Resilience: The Science of Mastering Life's Greatest Challenges

Jane Stevens ·
Resilience: The Science of Mastering Life's Greatest Challenges  is written by Steven Southwick, a Yale Medical School and Yale Child Study Center psychiatry professor who specializes in PTSD and resilience, and psychiatrist and...
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Saving Normal: An Insider's Revolt Against Out-of-Control Psychiatric Diagnosis, DSM-5, Big Pharma, and the Medicalization of Ordinary Life by Dr. Allen Frances (2013)

Chris Engel ·
"From "the most powerful psychiatrist in America" (New York Times) and "the man who wrote the book on mental illness" (Wired), a deeply fascinating and urgently important critique of the widespread medicalization of normality. Anyone living a full,...
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Scarcity: Why Having Too Little Means So Much

Donna Woodard ·
We have all experienced those times when there is just not enough time to get everything done. We probably have experienced a time when we did not have enough money to pay all our bills and meet all our wants. We have probably all been on an extreme...
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Scared Sick: The Role of Childhood Trauma in Adult Disease

Jane Stevens ·
Scared Sick: The Role of Childhood Trauma in Adult Disease , written by Robin Karr-Morse  and Meredith Wiley and published in January 2012, was recently reviewed by Seattle Times columnist Jerry Large , who says the book convinced him that the...
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Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect by Lieberman (2013)

Chris Engel ·
In Social, renowned psychologist Matthew Lieberman explores groundbreaking research in social neuroscience revealing that our need to connect with other people is even more fundamental, more basic, than our need for food or shelter.  Because of...
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Super Survivors- The Surprising Link Between Suffering and Success

Alicia St. Andrews ·
Super Survivors- The Surprising Link Between Suffering and Success About the Authors: Together, we examine post-traumatic and stress-related growth. We are interested in your stories of resilience and survival. Our mission to open a dialogue about the different ways that people survive trauma and tragedy, highlighting how people move forward in life. David B. Feldman, PhD , is an associate professor of counseling psychology at Santa Clara...
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Supporting and Educating Traumatized Students: A Guide for School-Based Professionals

Eric Rossen, PhD, NCSP ·
Greetings everyone. I'm new to this site, although thought I would share a book I recently co-edited that has only served to increase my interest in supporting students with ACEs, with particular emphasis on providing those supports within schools....
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The Amazing Brain series - 5 booklets/downloads

Jane Stevens ·
Dr. Linda Burgess Chamberlain wrote this amazing series of booklets on the Amazing Brain. They were illustrated by Peter Camburn . The Institute for Safe Families is distributing hard copies, or you can download them. Partnering with Parents: Apps for...
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The Link Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence by Linzey (Ed.) (2009)

Chris Engel ·
Based on the contributions to the 2007 international conference at Oxford, held under the auspices of the Centre, The Link Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence is the most up to date, authoritative, and comprehensive volume on the relationship...
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The Riot Within - Rodney King (2012)

Chris Engel ·
Very enlightening to read this book as an ACE/ALE case study and one that touches on issues of historical trauma, as well. Find in a Library
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The Whole Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind

Alicia St. Andrews · The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind, Survive Everyday Parenting Struggles, and Help Your Family Thrive Your toddler throws a tantrum in the middle of a store. Your preschooler refuses to get dressed. Your fifth-grader sulks on the bench instead of playing on the field. Do children conspire to make their parents’ lives endlessly challenging? No—it’s just their developing brain calling the shots! In...
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The Witch-Hunt Narrative: Politics, Psychology and the Sexual Abuse of Children Hardcover – April 28, 2014

Former Member ·
In the 1980s, a series of child sex abuse cases rocked the United States. The most famous case was the 1984 McMartin preschool case, but there were a number of others as well. By the latter part of the decade, the assumption was widespread that child...
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Transcending family history of violence

Pamela M Bertram, MSW, LICSW ·
I self-published a book Spellbreaker Transcending Violence   (true story) in July 2012.  I wrote with a pen name for several reasons including safety and copyright law.     Patricia Evans, author of  The Verbally Abusive...
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Trauma-Informed Practices with Children and Adolescents by Steele & Malchiodi (2012)

Chris Engel ·
"Trauma-Informed Practices with Children and Adolescents by William Steel and Cathy A. Malchiodi is a powerful and user-friendly book aimed at educating clinicians in their work with child and adolescent trauma survivors. This comprehensive book...
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Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Scientific Foundations and Therapeutic Models by Ford & Courtois (2013)

Chris Engel ·
Review "Describing evidence-based models for treatment of complex trauma in children, this book is interwoven with contemporary knowledge about psychobiology and is richly illustrated with extended clinical examples. In addition to a focus on...
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Treating Traumatic Stress in Children and Adolescents by ME Blaustein, KM Kinniburgh (2010)

Chris Engel ·
"Grounded in theory and research on complex childhood trauma, this book provides an accessible, flexible, and comprehensive framework for intervention with children and adolescents and their caregivers. It is packed with practical clinical tools that...
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Treatment of Complex Trauma A Sequenced, Relationship-based Approach by C Courtois, JD Ford (2012)

Chris Engel ·
A uthored by two experienced clinicians, this insightful guide provides a pragmatic roadmap for treating adult survivors of complex psychological trauma. Dr. Courtois is a well-known psychologist/traumatologist. The e-book will be available October...
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Unsettled/Desasosiego: Children in a World of Gangs/Los niños en un mundo de las pandillas

Jane Stevens ·
Donna De Cesare is an incredible photographer, and she has produced a beautiful and heartbreaking collection of photos in this book. Here's the summary from Amazon:  Central American nations have recently had the highest per capita homicide rates...
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"When Children Grieve" by John W. James, Russell Friedman, and Leslie Matthews

Kathy Brous ·
"When Children Grieve" by John W. James, Russell Friedman, and Leslie Matthews Thank you John James & Russell Friedman for saving my life...again... Authors of the Grief Recovery Handbook Their new book: Book Review: When Children Grieve by John W. James, Russell Friedman, and Leslie Matthews...I wish that every parent would read When Children Grieve....
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Workbook for Adults Caring for Children Who Have Experienced Trauma

Susan Badeau ·
Greetings - A colleague invited me to jump in here and mention my own book as a resource for folks involved in this community. My name is Sue Badeau, I live in Philadelphia and have been involved in the Trauma community for many years including the National Child Traumatic Stress Network Advisory board for a decade and worked with Multiplying Connections locally for several years helping to develop curriculum and training. My daughter (and artist) and I have created a book entitled "Building...
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Years of Tears

Maxine Browne ·
One failed marriage and two kids later, I met a man I thought was the answer to my prayers. He turned out to be my worst nightmare. "John" turned out to be a control freak. He took over everything. He cut us off from family and friends, even each...
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