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Parenting with PACEs. PACEs science & stories. Trauma-informed change.

Tagged With "creative arts healing"

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Parenting with ACEs / Quote of the Day (1)

Christine Cissy White ·
- from the Parenting with ACEs chat series - How It Feels & How We Heal #ACEsScience
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Parenting with ACEs Resources: Power Sharing & Sharing Powerfully

Christine Cissy White ·
Sharing as a trauma survivor, parent (via adoption), writer, and advocate, I'm going to detail what I find crucial in any program or perspective geared towards those currently parenting with ACEs. Most important, is that any program be survivor and peer-led (or co-led). If that's the only change done, it's a good one. Who shares content, and how, is as important as the content being shared. So often, programs to parents are patronizing, punitive, and can come across as "edupuking" all over...
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Peer Program Uses Writing as a Tool for Trauma Recovery

Steve Stone ·
For the past several years, a small yet dedicated group of writers has gathered at Pathway’s Peer Support Program in Ashland, Ohio to explore ways to use writing for overcoming life’s challenges, healing from trauma and adversity and building social connections with others. Tapestry of Our Lives is the result of their hard work. The writings in this anthology are rooted in adverse life experiences and childhood trauma, such as physical, sexual or psychological abuse or severe neglect.
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Perinatal Trauma Informed Care and the Trauma Sensitive Intake

Kate White ·
Monday, March 4, marks the beginning of Birth Psychology Month for the Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Pyschology and Health (APPPAH). This monthlong celebration features a panel of speakers around trauma informed practices for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum care. APPPAH received a grant for this project, so live lectures are free. Our first two speakers will be on Monday at 7 pm and 8:30 pm Eastern time. Jennie Birkholz, Principal of Breakwater Light, LLC, Trauma informed educator...
Blog Post

Positive Childhood Experiences offset ACEs: Q & A with Dr. Robert Sege about HOPE

Laurie Udesky ·
Tufts University medical professor Dr. Robert Sege directs the Center for Community-Engaged Medicine and is nationally known for his research on effective health systems approaches that address social determinants of health. He is also the principal investigator for the HOPE framework (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences).The HOPE framework is based on research that shows how positive childhood experiences can mitigate the effects of adverse childhood experiences. Sege and colleagues...
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Positive Relationships Can Buffer Childhood Trauma and Toxic Stress, Researchers Say []

By Kay Lazar, The Boston Globe, October 15, 2019 Traumatic events and toxic relationships during childhood can cast long shadows, often damaging mental health well into adulthood. But a growing body of research suggests sustained, positive relationships with caring adults can help mitigate the harmful effects of childhood trauma. And specialists say pediatricians, social workers, and others who work with kids should take steps to monitor and encourage those healthy relationships — just as...
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Pueblo, CO, clinic rewrites the book on primary medical care by asking patients about their childhood adversity

Jane Stevens ·
In October 2015 in Pueblo, CO, the staff members of a primary care medical clinic – Southern Colorado Family Medicine at the St. Mary-Corwin Medical Center – start asking parents of newborn babies to kids five years old about the parents’ adverse childhood experiences and the resilience factors in their lives. They ask the same questions of pregnant women and their partners in the hospital’s high-risk obstetrics clinic. The results are so positive after the first year that the clinic starts...

Re: ACEs-, Trauma-Informed, and Resilience-Building Parenting Programs

Joan Norton ·
Hello ACES in Parenting Group! May I ask for your input, please? I'm the Director of the Texas Cooperative Parenting Course for Divorce in Austin, Texas. It is a mandatory course for many parents in Texas who have minor children, and they must take our course (or a similar one) and present a certificate of completion to the court before the judge will grant their divorce. The goal is to equip parents with problem-solving skills to end conflict, positively co-parent, and help their children...

Re: When Your Child is Your PTSD Trigger (

Rona Renner ·
Excellent article. The more we can reduce our shame and talk about the things no one talks about, the more we can heal. I too was unsure at times what boundaries to have regarding touch and showing affection to my babies. I pulled back at times, in fear that I would cross a boundary. It was something I never thought of talking about. I didn't understand the feelings of confusion and uncertainty until I did the hard work (many years later) regarding the inappropriate touching that I received...

Re: ACEs-, Trauma-Informed, and Resilience-Building Parenting Programs

Rosemary Tisch ·
Another program addressing reducing ACEs, particularly related to addiction is Celebrating Families!™ - a family-centered, skill-building program serving children ages birth through 17, their parents, and caregivers. This evidence-based program, available from the National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACoA),emphasizes healthy living skills including addiction prevention/recovery; attachment; the development of a sense of hope and expanded life view; reduction of stress/anxiety;...

Re: ACEs-, Trauma-Informed, and Resilience-Building Parenting Programs

Rosemary Tisch ·
I added a comment on the site a few days ago. Would like NACoA's Celebrating Families! added to the list. Description (which I added to the site) attached. Rosemary Rosemary Tisch, Program Developer Celebrating Families! National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACoA), 408-406-0467

Re: ACES Presentation for Preschool Parents (experiences, tips, etc.)

Christine Cissy White ·
Melissa: Great questions. I'm going to tag a few others to chime in as well. @Karen Clemmer @Rene Howitt @Rebekah Couch @Emily Read Daniels @Louise Godbold @Dawn Daum @Joyelle Brandt have all done presentations about ACEs, as have I. I'm sure we all do them differently and have experiences and thoughts on what does/doesn't work. My opinion is that sharing from the place of WE and US and OUR is most important. We are all impacted by the ACEs we do or do not carry. If we carry lots, that's a...
Blog Post

About Module Three: Vaginal Birth

Myrna Martin ·
Like conception and implantation, birth requires an intention to be born, and preparation – the baby actually initiates labour, and must move into an optimal position if a relativity easy birth is to occur. The action of the actual birth stages is dynamic, and the baby is actively involved in that movement.
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ACE Fact Sheets to Give Your Doctors, Patients & Beyond (free downloads)

Veronique Mead ·
I was first inspired to create a fact sheet summarizing the effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) after reading a comment in “Got Your ACE score?” A reader wished she had a form to give her doctor that documented the vast body of evidence explaining how early trauma increases risk for chronic physical and mental health conditions and much more. I could relate.
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ACE Member Discount 18th Annual Families and Fathers National Conference Limited

James Rodriguez ·
I am sharing a 20% discount and that U.S. OCSE as well as trauma experts are actively participating with a special series on March 1st at the 18th Annual Families & Fathers National Conference, "Never Giving Up - Breakthrough 2017", will be hosted by Fathers & Families Coalition of America from February 27 - March 3, 2017 in Los Angeles, CA. Early Bird Registration is now open with full event, two-day or one-day options for individuals to customize their training. The focus of this...
Blog Post

ACEs Aware Webinar: Trauma-informed practices to address stress from COVID19

Laurie Udesky ·
How can health care providers take care of themselves, their colleagues and their patients during this COVID-19 pandemic? First and foremost is recognizing how the pandemic can stir up trauma from the past, said Dr. Alicia Lieberman, a psychologist specializing in trauma. “COVID19 is reawakening traumatic reminders in many of us and in the families we work with. And that often makes it difficult for parents to protect themselves and their children,” she noted. Lieberman, the director of the...
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ACEs Connection Parent Handouts

Alicia St. Andrews ·
Great resources to accompany ACEs screening efforts, presentations, and community awareness building. Please share how you plan to use the handouts in the comments section below!  
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ACEs Science and Racism

Morgan Vien ·
This is a collection of resources regarding structural racism and trauma. This list aims to give a broad overview and is not all-inclusive. We welcome suggestions; if you have any, please comment below! The titles below and the PDFs in attachments are in alphabetical order. BSC Full Report Trauma Resilient Informed City Baltimore: This is the full report of the work, data, lessons, and direct quotes from several teams of people from various backgrounds in the Baltimore community as they...
Blog Post

ACEs Science Champion Series: Dr. Angela Bymaster: This Faith-Based Physician Integrates ACEs Science with Healing Arts

Sylvia Paull ·
Dr. Angela Bymaster, a family physician at Washington Elementary School in San Jose, CA, operates her clinic in a portable unit on the school property. Because the unit faces students as they are dropped off by their families, she gets to “pick up the kids” before they are sent to the clinic, practicing “upstream medicine.”
Blog Post

Addressing Trauma and Building Resiliency as Comprehensive Disaster Planning and Response

Holly White-Wolfe ·
The attached memo is intended to make observations about communities affected by disaster-related trauma, and to offer recommendations for trauma-informed recovery. Community examples provide case studies or models for other communities grappling with similar issues. Suggested resources and tools provide communities with support for accelerated action. Memo authors represent active cross sector networks that contribute to resilient community infrastructure development, awareness building,...
Blog Post

Adopted Romanian orphans 'still suffering in adulthood' (

Christine Cissy White ·
It's wonderful that 20% do well even after early adversity but there are so many who suffer. What can be done to prevent and better treat the suffering of the 80%? That's what I always wonder when I read an article such as this one. Many adoptive parents become informed about ACEs after having learned, through personal experience, that love and security aren't always enough to help a child feel safe and to recover and heal. Parenting with ACEs is for adoptive and foster parents as well, who...
Blog Post

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)…Why is Hugging Sooo Very Critical?

Steve Sparks ·
"The reality of my own “adverse childhood experiences” is just catching up with me at age 73. My guess is I’m not alone."
Blog Post

Adverse childhood experiences in the news: Successes and opportunities in coverage of childhood trauma (

Christine Cissy White ·
Please find excerpts from a piece published in Issue 24 of the Berkeley Media Studies Group about where and how ACEs are covered in the news. It was published a few months ago but I missed it and am thankful it was shared with me last week. and Click here to read full-length version and for a downloadable pdf.
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Affirmative Consent Arrives at the Yoga Studio ( - Finally!

Christine Cissy White ·
I love the healing power of yoga for easing trauma symptoms. My first moments of pleasure while present happened in a yoga class. I've written lots on this healing modality for trauma survivors. Unfortunately, not all yoga classes are taught by those who are trauma-informed. Some great yoga teachers are doing great and teaching others to use use trauma-informed teaching styles. However, lots of yoga teachers still touch students, during class, without asking. Some to do to help with postures...
Blog Post

Anxious Attachments in Relationships

Jason Lee ·
As an Asian male in his forties and a single dad to a teenage son, I've always felt it hasn't been easy to meet women that I can connect with. In addition, my track record of being in relationships has been far from stellar. As a childhood abuse survivor, I unknowingly took the pain I endured into my relationships. With zero self-awareness, I was insecure and needy, which resulted in a lot of angry outbursts and emotional abuse towards my partners.
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Are We Ready for Truth and Reconciliation Around Sexual Violence? #MeToo (

A teenage Icelandic woman is raped by her Australian boyfriend after she’s had too much to drink. In his own immature, conditioned teenage mind, he doesn’t call it rape. Because the media and pornography and the way fathers raise sons and bro’s egg on bro’s, he convinces himself that he was justified in taking what was rightfully his — her body, her vulnerability, her sexuality, maybe even her physical and mental health. She is traumatized by the experience, and in his own way, he is too.
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Art Therapy: Treating Combat-Related PTSD ( & Commentary

Christine Cissy White ·
This is small but interesting study and while it focuses on those with combat-related PTSD it has ideas which may be of interest to those of us here in the Parenting with ACEs group. Who hasn't felt that finger painting or crafting wasn't more than just creative or fun? Sometimes, it can feel and be healing in ways we can feel and know if not necessarily understand and articulate. Here's maybe some of why we should all keep coloring books on our kitchen tables with a basket of markers, paint...
Blog Post

Association of Reports of Childhood Abuse and All-Cause Mortality Rates in Women (

Christine Cissy White ·
Another study about child abuse, early death and I feel motivated and scared as a mom wtih PTSD from childhood ACEs. How about you? I don't want to die early. I feel I've paid quite enough for my childhood and don't wish to pay some more. I don't want to worry. I also want to be healthy, know my risks and figure out what i can do to promote better health. Here's some news from the "Conclusions and Relevance" portion of the JAMA Psychiatry Association of Reports of Childhood Abuse and...
Blog Post

ACEs Science Champions Series: Because of Andres Perez, 10,000+ Latinx parents in Northern California embrace trauma-informed parenting

Sylvia Paull ·
Andres Perez immigrated to San Jose, Calif., from Mexico in 1990. He was 24 years old, undocumented, knew little English, lacked job skills, and had a pregnant wife to support. He hit the ground running by completing an ESL program in San Jose City College, and, while working days at any job he could find, at night he earned an associate of science degree with specialization in electronics and computers in 2002. Fortunately for thousands of Latinx parents and their children, he never worked...
Blog Post

Belleruth Naparstek, Guided Imagery,Community Conversation, Wisdom & Resources

Christine Cissy White ·
Belleruth Naparstek was the last featured guest in our Parenting with ACEs chat series last week. She is a psychotherapist, author, and guided imagery pioneer. She is the creator of the popular Health Journeys guided imagery audio series and author of Staying Well with Guided Imagery and Invisible Heroes: Survivors of Trauma and How They H eal. During the chat, Naparstek shared a bit about guided imagery and how and why it can be effective for those of us with ACEs and/or post-traumatic...
Blog Post

Beyond the Crack Generation, Author K-Rahn Vallatine

Beyond The Crack Generation takes readers on an autobiographical journey to explain how dysfunctional, counterproductive behavior became a cultural norm in the quest for prosperity and survival among youth. Addressing the pervasive and lingering impact that the crack cocaine epidemic had on mainstream Hip Hop culture and Urban America as a whole, it answers the echoing question: How did our young people lose their way? It offers a glimpse in the psychology of a young man in search of...
Blog Post

Beyond Trauma: Building Resilience to ACEs (brochure)

Christine Cissy White ·
Wish you had a fairly easy and short way to share all about ACEs? Wish it was in-depth enough to share with teachers, doctors, nurses and therapists but not so long or jargony it puts family and friends to sleep? Here's the perfect thing to share when you've been all up in the faces with ACEs and want to back up your words before, during or after. This brochure is comprehensive but not so long that it remains in the "I'll get to it later," pile. Please feel free to print, forward, download...
Blog Post

Breaking the Cycle: Parenting After Being Raised in Hell (

Christine Cissy White ·
Parenting with ACEs & Parenting After Trauma: If you write or read any essays or articles about parenting with ACEs, please share them. I'll make sure to do the same. Resources are welcome as well. The only abuser left in your life,” a yoga therapist said to me once, “is you.” When I talked about what a lazy, gruesome idiot I was another therapist would say, “Your self hears you.” She would look at me and wince at the way I was slicing and dicing myself on my own dime. I didn’t even...
Blog Post

British Doctors May Soon Prescribe Art, Music, Dance, Singing Lessons []

Laura Pinhey ·
An ambitious initiative unveiled this week by British Health Secretary Matt Hancock may soon enable the country’s doctors to prescribe therapeutic art- or hobby-based treatments for ailments ranging from dementia to psychosis, lung conditions and mental health issues. Writing for the Times , Kat Lay explains that this unconventional strategy, described by the U.K. government as “social prescribing,” could find patients enrolled in dance classes and singing lessons, or perhaps enjoying a...
Blog Post

CA pediatrician develops, tests, gets state OK for whole-child assessment tool that includes ACEs

Jane Stevens ·
Over the last dozen years or so, many pediatricians, astounded by the ramifications of the science of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on the children they care for, began integrating this science into their practices. The most common approach has been to ask parents about ACEs using a questionnaire, and to use this information to counsel parents and identify resources for the family. Different practices have been using different questionnaires: Some ask parents for their ACE scores...
Blog Post

CA pediatrician develops, tests, gets state OK for whole-child assessment tool that includes ACEs

Jane Stevens ·
[Editor's note: This blog was first posted in April 2017. Dr. Marie-Mitchell updated the assessment by modifying a few of the questions, so we are republishing with the new assessment, one in Spanish and one in English.] Over the last dozen years or so, many pediatricians, astounded by the ramifications of the science of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on the children they care for, began integrating this science into their practices. The most common approach has been to ask parents...
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Cancer as a survivor

Christine Cissy White ·
Many people use the phrase CPTSD to stand for PTSD from complex trauma. To me, C-PTSD means cancer and PTSD. I have cancer and I’m a trauma survivor. I’m a survivor with cancer but not yet a cancer survivor. Will I be a survivor squared?
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Cherokee Point Parent Leaders Inspire at Restorative Practice / Restorative Justice Summit in San Diego!

Audrey Hokoda ·
Cherokee Point Parent Leaders presented at the Restorative Practice / Restorative Justice Summit hosted by the Human Relations Commission and Commission on Gang Prevention and Intervention in San Diego last Friday. Sharing their work over the past 5 years in two break-out sessions, they moved audiences with their compelling stories demonstrating how a trauma-informed community school can lead to transformative change for their children and families. Please see the attachment for more...
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Childhood Should Not Be Disrupted

Donna Jackson Nakazawa ·
People often ask me why I wrote # ChildhoodDisrupted . As a science journalist specializing in the intersection of neurobiology, immunology and emotion, I’d spent 20 years writing about the immune system and the human brain. When I came across the CDC’s # ACE Study (Adverse Childhood Experiences Study), it struck me like a lightning bolt. I realized that after 20 years of writing about how we become ill and how we heal, I had been missing a huge piece of what can cause disease. Chronic...
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Childhood violence and the Whac-A-Mole effect

Jane Stevens ·
Whac-A-Mole players ( by Laura ) _______________________________________________ Many people and organizations focus on preventing violence with the belief that if our society can stop violence against children, then most childhood trauma will be eradicated. However, research that has emerged over the last 20 years clearly shows that focusing primarily on violence prevention – physical and sexual abuse, in particular – doesn’t eliminate the trauma that children experience, and won’t even...
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Children & Families COVID19 Resilience Brief 5: Music For Healing

Click on the pdf link for the full child-friendly article.
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Children & Families COVID19 Resilience Brief 6: Problem Solving

Problem Solving is extremely important in the resilience process. It can help move us beyond our fear brain and begin working toward healing from trauma. In the resilience narratives I have collected (e.g. Madsen Thompson, 2010) people from very young children in foster care group homes and hospitals to parents living in poverty have told me that taking time to think about a problem helps them through really hard times. Feel free to distribute these as you see fit, but please do not alter...
Blog Post

Children & Family COVID19 Resilience Brief 3: Overcoming Fear

Here is the latest infosheet on Resilience for Children & their Families. It takes cutting edge neurological PTSD and fear research, explaining it at a second-grade reading level. That was not easy! Please feel free to use and distribute as you see fit for professional or online resources. Stay Safe! Dr. Machelle
Blog Post

Children of Addiction Awareness Week - Bringing ACEs Into Conversations and Celebrations

Lisa Frederiksen ·
Children of Addiction (COA) Awareness Week is an annual celebration near and dear to my heart for many reasons, not the least of which are my personal experiences as a child of an alcoholic and as a child with four ACEs - three of which were the result of secondhand drinking (explained below). COA Week is an annual event celebrated during the week of Valentine’s Day - this year it's February 11 - 17. It is sponsored by the National Association for Children of Addiction, . NACoA’s...
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Choked & Soared: Public Speaking about Parenting After Childhood Trauma

Christine Cissy White ·
I gave a keynote address to over 100 people. I’m not bragging. It was an epic failure. And an epic personal triumph. I traveled alone, spoke in public, met new people and shared meal times with total strangers! I tackled social anxiety, figured out flights, luggage and directions. I went in elevators and walked halls alone, without pepper spray. I searched in closets and under beds for monsters and then was able to fall asleep, and stay asleep, without drinking. Twice. Huge. Enormous.
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Creating a Plan for Your Child After a Suicide Attempt (

During the last decade, the number of emergency room and hospital visits linked to suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts among children nearly doubled, according to a study in Pediatrics . This was especially true among youth 15 to 17 years of age. Experts say that bullying, trauma, and abuse are often underlying factors. Fortunately, with the right type of support from health care providers and others, children and their parents can find the resources they need to heal and prevent mental...
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Donna Jackson Nakazawa Chats Live with Jane Stevens & You: Nov. 14th

Christine Cissy White ·
Featured Guest: @Donna Jackson Nakazawa Topic: Well-Being, Self-Care & ACEs Date: November 14th, 2017 Time: 10 AM PST / 1 PM EST Where: Here / Chats Donna Jackson Nakazawa is an winning researcher, writer and public speaker on health and family issues. She explores the intersection between neuroscience, immunology, and the deepest inner workings of the human heart. Her most recent book, Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology, and How You Can Heal , examines...
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Dozens of Kaiser Permanente pediatricians in Northern California screen three-year-olds for ACEs

Laurie Udesky ·
Since August 2016, more than 300 three-year-olds who visited Kaiser Permanente’s pediatric clinics in Hayward and San Leandro have been screened for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), such as living with a family member who is an alcoholic or losing a parent to separation or divorce. But when the idea to screen toddlers and their families for ACEs was first broached at the Kaiser Permanente Hayward Medical Center, the staff were, in a word, “angsty,” says Dr. Paul Espinas, who led the...
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Dr. Claudia Gold: Empathy & Listening as ACE-Informed Practice

Christine Cissy White ·
"You are absolutely not doomed from having ACEs."
Blog Post

Dr. Gabor Maté & Full-Potential Parenting, Even When It Is Hard

Christine Cissy White ·
Note: Allison Morris had dozens of experts in her summit series through Full-Potential Parenting. I took notes only on those by Donna Jackson Nakazawa , Gabe Maté and Sebern Fisher (coming later this month). Though the audios are no longer available, for free, they can be purchased for $100. or less (depending on the year), here. Forgive me for sounding like an advertisement, I don't know Allison personally. I am a huge fan of all parent-led resources and wish I discovered this series...
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