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Tagged With "healthy teen"

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Many Parents Say Teens With Anxiety, Depression May Benefit From Peer Confidants at School []

By Beata Mostafavi, Michigan Health, January 18, 2021 An estimated one in five teenagers has symptoms of a mental health disorder such as depression or anxiety, and suicide is the second leading cause of death among teens. But the first person a teen confides in may not always be an adult – they may prefer to talk to another teen. And three-quarters of parents in a new national poll think peers better understand teen challenges, compared to teachers or counselors in the school. The majority...
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A Recipe for Raising Resilient Children - Skills and Factors that Contribute to Resiliency

Beth Tyson ·
Suffering is an expected part of this journey because resilience is a muscle that we strengthen over time and experiences. However, developing this muscle is most effective when encouraged by warm, loving, and responsive caregiving.
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How to help an older child or teen adjust to your home []

Natalie Audage ·
By Kris Kittle and Kelly Reed, AdoptUSKids, January 16, 2021 When you adopt a child, it’s easy to focus on their immediate needs: home, food, routine, education, people, etc. These are all important, and your child certainly experiences significant changes that require patience, love, and understanding from you as they adjust to their unfamiliar life. But there are other areas of focus that can help an older child adjust as well. Be trustworthy. Your child may not have experienced...
Blog Post

After the FDA issued warnings about antidepressants, youth suicides rose and mental health care dropped (

Depression in young people is vastly undertreated. About two-thirds of depressed youth don’t receive any mental health care at all . Of those who do, a significant proportion rely on antidepressant medications. Since 2003, however, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has warned that young people might experience suicidal thinking and behavior during the first months of treatment with antidepressants. The FDA issued this warning to urge clinicians to monitor suicidal thoughts at the start...
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'We Feel Lost in Time': Covid Transforms Teen Milestones []

Natalie Audage ·
By Taylor Trudon, The New York Times, May 3, 2021 Growing up, Carley Ebbenga was used to not having big birthday parties. Since her birthday falls right in the middle of winter break, most kids were out of town so she stuck to small celebrations. But for her Sweet Sixteen, Ms. Ebbenga, who lives in Romeoville, Ill., a suburb of Chicago, wanted to do something special. She envisioned a trip into the city with a few friends where they would eat a nice dinner and stay up late dancing in their...
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The Surviving Spirit Newsletter October 2021

Michael Skinner ·
Healing the Heart Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran The Surviving Spirit Newsletter October 2021 “Don't Quit” by John Whittier When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high And you want to smile, but you...
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** NCTSN April 2021 Spotlight ** []

Natalie Audage ·
Military children are faced with many challenges, including but not limited to extended separations, deployments, frequent moves, and loss. The relationship with a parent or primary caregiver is critical to a child’s sense of self, safety, and trust. While many military children adjust well after a death, other children have ongoing difficulties that interfere with everyday life and make it difficult to recall positive memories of their loved ones. A child may have a traumatic reaction after...
Blog Post

How to Support Teens’ Mental Health During COVID and Beyond (

It’s been more than a year since the COVID-19 pandemic changed life as we knew it. Many families across the country have been living in “survival mode.” Tweens and teens continue to experience a range of emotions , including sadness, anger, and fear. If left unresolved, these feelings can take a toll on health and well-being. When it comes to teens’ emotional and mental health, they are experiencing a crisis, says Dr. Edith Bracho-Sanchez , a primary care pediatrician and assistant professor...
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Stress Health website (

Natalie Audage ·
Research shows that the right kind of support and care can mitigate the impact of toxic stress in children and help them bounce back. The Stress Health website from the Center for Youth Wellness shares many ways that parents can support a healthy stress response: sleep, nutrition, exercise, mental health, mindfulness and healthy relationships. These things help to decrease our stress hormones and inflammation for healthier brains and bodies. Stress Health is about learning how the stress...
Blog Post

7's HERO: New Boise public charter high school for pregnant, parenting teens opens this week (

BOISE, Idaho — There is a new high school in Boise for pregnant and parenting teenagers. Cardinal Academy Public Charter School is located on the Salvation Army's recently completed Booth Campus on Emerald Avenue. Cardinal Academy is a free public charter school that offers these students in 9th-12th grade, ages 14-21, the opportunity to get their education and get the support they need to parent while they receive their diploma. "Cardinal is such an amazing resource because they have...
Blog Post

Teen Mental Health - Resilient Georgia General Meeting

Cameron Bates ·
Resilient Georgia is excited to share information and resources from our June General Meeting on Teen Mental Health , where we brought together experts and advocates in the Georgia behavioral health space to discuss their work around adolescent well-being. Teenagers can be hard to decipher at times, but one point is clear: teens need large amounts of support to overcome the staggering odds of having mental illness. With rates of teen mental illness already higher than the adult population...
Blog Post

A Solution to the Desperate Need to Belong

Scarlett Lewis ·
As humans, we have a basic, primal need to belong. Belonging is defined as ‘the feeling of security and support when there is a sense of acceptance, inclusion, and identity for a member of a certain group . It is when an individual can bring their authentic self to others, including friendships, family and work.’ Feeling disconnected, unimportant, or not cared about can translate into feelings of loneliness. This has led to much of the suffering our society is experiencing today. Cigna...
Blog Post

How to Help Teen Girls Cope With Stress (

New research helps explain how stressful events make teens vulnerable to anxiety and depression—and points to ways to help them cope better. Adolescence is a stressful time in life. Teens have to navigate increased independence from their parents, new and more complicated peer relationships, and more demanding academics, all while managing radical changes in their brains and bodies. Not only that, the current COVID-19 pandemic has created additional hardships for them. No wonder they may be...
Blog Post

The kids are not all right. The CDC finds mental health among teens has declined (

It's hard to overstate the disruptive impact the pandemic has had on people. Its effect on mental health is a big one, and for teenagers, that hit particularly hard. Kathleen Ethier knows this well. She leads the Division of Adolescent and School Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which this month published a survey that points to some very grim findings. From January to June 2021, CDC researchers collected data on the behaviors and experiences of 7,705 public and...
Blog Post

Teen Sexual Assault: Information for Parents []

Natalie Audage ·
This resource from The National Child Traumatic Stress Network defines key terms, including consent and coercion, and offers guidance to parents related to dating violence and sexual assault. This fact sheet describes how common teen sexual assault is, how it relates to dating relationships, the roles drugs and the Internet can play in increasing risk, as well as provides tips for staying safe and what to do if your teen has experienced sexual assault. Please click here to access the resource.
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Teen Dad Balancing Baby and Books This Father’s Day (

We know that 200,000 teen girls give birth every year in the U.S., but what about the other half of the equation – the 200,000 fathers? Unfortunately, only about 33 percent of fathers under 18 stick around to help raise the child. When you consider that 70% of those teen moms don’t graduate – it’s not hard to imagine why. For Father’s Day, we are spotlighting one teen dad who takes his role seriously and is actively parenting his child. Meet Ricky C., 19, who brings his 4-month-old son to...
Blog Post

Fatherhood Programs Can Support Fathers’ Healthy Relationships With Children and Coparents []

Natalie Audage ·
By Lisa Kim and Elizabeth Karberg, Child Trends, June 16, 2022 Fathers’ role within families has gradually evolved from traditional family breadwinner to that of more full and equal coparent involved in all aspects of caregiving. Research has shown that positive father-child involvement leads to better outcomes for children and families , and a critical component of improving fathers’ involvement with their children is supporting their coparenting and romantic or intimate relationship s . In...
Blog Post

Teen Suicide Risk: What Parents Should Know []

Natalie Audage ·
If you're worried about your child's risk for suicide , you are not alone. In 2021, emergency departments across the U.S. noted a sharp rise in 12-to-17-year-olds needing treatment for suicidal thoughts or actions. And in a recent federal survey , more than 4 in 10 high school students reported feeling "persistently sad or hopeless," while 1 in 5 said they'd thought about suicide. Grief , isolation and fear caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are possible causes. But experts say the pressures...
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How to help children and teens manage their stress []

Natalie Audage ·
American Psychological Association, Updated July 6, 2022 The pandemic pushed stress to historic highs. Here are healthy ways for children and teens to cope. In the short term, stress can push a child to practice for her piano recital or inspire a teen to study when he’d rather be out with friends. But c hronic stress —for example, from unrelenting pandemic-related pressures, social unrest, or violence—is different. Left unchecked, long-term stress can contribute to a long list of physical...
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Strategies to Support Healthy Relationships for American Indian and Alaska Native Fathers []

Natalie Audage ·
Fathers, children, and families alike benefit from fathers having healthy coparenting and romantic relationships. Child Trends’ new brief for the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation provides fatherhood programs with strategies, policy suggestions, and additional considerations for working with American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) fathers. The brief’s authors outline strategies within three distinct areas of program development and implementation that fatherhood programs can use...
Blog Post

Resources for Supporting Healthy Relationships in Fatherhood Programs []

Natalie Audage ·
Fathers’ relationships—especially their relationships with coparents and romantic partners—can affect their own well-being and the quality of their involvement with their children. Using lessons from the Coparenting and Healthy Relationship and Marriage Education for Dads (CHaRMED) study, Child Trends’ new brief for the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation identifies common barriers that fatherhood programs face when addressing healthy relationships with fathers and provides...
Blog Post

Helping a Teen with ADHD

Arastou Aminzadeh ·
By Dr. Arastou Aminzadeh, Founder, BNI Treatment Centers The teen years are challenging enough as it is, so imagine how much harder it must be for a teen with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to navigate this phase of life. Parents often feel helpless watching their teen struggle with the disorder. There are, however, some useful tips parents can access to support their teen with ADHD. About Teen ADHD ADHD is a type of neurodevelopmental disorder that is more prevalent in...
Blog Post

This Teen Was Prescribed 10 Psychiatric Drugs. She’s Not Alone. []

Natalie Audage ·
By Matt Richtel, Photo: Annie Flanagan/The New York Times, The New York Times, August 28, 2022 One morning in the fall of 2017, Renae Smith, a high school freshman on Long Island, N.Y., could not get out of bed, overwhelmed at the prospect of going to school. In the following days, her anxiety mounted into despair. “I should have been happy,” she later wrote. “But I cried, screamed and begged the universe or whatever godly power to take away the pain of a thousand men that was trapped inside...
Blog Post

Mental health in the USA—a time to mourn (

Source: image Author: To read Abigail Mundy's article, please click here. “I just feel like kids have it harder nowadays,” a 15-year-old boy in Rhode Island, USA, tells his father, shortly before taking his own life. Earlier in Ken Burns' new two-part documentary series, Hiding in Plain Sight , grainy footage from the 1950's shows a boy joyfully throwing a paper airplane. Mid-flight the paper transforms into aluminium and the plane hits the World Trade Center, the scene cutting cleanly to...
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How to Talk About Mental Health With Your Child and Their Pediatrician []

Natalie Audage ·
By Jeffrey D. Shahidullah, PhD and Rebecca A. Baum, MD, FAAP, Children, teens and families are navigating difficult times. Sometimes it can be hard to tell whether day-to-day stress is getting the best of us, or when something more serious may be going on. In either case, talking with your child's pediatrician is a great place to start. Starting the conversation Many pediatricians check for mental health concerns at well-child visits. The doctor may ask your child...
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Pediatrician is changing the way we think about teens with 'lighthouse parenting' tips (

Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash 'Lighthouse parenting' can help make raising teens less rocky. To read more of Christine Organ's article, please click here. Dr. Ken Ginsburg’s advice for parents is like a hug, TED talk and Masterclass rolled into one. As a parent of teens, I often wonder: W hy didn’t anyone tell me it would be like this? I don’t mean the warnings and complaints about how challenging the teen years are. I don’t mean all of the “just you wait” admonitions. I don’t mean the...
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10 things to know about how social media affects teens' brains (

Image: (Tracy J. Lee for NPR) To read more of Cory Turner's article, please click here. The statistics are sobering. In the past year, nearly 1 in 3 teen girls reports seriously considering suicide . One in 5 teens identifying as LGBTQ+ say they attempted suicide in that time. Between 2009 and 2019, depression rates doubled for all teens. And that was before the COVID-19 pandemic. The question is: Why now ? "Our brains, our bodies, and our society have been evolving together to shape human...

Jenny Lee

Blog Post

Teen mom who couldn't find babysitter takes her 1-year-old toddler as prom date and they're adorable (

Image source: TikTok/melissa-mccabe To read more of Sethuraman S.'s article, please click here. A teenage mom has received appreciation after taking her toddler as her date to the school prom. Melissa Mccabe, who is 16 now, became pregnant when she was 14 and gave birth to Arthur in November 2020. Mccabe, who lives in the U.K., describes her 1-year-old son as her "little blessing" and said she wanted him to be part of her prom. "When prom came around, no one could really have him and I...
Blog Post

Teen Girls Are Not Alright. ADHD Magnifies the Crisis. (

To read more of Nicole Kear's article, please click here. Teen girls in the U.S. are “engulfed in a growing wave of sadness, violence and trauma,” according to a report released last week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that found alarming increases in rates of rape, depression, suicidality, and cyberbullying among adolescents. 1 “The numbers are unprecedented,” said Kathleen Ethier, director of the CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health . “Our young people...
Blog Post

How Parents Can Support Teen Mental Heath (

ILLUSTRATION BY MARY LONG ' "Mental health problems in teens can sometimes take unexpected forms. Depression and anxiety can manifest as irritability and noncompliance, which parents may reasonably view as disrespect and laziness. Understanding what is beneath those behaviors is challenging. Teens are quite secretive, so they may not disclose the extent of their struggles." To read more of Toria Herd & Sarah A. Font's article, please click here. More than 44% of teens reported persistent...
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Participants Needed for a New Social Media Campaign Centering & Celebrating Diverse 2SLGBTQIA+ Family Stories (National Training & Technical Assistance Center)

Participants Needed for a New Social Media Campaign Centering & Celebrating Diverse 2SLGBTQIA+ Family Stories We want to center and celebrate the stories of diverse families around the nation. This social media campaign features 2SLGBTQIA+ families of all kinds: queer and trans parents, queer and trans kids, families of choice, family of origin, drag family - if there is love and care, you are welcome here! Share your thoughts on the word "family" to be featured in the campaign. Campaign...
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New Transforming Trauma Episode: Helping Youth Thrive in a Time of Anxiety, Depression, and Social Media With Donna Jackson Nakazawa

Tori Essex ·
These are challenging times to maintain physical and mental well-being, so much so that it’s increasingly difficult to encounter someone who isn’t struggling with some sort of significant medical and/or psychological challenge. On this episode of Transforming Trauma, Emily chats with award-winning journalist, author, speaker, and workshop facilitator Donna Jackson Nakazawa about her career at the intersection of neuroscience, immunology, and emotion. Emily and Donna discuss the impact of...
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Program helps teens navigate education, parenthood (

(Spectrum News/ Zarina Khairzada) To read more of Zarina Khairzada's article, please click here. LOS ANGELES — Babies in the classroom? That’s a reality for parenting and pregnant students at Learn4Life’s Alta Vista Innovation High School in Inglewood, taking part in the Helping Our Parenting-students Excel (HOPE) Program . The program provides students with a safe space for parents to watch their children as they complete credits needed to graduate. It’s also common to see supervising...
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What Children Really Need Is Adults That Understand Development

Deborah McNelis M.Ed ·
The brain doesn’t fully develop until about the age of 25. This fact is sometimes quite surprising and eye opening to most adults. It can also be somewhat overwhelming for new parents and professionals who are interacting with babies and young children every day, to contemplate. It is essential to realize however, that the greatest time of development occurs in the years prior to kindergarten. And even more critical to understand is that by age three 85 percent of the core structures of the...
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Batterer intervention programs that take a healing approach drastically cut re-arrest rates

Jane Stevens ·
In the world of family violence, the focus is on healing victims (survivors). This includes funding for domestic violence shelters, thousands of research projects, state and federal legislation, and changing the criminal justice response. But that’s providing help for only half the people involved in the problem.
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We know how to support poor families

Jeoffry Gordon ·
Original Investigation July 24, 2023 Community Health Worker Home Visiting, Birth Outcomes, Maternal Care, and Disparities Among Birthing Individuals With Medicaid Insurance Cristian I. Meghea, PhD 1 ; Jennifer E. Raffo, MA 1 ; Xiao Yu, PhD 1 ; et al Ran Meng, MS 1 ; Zhehui Luo, PhD 2 ; Peggy Vander Meulen, MSN 3 ; Celeste Sanchez Lloyd, MA 3 ; Lee Anne Roman, PhD 1 Author Affiliations JAMA Pediatr. 2023;177(9):939-946. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2023.2310 Question Is participation in a...
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Building Resilience is a Team Effort that Starts Early

Porter Jennings-McGarity ·
“YES!” was the response of Gaile Osborne, executive director of Foster Family Alliance of North Carolina (FFANC), when asked for input on a new program to help foster and kinship care families learn how to support the brain development of young children. “I love these Brain Insights materials. How soon can we start?” said Osborne upon receiving the "The First 60 Days ” booklet on myths about newborns and their caregivers and the eight “ Neuro-Nurturing ” ringed books. The materials delivered...
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