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Tagged With "sexual abuse prevention"

Blog Post

Trading Sex as a Minor is Sex Trafficking

Adrian Alexander ·
Okay, so I want to share this article with you about the link between ACEs and sex trafficking in the USA. It is titled, " Youth Arrested for Trading Sex Have the Highest Rates of Childhood Adversity: A Statewide Study of Juvenile Offenders ". However, I need to explain something to you (i.e. vent) first... The researchers and article publishers use the term "arrested for trading sex" because in the early part of the century (c. 2014) that was the unfortunate state of the law in the USA...
Blog Post

Young Black Men's Mental Health During Covid-19

Adrian Alexander ·
Research from the UK suggests that men from racialised backgrounds are reporting higher levels of mental distress during the pandemic compared to white men (Proto et al., 2021). Contributing factors include bereavement, loneliness and worries about coronavirus and misinformation.
Blog Post

Building a Multi-System Trauma-Informed Collaborative.

Adrian Alexander ·
Since the effects of childhood trauma do not play out in isolation, an effective response to child trauma should benefit not only children but the communities in which they live. This feeds into what we know from studies about factors that impact a child's growth - they occur within the family, community and also are climate-related. Multiple studies reveal the extremely high percentage of youth in contact with the law and under the care of social services who have been exposed to violence...
Blog Post

How Trauma-Informed Care Can Prevent Youth Incarceration

Adrian Alexander ·
Last week we looked at 'Punishing Abuse', a report which showed that the majority of youth offenders in a research done in West Midlands, UK had a history of childhood abuse and trauma. Today's post examines this from a US state perspective, through the audio accounts of former juveniles in conflict with the law. Please take a listen to them as they discuss their childhood adversities and later criminal involvement. Also interviewed is a clinician who shares how Trauma-Informed Care can...
Blog Post

When Oppression Becomes Competition.

Adrian Alexander ·
Big Shout-Out to @Real_Toons on Instagram who creates these amazing cartoons and sparks a series of interesting discussions. While the cartoon is framed with a Black man and a Black woman from America, the question I want to raise here is "Do we see this in our discussions around ACEs?" The outcry against racial injustice in 2020 has triggered multiple events which reminded some and gave a platform for many to highlight the generational trauma inherent in slavery. However atrocious that...
Blog Post

Interesting Weekend Tweet.

Adrian Alexander ·
For us in the Caribbean, there is a tendency to cover up sex crimes committed against children by their relatives. When the offence is made known, the first call is seldom to the police but to other relatives. This is often done to strategize how to preserve the family's reputation (albeit at the expense of the child's mental and physical health), may be motivated by a false sense of protection to spare the child the shame of the offence being made public, or to confer some benefits upon the...
Blog Post

Are ACEs Overplayed?

Adrian Alexander ·
Hello everyone! It's Friday again. To send you into the weekend, we want to ask you to put your thinking caps on. In reading the literature, it is clear that there is no unanimity with respect to the role that the Adverse Childhood Experiences study should have in guiding public health. One nation in which there has been much thought given to the issue is Scotland. In 2019 two advocates squared off to share their respective points of view as to the value of the ACEs research and how best it...
Blog Post

Wondering Wednesday - Could Your Children Study Here?

Adrian Alexander ·
Hello everyone! Welcome to "Wondering Wednesday" where we share insights and experiments from across the globe and inquire how they might work in the Caribbean. For many of our territories, there have been waves of the Coronavirus and those have led to periodic imposition and relaxation of various public health restrictions. At present, Trinidad and Tobago is under a 3-week period of restrictions where beaches and rivers are off-limits following the Easter holiday weekend and a spike in...
Blog Post

Florida Study Reveals Link Between ACEs and Sex Trafficking of Minors

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone! We trust you are doing well and enjoying the Community and benefiting from the resources being shared by our members. It is the 25th day of the month and you know what that means - we are looking at the issue of ACEs in the context of human trafficking. Today we have another resource to show the link between childhood adversity and the vulnerability of persons with high ACE scores to human trafficking. In this 2016 study, " Human Trafficking of Minors and Childhood Adversity in...
Blog Post

Still I Rise - A Documentary Highlighting Sex Trafficking (with ACEs Lurking in the Background).

Adrian Alexander ·
Hey everyone! We hope the weekend has been a blast so far. As you know, we rarely post on the weekend. However, although it is Sunday, the date is the 25th of April, so we are sharing this post in fulfilment of our promise to highlight the issue of ACEs and Human Trafficking on the 25th day of every month. We did submit a post on the topic on 1st April to observe the 10th Anniversary of the laying in Parliament of the Trafficking In Persons Bill in Trinidad and Tobago. If you missed it,...
Blog Post

May 6-7: Canadian Sexual Exploitation Summit: Disrupt Demand

Adrian Alexander ·
Hello everyone! Are you interested in Trauma and ACEs as they relate to child sexual exploitation and human trafficking? Well, there is an upcoming Summit which you should enjoy. It will take place this week so be ready to take action. This year's edition of the Canadian Sexual Exploitation Summit will be held virtually on May 6 and 7 with the theme: "Disrupt Demand". With over 50 Canadian, American and international speakers and presenters, the Agenda of the Summit will cover a wide cross...
Blog Post

Wellness Wednesday - Burnout Prevention

Adrian Alexander ·
Good morning everyone! Happy Wellness Wednesday - This post is to reinforce the truth that we are not living in isolation. We're all born into a family, community and nation. When one of us is struggling or feels overwhelmed, because we are born into and live in community, it means we can and should have access to help from others around us. Being present, they have the opportunity to help in the interest of supporting the community. In a sense, therefore, self care is linked to community...
Blog Post

North Carolina Looks at Feasibility of Having Trauma-Informed Courts.

Adrian Alexander ·
Hello ACEs Caribbean Community! Do you think that Trauma-Informed Courts will work well in the Caribbean? Before you say, "No", remember that some of the region's justice systems already have examples of problem solving courts. Last week, PACEs Connection staff member, Ms Carey Sipp posted that "p lans to integrate practices and policies based on the science of adverse childhood experiences in North Carolina’s 6,500-person,100-county statewide judiciary were announced... by Chief Justice...
Blog Post

Human Trafficking Training on Protective Factors for Children.

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone. As stated before we're posting on issues related to ACEs and Human Trafficking at least once per month on the 25th usually. In addition to a regularly scheduled blog post, we want to.imgorm you that this month there will be a webinar on the issue of Protective Factors for Children taking place on the 25th from 2:00 p.m. EST. It is being hosted by the US National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center. It will highlight emerging trends and case studies on how...
Blog Post

ACEs and the Oldest Oppression.

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone. So it's still the 25th and apart from expressing how important it is to use appropriate language when discussing child trafficking and exploitation, we do have another post for you on this important topic of ACEs and Human Trafficking. Mrs Harmony Grillo, a Survivor Leader and founder of the nonprofit Treasures, recently did a TEDx Talk titled, The Oldest Oppression in the World. As you can expect, she is referring to the sexual exploitation of primarily women and girls in...
Blog Post

Profiles and behavioral consequences of child abuse among adolescent girls and boys from Barbados and Grenada

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone. Can you believe that we are at the end of July this weekend? Time is flying! For this Food for Thought Friday we have a study titled " Profiles and behavioral consequences of child abuse among adolescent girls and boys from Barbados and Grenada " by Agata Debowska, Daniel Boduszek, Nicole Sherretts, Dominic Willmott, and Adele D. Jones of the University of Sheffield and University of Huddersfield. It is published in Child Abuse & Neglect, (Volume 79, May 2018, Pages 245-258)...
Blog Post

Promoting positive parenting for families in poverty: New directions for improved reach and engagement

Adrian Alexander ·
Good Friday morning everyone. How was your week? I am sure we are all looking forward to the weekend. As we set things up for this week's "Food For Thought Friday", we want to examine an area which was excluded from the original ACE study of 1998 - that is, the consideration of poverty. It has been an area of criticism of the original study especially where researchers desiring to replicate it want to address the needs of persons living in cramped urban conditions. There is a 2017 study done...
Blog Post

Wellness Wednesday - The steps that can help adults heal from childhood trauma

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone! This Wellness Wednesday we are looking at an article written by Shanta R. Dube, Associate Professor, School of Public Health, Georgia State University. In writing in 2107, she focused on the fact that ACEs can be a cycle that is hard to break if we only deal with it from the perspective of the child. "Prevention is the mantra of modern medicine and public health. Benjamin Franklin said it himself: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Unfortunately, childhood...
Blog Post

California PACEs Connection initiatives spark new connections in regional meeting

Laurie Udesky ·
Among PACEs Connection initiatives around the country, it’s well known that our social network is something like a bustling, giant town square where people share ideas, resources and any number of conversations about how to prevent childhood adversity and promote positive childhood experiences. On May 14, PACEs Connection assembled a virtual town square gathering of PACEs initiatives in California, where we have 58 initiatives sparking action all across the state. Speakers at the gathering,...
Blog Post

Wrestling Ghosts Watch Weekend on PACEs Connection (June 11-13th) & Zoom Discussion with Director Ana Joanes on June 15th at 7p.m. EST. 

Christine Cissy White ·
Wrestling Ghosts is the fourth and final film in the Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Film Festival series. The film can be watched, free of charge, on PACEs Connection from Friday, June 11th through Sunday, June 13th where it will be streamed all weekend. The streaming will be followed by a Zoom discussion with Wrestling Ghosts Director, Ana Joanes, and the co-sponsors of the Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Film Festival (CTIPP, PACEs Connection, & the Relentless School Nurse) on...
Blog Post

Reclaiming the Narrative of Black Fatherhood

Dwana Young ·
Fathers play a critical role in the healthy development of children and families. This is why it's important to address structural and systemic barriers that prevent Black men from being fully present in their children's lives—so that all families have a chance to thrive. My wife and I have been married since 2019, but we’ve known each other since we were 14-year-olds. We are raising a blended family. She has a daughter who is 9 and a 7-year-old son. I have a son who is 8, and together we...
Blog Post

5 ways to create compelling messages about childhood trauma using data

Heather Gehlert ·
When presented strategically, data can help tell an important story about childhood trauma. Here are a few tips for presenting numbers in ways that advance efforts to reduce adversity, promote resilience, and improve health outcomes.
Blog Post

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons Coming Up on 30 July

Adrian Alexander ·
Good Sunday morning everyone. We hope you are enjoying the weekend. While we seldom post on the weekend, today is different. Why? Well, because it's the 25th of the month and, as promised, we want to bring you a post that highlights the issue of slavery and human trafficking. This week will mark the United Nations observance of World Day Against Trafficking In Persons on 30th July. The commemoration of the Day was proclaimed in December 2013 by the United Nations General Assembly, in its...
Blog Post

When Cyclones Party In Your Backyard

Adrian Alexander ·
Happy "Fri-yay" to everyone! Over the past week ago, the world was shocked out of its focus on evolving virus strains when the media launched an all-out assault on our sensibilities with headlines that screamed " Code RED for humanity !" What they were referring to was not an alien invasion or zombie apocalypse but the report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) that the climate crisis was propelling us to a point where, even with our best efforts, we would not be able...
Blog Post

There are no perfect parents!

Dwana Young ·
"Parenting is a learned skill, but society says as parents we can only talk about the good things that happen while parenting. It judges parents based on the child’s behavior, clothing and their school attendance. Children are judged by their parent’s behavior, clothing and choices. There is no shortage of blame, shame and judgment to go around. So what happens when a parent has a high ACE score and they want to truly prevent their children from having the same? What happens when they want...
Blog Post

Institutional Child Sexual Abuse: Problem and Prevention

Billie-Jo Grant ·
Despite institutional child sexual abuse being a known and alarming issue, most recently highlighted by investigations of the Boy Scouts and USA Gymnastics, little is known about the extent of the problem and best practices for prevention. Yesterday, PACEs Connection hosted a webinar with Dr. Billie-Jo Grant and Terri Miller, experts in school employee sexual misconduct. They cover the scope of the problem, why it is so difficult to address, and best practices for prevention.
Blog Post

Path to a Just Society: Our new infographic shares common language and an aspirational path.

Carey Sipp ·
Our version of a “Path to a Just Society” is our first attempt at creating a common language and identifying points along the path to a just society. The Race and Equity workgroup of PACEs Connection started the project in early 2021, following a staff meeting where we realized that we, our organization and the movement needed this. We think it can help all of us gauge where we are, where we want to be, and what’s needed to get to the next level of integrating practices and policies based on...
Blog Post

Suicide Prevention Resources

Dwana Young ·
Experts agree that the best way to prevent suicide is to talk about it, but people are often afraid to bring it up. Stigma plays a big role in our reluctance, but it’s also scary to acknowledge that someone you love might be feeling suicidal. People are understandably afraid of saying the wrong thing, too. In recognition of Suicide Prevention Awareness month, this week on we share resources for families worried about suicide. Teenagers are notoriously prickly and teenagers...
Blog Post

Now is the time for community schools for all

Lara Kain ·
Community schools have been an effective school improvement strategy for over a century, implemented in both urban and rural areas across the country — yet many people have never heard of this dynamic approach to school design. Whole districts have invested in this model over the past several decades, from Oakland to New York City, from Duluth, Minnesota to Tulsa, Oklahoma. California recently approved $2.8 billion in the 2022 fiscal year budget for the implementation of community schools...
Blog Post

How We Heal from Adverse Childhood Experiences

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
It’s not time, but an integrated recovery plan that heals.
Blog Post

Radical Self-Care for Survivors of Suicide Loss (

What does self-care mean, and what does it involve? Simply put, it implies— physical, emotional, psychological, social and spiritual care. The very idea of survivors of suicide loss practicing self-care can seem radical. The stigma, shame, secrecy and silence that a survivor faces invisibilizes, erases and marginalizes any of their valid concerns. Equally relevant, most survivors themselves feel they are not entitled to any form of support—either from themselves or from others. On a...
Blog Post

Radical Self-Care for Survivors of Suicide Loss (

What does self-care mean, and what does it involve? Simply put, it implies— physical, emotional, psychological, social and spiritual care. The very idea of survivors of suicide loss practicing self-care can seem radical. The stigma, shame, secrecy and silence that a survivor faces invisibilizes, erases and marginalizes any of their valid concerns. Equally relevant, most survivors themselves feel they are not entitled to any form of support—either from themselves or from others. On a...
Blog Post

FREE 2-Day Conference on The Body Keeps The Score

Adrian Alexander ·
Happy weekend, everyone! We don't usually post on a weekend but we have some exciting news! Dr Bessel Van Der Kolk is offering a 2-day virtual conference on his landmark presentation, The Body Keeps the Score, on 13th and 14th December 2021. The fact that it is free and open to everyone makes it even more exciting. "I’m presenting this training to serve as both a guide and an invitation—an invitation to dedicate ourselves to facing the reality of trauma, to explore how best to treat it, and...
Blog Post

Explore this framework for Ways that Faith Communities can Prevent and Address Trauma

Bill Barberg ·
Watch this 7-minute video to explore a strategy map of how faith communities can better prevent and address trauma.
Blog Post

Nightmares and ACEs: They No Longer Need Rule the Night

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
Recurring nightmares lead to much needless suffering for survivors of adverse childhood experiences—suffering that goes well beyond disturbed sleep. Five steps help take back the night.
Blog Post

ICYMI - Building a National Movement to Prevent Trauma and Foster Resilience.

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone, as things appear to be reopening globally, the world is in dire need of support to address the emotional trauma of the past 2 years. Therefore, preventing trauma and fostering resilience are skills that will be in great demand. In case you missed it, there is a free workshop series titled "Building a National Movement to Prevent Trauma and Foster Resilience" that is in progress to share information on how to accomplish that objective. This is an initiative of the Campaign for...
Blog Post

PACEs Research Corner — April 2022

Jane Stevens ·
[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — — that focuses on the effects of abuse, and includes research articles on PACEs. Every month, she posts the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs, PCEs and PACEs. Thank you, Harise!! — Jane Stevens] Child Abuse Vermeulen S, Alink LRA, van Berkel SR. Child Maltreatment During School and Childcare Closure Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Child Maltreat. 2022 Feb...
Blog Post

New Podcast Episode! Get to know the Leaders of the Caribbean ACEs Movement

Alison Cebulla ·
Latchkey Urchins are kids who grew up unsupervised or without attentive emotional care. Latchkey Urchins & Friends Podcast delves into trauma and childhood emotional neglect topics weekly through survivor and expert interviews. We bring a touch of humor to these normally heavy topics—laughing about life's never-ending struggles, even as we quest to create a future free from violence. In this week's episode, cohosts Anne and Alison (me!) interview @Adrian Alexander and @Juleus Ghunta ,...
Blog Post

Reach Within from Grenada Wins Award from Island Innovation and Clinton Foundation.

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone, we have exciting news to share! A Caribbean organisation called Reach Within that operates on the island of Grenada has been awarded the COVID-19 Response Award for its innovative programmes over the past 2 years by Island Innovation , in partnership with the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative . The virtual awards ceremony took place on April 25, 2022. Island Innovation is an official nominating organization for The Earthshot Prize a global prize launched by...
Blog Post


Shakima Tozay ·
By Shakima L. Tozay, (first published @ Are you emotionally and physically exhausted? Do you no longer feel a sense of personal accomplishment in your work? Have you become more disconnected from your co-worker? Over the last 2 years, the emotional impacts of the pandemic and the exodus of workers in what has been called the Great Reshuffle, has taken a major toll on many leaders. Last year, nearly 48 million U.S. workers left their jobs. Additionally, the “hidden...
Blog Post

To prevent mass shootings, stop relying on the myth of motive; start doing forensic ACE investigations

Jane Stevens ·
Because in his 180-page diatribe, 18-year-old Payton Gendron provided a motive for shooting 10 people in Buffalo, NY, on Saturday night, police didn’t need to search for one, as they often have other in mass shootings. But if we want to prevent mass shootings, using motive as a way to prevent mass shootings will just get you a useless answer to the wrong question.
Blog Post

Dave Ellis put NJ on solid footing to advance PACEs science practices, policies

Jane Stevens ·
Two years ago, instead of retiring as planned, Dave Ellis decided to apply for the new position of “executive on loan” to create and lead the New Jersey Office of Resilience (OoR) in the Department of Children and Families (DCF). It is the first state-level office to integrate policies and practices based on the science of positive and adverse childhood experiences. His appointment electrified the national PACEs movement, not only because he was a pioneer in the movement, but because the...
Blog Post

Homelessness is a journey that starts in the family

Melanie Blow ·
Talking about homelessness in the context of ACEs lets us talk about primary prevention and successful intervention in a way we simply cannot right now.
Blog Post

Secondary Traumatic Stress - a Hidden Epidemic Join Us Sept. 30th

The "Great Resignation," "Quiet Quitting," and rising social awareness of historical racism have all brought attention to a common but frequently overlooked hazard of caregiving professions: Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS). In the execution of duties, professions that support our society with compassion and empathy can face traumatic stress from exposure to the experiences of the people that they are there to support. This stress can have deleterious physical and emotional consequences...
Blog Post

10 Tips for Sexual Abuse Prevention

Meghan Backofen ·
When we consider the high numbers of children that are sexually abused it is disappointing how little is out there to support parents in prevention efforts. Although Erin’s Law has brought Sexual Abuse Prevention to many children in the school setting, parents are still often at a loss as to how to talk to their children about this difficult topic. As a therapist who has specialized in treating child sexual abuse for twenty years, I have crossed paths with thousands of children and families...
Blog Post

What Does Trauma-Informed Leadership Look Like in Practice?

Shenandoah Chefalo ·
Trauma-informed leadership is crucial if you want to accomplish trauma-informed change in your organization. Here’s some expert advice on how you can become a trauma-informed leader. 1. Acknowledge that cultural change is just as important as technical change Our problem-solving brains often focus on technical change when we talk about organizational change. We ask, “ What processes can we put in place to prevent this issue?” when we should ask, “What cultural norms are contributing to this...
Blog Post

Happy New Year 2024!

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone, I know that it's been a long minute since we last posted. Please accept our sincere apologies for that. 🥺 Over the past 6 months or so, some countries of the Caribbean have faced a number of challenges which can be addressed through a more holistic lens, including an understanding of childhood adversity and how better to prevent and respond to it. For the new year, we propose to be more regular in sharing information relevant to the region and, with your support, to roll out a...
Blog Post

Plans afoot to bring stability to PACEs Connection

Carey Sipp ·
To all of you, who, like me, love this website and want to see it and its communities flourish as we work to prevent and heal trauma; build resiliency: please know there is a move afoot by a small group of strategic partners to find a suitable host for PACEs Connection. More will be announced in the coming days. In the meantime, friends, we are figuring out email addresses and other communications logistics and opportunities. PEACE! Carey Sipp, former director of strategic partnerships ...
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